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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. Okay...as I have never had this problem before, I really do not know where to start - I was always on SP1 and never had any problems, booting up was almost instantly as I have multiple hard drive raid 0 set up.... Just last week I decided to upgrade to SP2 and B@M there it hit me....My boot time is same, but when I click the user name on which I want to log in the system just halts there for a very long time, a minute ? 2 minutes ? .... What is up with this ? ...this is completely new to me ? ...im clear of trojans/spyware/viruses....I do that stuff on regular basis, as well as defrag.... ....im confused !?
  2. no idea whats happening ?
  3. I have a problem...I own a Zenith 42inch plasma tv - well...it has been all good and I couldnt complain about performance BUT recently, in the last 2-3 weeks I have been getting some sort of DOTS appearing all over my screen.... They are bright white and they are not stationary like dead pixels on an lcd, but they seem to be constantly appearing and disappearing...its like having bad quality cable tv with snow all over the picture... Thats what I thought it was...I thought it was my cable, but no...I decided to watch a DVD today and, there it was....... Does anyone know what the problem is ? ...I bought the 3 year special warranty from best buy that is still valid...should I bring it in for a replacement ? ...is it going dead ?.... Thnx!
  4. ...I know im kinda late for this discussion, but I really dont think there are networks that broadcast 1080p yet edit for spelling and sentence fragment lol
  5. I had a drawing tablet and ... well....i spilled milk over it and it shorted out - hahahah LOL ! - im saving up money for another one
  6. btw....the mouse pad's size is: 17in by 12in - freakin awesome
  7. I bought a new mouse and a mouse pad to assist me in photoshop when I do graphics and so on...... .......first, I gotta say that I am absolutely stunned (...im serious) of how good this mouse is - precision of it is amazing - even outside of photoshop, for example when playing FPS games I can notice significant increase in movement quality and precision......movement is so much smoother (...that thanks goes to the mouse pad), and well....i gotta say again....precise !!! I am soooooooooo glad that I bought the mouse and the pad - this is just after playing around with it for few hours - simply amazing....... mouse: logitec mx518 mouse pad: xtrac ripper XL .....I give both items 6 out of 5 stars for superior quality !!!
  8. ..........just go with it there is no way they will double your bill
  9. i know there are ups and downs to it, but simply have a disclaimer where testmy.net has nothing to do with it - that way, its off the hook if anything happens......and just use common sense, trade with well known members not with ppl with 2 posts
  10. ........i dont know if its an option, but your system is screaming for a better power supply........305w simply isnt enough for a decent video card
  11. i was in denver today..........many flights got cancelled - .....its a very stormy weather out there
  12. ...i think I might have mentioned this before, or not...I dont remember.....but what about having a for sale/trade/buy section here at tmn - where members can sell/trade/buy electronics from other people you get the idea
  13. I have this 42" plasma tv http://www.zenith.com/index.asp?url=./sub_prod/subCategory_Display.asp%3Fcat%3D10 ...it was pretty expensive when I bought it, but the price has gone down...i think its about 2000 right now, maybe even a bit cheaper, i am not sure its not an hdtv, its an edtv - I bought it because I am not planning to get hdtv until 90% of channels out there become hdtv its a plasma tv, about 4 inches thick - has a crap load of different inputs Picture quality is exeptional - whether im just watching tv or something dvd based - im wow'd....viewing angle is very wide as well I have owned this tv for about a year now, and quite honestly, I would buy it again - im totally setisfied
  14. .....okay.....how would I set up a windows xp guest login in such a way: - whenever a person logs out, everything is deleted - all the files they saved and so on ( all except one default folder I set in the beginning as administrator ), all the settings are reset to default ( desktop setup, file position on desktop and so on....you get the idea ), a user also cant install any programs other then what is already installed...... you get the idea....its kinda like the setup that most schools have for students, where everything is deleted/reset each time a user logs out My guess is that ... without some heavy tweaking, this cannot be done solely through windows xp - perhaps I need some 3rd party software ? .... Give me some ideas if you have any Id really appreciate it
  15. yeah.......that was at university of south florida - ive tested at 5-6 different sites, and they all show upload to be 10+, but none of them showed it accurately.......I wanted to test it here on tmn because I knew it gives me the best result regardless of the fact that im currently on the east coast... download topped out at 15mb, but as I said...i was unsuccessful to get even one upload test done.....it tests through all the files, goes through the 12mb file and just shows as fw.php not found when done testing..... ive tested it through internet explorer 6.0
  16. dd-wrt roxor
  17. When I try and do the upload test on any mirror, I get an error saying some page fw.php does not exist I have, tested on different websites, and strangely they all state the current upload speed is 10MB+.... Well...its possible, I would just like to find out how fast upload actually is....
  18. same goes for FSP power supply you have listed - their power supplies are among one of the best ones out there - FSP, OCZ, PCpower and cooling - are the highest quality power supplies out there
  19. lol !?
  20. one of my old computers.....old compaq 400mhz i believe.....slow as @#$%, got even slower when I upgraded to win ME - .....thank god I did not pay for it, since I got it from my friend when he did not need it.......the old compaq was all right for its day, but win me.......I have to say, was terrible.......I have never experienced so many frequent lock ups/bsods as I did with that o/s.......simply not good
  21. disturbed


    additional pci/pci express cards might share the same irq address as other devices, which are often reasons for bsod's - as someone already states, just try and switch slots if you can and see if that fixes the problem
  22. disturbed

    Upgrade CPU

    say no to dell/gateway/hp/compaq/sony(?)........did i miss anything else ?
  23. disturbed

    power supply

    ........dont overlook the power supply requirement - you want something quality and reliable, especially if you are spending so much on other components i recommend this product as I have used 5 OCZ power supplies so far, and they all do an excellent job http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16817341001
  24. disturbed

    Upgrade CPU

    ........the processor you have is more than able to do what you are asking it to do........if you want more out of it - try and overclock it, other than that....id say any extra money is a waste
  25. some of them are only trailers.....but there are few films that are actually working good.......every tv show, however, that i have tried, worked fine
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