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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. we cannot really tell you which multiplier to use to make your cpu go faster....that is something you will have to discover on your own - chances are even a single increase in a multiplier will not allow your computer to boot up without doing other changes.... multipliers should really not be touched that often...it is the frequency that should be tuned.... the reason why is because lets say your frequency is 200mhz - and your multiplier is 10 - in this case you are running 2ghz as the speed for your processor. A single increase in multiplier (if we are doing only whole numbers) will bring you up to 11*200 = 2.2ghz.....that CAN, but might not, affect your stability.... Most CPU's run the highest multiplier available to being with - so an option to increase the multiplier is non existent - fsb (frequency) is your friend !
  2. i guess i should have submitted my upload test from last night 800+ kB/s - having near 10mb upload roxorz !
  3. what kind of a registry program ? - what do you want it to do
  4. true...i posted this a while back...same goes for windows xp pro...they have very cheap upgrades to vista home or something similar
  5. Here is my version of that smily face:
  6. Upgrades are always available, but they are not free - unless the person who you bought your computer from promissed you a free upgrade once vista comes out
  7. who wants to think about something like this.......its pointless.......as long as we are living a life in a community of people our information is exploited one way or another....being paranoid is useless the only way to save yourself is to limit yourself to your own private island or never get out of the room :0)
  8. newegg.com right now has a program if you order windows xp right now (buy it i mean), when vista comes out, for like 20 or 40 dollars extra you get the upgrade to it... i thought id let you all know - i think its a decent deal
  9. i actually find these to be quite expensive for what you get
  10. Yeah I might as well do that
  11. ...I have decided to take a dive after having discussions with my buddies that are studying medicine and all.... I have decided to start taking hydroxy to prove that it actually does help when loosing weight.... I have taken hydroxycut before, only doing the minimum doseage, even after the 1st week...I have never exceeded more than 2 pills per day with regular exercise, even after a month of doing it - most of the days, I used one pill and it did work just as well.... Now...all bodies react differently - so crap, you cant expect it to work wonders on anyones body - but it indeed does work....I noticed, before when I was taking it for few months, it helps stabilize my apetite and there is no way I could lose as much weight as I did without it...not without starving myself for days and days... Anyway....I ordered my months supply of hydroxycut today, and I should get it by the end of the week...which means by next Monday I shall start my little experiment.... I will weigh myself before and after and post results at the end of the each week....I will go on a moderate diet as well as try and get 1 hour of exercise (45 minutes of running and 15 minutes of whatever else) 4-5 days a week.... Ill report back here.....it shall be a good experiment that I think people would like to know what happens.... Now...is there anyone here who would like to join me in on this....start the 'experiment', if you wanna call it that, together and end it together....anyone that has ever wanted to try something like this...bring it on...we can do this !
  12. i 2nd the power supply......i would not trust my computers life on that one
  13. how can you be sure of that - upgrading is not always a solution - I have not been experiencing this problem before, it started all of a sudden - so I dont think that even microsoft is aware of this issue - i highly doubt sp2 would fix it
  14. and also just to add...when I see that helpsvc has started up - I go into services.msc and just to find that it has been set to automatic - so indeed, it is not a trojan pretending to be a service, its a service starting itself up (WIERD !)
  15. Lately, last couple of months, every once in a while Helpsvc (service used for help and support on windows xp) starts itself up and has a huge memory leak - the service is DISABLED but somehow it starts while I am doing whatever and starts eating memory up - today the mem leak topped out 600MB I run xp sp1 - is anyone having a similar issue ?
  16. LOL
  17. s'niceeeeeee
  18. disturbed

    CDRW disks

    ive had memorex crap out on me many times before - i try sticking to tdk or other brands
  19. id wait another month until the new breed of motherboards matures - i still havent found one that has everything id want in a motherboard - so i opted to wait until its right time
  20. sell it to me
  21. it can be done through windows as well.....windoz has telnet capabilities
  22. how would you double the ram on the router ? - i know that v5 routers had issues of not being able to flash the ddwrt o/s since the memory was not big enough.... i have version 4...i wasnt aware that you can actually increase the amount of memory - explain please
  23. double up your ram ? what ram
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