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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. i have previously tried to install drivers for several broadcom products and let me tell you something...it was an absolute pain in the butt......they just dont want to play nicely with linux - from what ive heard is that they refuse to give out specifications for their product so people cannot write good drivers for them.... ...dont know what to tell you...good luck
  2. .....i dont believe this is possible - sure it sounds xfile twilight zone freaky, but .... id say no
  3. some reasons reason why i recommend ocz ram and ocz power supplies is because i have used both and i couldnt be happier....they have one of the highest standards out there and thus produce very high quality components..... also, dfi motherboards are known not to work very well with certain ram/power supplies - dfi motherboards such as this one, require very steady/stable power to be provided - and some power supplies do this very poorly.... if in doubt, visit dfi-street.com and the recommendations section to make sure that a component you are buying is compatible with their products
  4. citing their privacy notice: The information we collect may be combined with information obtained from other Microsoft services and other companies. We do not sell, rent, or lease our customer lists to third parties. In order to help provide our services, we occasionally provide information to other companies that work on our behalf.
  5. Motherbpard: DFI LP nf4 Ultra-D (socket 939) ~120 CPU: 4800 x2 (socket 939) ~230 RAM: OCZ Gold 2GB DDR500 ~200 bux Power supply: OCZ GameXStream 600W or 700W (depending on how much power you need) ~120-150 Video card: Your choice....its all about how much power you want (7900GT is a good choice) Case: Your choice.... and bam, you got yourself a good setup
  6. ....well, i did not consider it because this guy wants to add in a 2nd 7950 down the road, and i did not find any good motherboards that support core 2 duo and that are decent in overclocking and that support dual sli vid cards - ....thats why i decided to go with a combination that I know will work as good as it gets
  7. i did not want to touch vcore because i want it to run as cool as possible - 2.75GHz out of a 1.8GHz processor is a damn nice speed - it benchmarks like a king....opteron all the way at least, untill I try out a conroe computer and test it against an opteron
  8. you are absolutely right...activation is not a support issue - they should help you no matter what - but if you cannot access your windows, something must have gone wrong.....why not resintall it again ?
  9. ......for another customer of mine... Opteron 165 Dual core (o/c to 2.75ghz on stock vcore) DFI SLI-DR Expert motherboard 2gb of Gskill HZ DDR500 Ram 2 hard drives in raid 0 eVGA 7950x2 video card thermaltake armor case this thing absolute flys ......just wanted to share my thoughts....oh yeah, ive been able to pull off 10k on 3dmark06
  10. i dont think the case here is that microsoft doesnt support x64 - the problem is that if its an OEM product, I think they do not give fee support for it either way, if its regarding a cd key not working, they should help you edit: i am sure they do not give support for OEM products...
  11. copy and paste ? ....am i missing something here ?
  12. um yeah.....if your key isnt showing to be working, really, the only way to resolve is to call microsoft support and get them to fix it...
  13. ill get it way before it hits the shelves gotta love my skool
  14. not many 64bit programs for a regular computer user out there
  15. yes...i come from the future, and let me tell you.....its nothing like you've ever imagined....
  16. its a viewsonic vx922 19incher - 2ms response time
  17. .....old V new comparison
  18. ive used same cd key with multiple copies of windows xp without any problems (....back ups of my original one) - i honestly do not see any bad in downloading a copy of windows xp if you already own the license for the product - your cd got damaged...oh well - you bought a license to use a product, not a license to use the cd
  19. maybe because 250kb is the limit they set for you, the absolute max they allow per single connection....
  20. i wont see it....the entire concept of a movie seems very disappealing to me
  21. ....pshhhhhhhh......geez....ive seen these before...just a crazy price tag
  22. if you dont want someone looking into your computer, wouldnt you password protect it ?
  23. eh...im still on sp1 - and i will be for a long time - tough luck....i never dl a single update anyway....
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