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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. thats definitely an interesting comparison indeed....and it is true...I love the vx8600 for its sleek looks, but those keys that are totally touch sensitive...well....its hard to find them, although once you get used to it I dont think you will have a problem with it.... and that send/end button issue thing....end button has always been on the same spot with LG phones, same goes for the send/start button.... one thing that motorola has going for it I think is that there is availability to flash the phones software and totally take verizon wireless out of the picture....and actually regain control of all the phones features, not just something that verizon decides to give us
  2. btw, the problem that I am having is that the phone's signal/reception randomly drops from full signal to 0 and at that moment I find myself unable to receive phone calls....I know its not the coverage since I have other verizon wireless phones that get great reception so I figure it must be the phone....what made me skeptical, however, is that this is my 2nd vx8300 since they already gave me a replacement.... but unfortunately the issue still exists, so.....I am sad to say LG Vx8300 has disappointed me....
  3. .....so, im actually gonna step up to lg vx 8600 and if that one gives me problems ill just go to motorola razr..my brother has that phone - its not my first choice, but it has very good signal - which is my main concern
  4. other than the signal and other than the fact that verizon crippled up the phone with their software, this is a very solid phone
  5. I got LG vx8300 few days ago....im returning it on saturday....apperently its a very good phone, everyone says so....but !....I cannot get a decent signal in my house and I have other verizon wireless phones that have perfect signal....im stepping up to lg vx8600
  6. http://www.screentekinc.com/ check this out...i heard they even replace lcd screens if you send your notebook out...id check it out definitely
  7. in my honest opinion waiting for something better, well...you will be waiting forever - if you want an LCD just go out and get it - its a great investment and it is truly better than a crt - ........only the reason of not getting any more eye strain should be enough....health is priceless
  8. do you really look at your screen from an angle ? ......
  9. id go for the samsung 22 inch....simply because it is a local buy + you can get one of those in home warranties for cheap in case monitor stops working........it beats shipping it out
  10. Okay....what a coincedence.....I do not know a lot about TV's but !, if you find a thread out here on testmy.net that I have started..... I have a plasma tv and I have had the same problem you have for the last 2-3 weeks or so....White dots appearing all over my screen, they are there when the screen is light, just harder to see...but when the image is dark/black it is very much easy to see I had a bestbuy guy come out to look at it today, and they are gonna replace some Y and Z board on there...they dont really know which part needs replacing, but ....they will replace both of them thank god I have extended warranty, as these parts are 300-400 each, plus labor !!!
  11. well..the video card requires 18amps and im worried that, since the power supplies max is 20 amps, it wont be able to provide whats needed
  12. plus, going just by numbers, that power supply will berely provide enough current for that video card....assuming that you will not get full 20 amps, how close will you get to the required 18 amps ? ....maybe less ? ....i dont know
  13. there is no way a 30 dollar 500watt power supply can be good....it might work, but you might get frequent power fluctuations which will cause computer freeze ups
  14. i honestly hope they cant, so that I can get a new TV as a replacement hehehehehe
  15. schedule a boot time scan if you can, that should help out a lot
  16. http://www.short-media.com/review.php?r=313 Repair windows in 8 commands its good to know eh
  17. that might be their plan, but I dont believe that will happen...all we can do really is just wait and see
  18. IMO, the choice is clear.......if you dont have a 64bit processor, well...32bit version of vista is your choice, if you have a 64bit capable processor ....i dont see any reason why not go 64bit (even though you can do 32bit as well)...... Vista will be shipped in either 32bit or 64bit versions - not both....im pretty sure of this
  19. they are coming out on Tuesday to check it out
  20. you simply dont overclock from inside windows...it isnt a good thing, i guess thats all i can say here hehehe
  21. I love plasma tv's though - maybe this product was a little defective, maybe its one of the few that simply dont have a long life, but regardless of that I enjoyed it.....I prefer plasma over lcd - and the entire hype of 1080p on lcd is almost non existant when ti comes to plasma tv's I believe......from what I have seen and experienced, 720p on plasma is pretty much equal to 1080p on lcd (picture quality....) just few of my thoughts
  22. since april 05
  23. im calling the warranty dept. right now to try and get someone to come out and fix this or give me a replacement heheheh
  24. No...that does not happen when I am in safe mode - SP2 seems to have brought me a lot of grief ! LOL .....
  25. Quick restart - Let me go try that !
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