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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. dont listen to ca3le ( ) .... go with nvidia....all joking aside, id go nvidia
  2. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 6990 Kbps about 7 Mbps (tested with 12159 kB) Upload Speed is:: 853 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 2) Test Time:: 2007/03/07 - 5:36pm Bottom Line:: 122X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 1.2 sec Tested from a 12159 kB file and took 14.25 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 150.18 % faster than the average for host (asu.edu) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-D5RBJPT1F User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061221 Fedora/ Firefox/ [!]
  3. Well, I sort of ran into a road block - or, maybe not..... Assume this situation....I have windows XP install on hard drive 1, and I have VISTA installed on hard drive 2.... My BIOS requires me to choose from which hard drive I want to boot initially...the problem is, each hard drive now has its own boot file.... Both OS's boot fine when booting from hard drive separately, but that can get annoying... I understand that Windows VISTA has a different boot loader, but assuming that there two operating systems are on different hard drives, I really want to set my hard drive 1 (the one that has windows xp) as my default boot hard drive.... so.....I need to add vista to the good old windows xp boot.ini I know how to add entries and such, but I am having bad luck nailing the right combination of entries....does anyone have a similar situation and can help me with creating a correct entry for windows vista ?
  4. disable vsync ..... its very much possible you have it enabled, thats why you are getting 60 fps (assuming your monitor refresh rate is set to 60) - that should solve your problem
  5. if you use a debit/checking card that amount will be taken off and credited back once they receive it ... if you use a credit card, no amount will be charged....credit cards can 'hold payments' for a long time without reflecting changes on ur account....so by all means, use a credit card if you have one
  6. stuff should run much better on ur new machine, period.....there is no such app really - there are patches/fixes/drivers for dual core processors, but thats about it.... what frame rate are you getting ? .....does it seem it is constantly hitting some frame rate, sort of bouncing around it ? - if so, you probably have the vsync turned on, or some sort of a game internal command that limits frame number
  7. most likely yes - when ur changing out ur motherboard/cpu its best you really reformat everything to avoid any possible issues
  8. I am interested to find out what some of you recommend out there for my situation.... I have 2 hard drives in raid 0 to which I cannot afford to lose data - I have a 3rd hard drive being added tomorrow mainly to be used for backups, but also for Vista and another o/s What backup software do you all use ? ....I plan on backing up weekly and I like manual backups rather than automated tools - something effective that I can use to copy the raid data to the 3rd hard drive and instantly restore its state if necessary let me know what you think
  9. seagate generation 10 hard drive instead of a maxtor .... but thats just a preference
  10. i can unlock ur razr....pm me if interested
  11. gracias for the screenshots......it looks tight.......im just waiting till i buy a hard drive for it, other than that ill have it installed in no time as well
  12. Its always like that.......right now all of the major forums out there probably have 1 main thread about vista...first impressions and such, and a crap load of support threads for drivers and such... One thing, that really bothers me is that everyone was talking about the aero desktop that vista is supposed to have.....vista is out !? ....i want to see some screenshots !
  13. those are all burst speeds though.......sustained speeds are so much less, thats why im saying I get about 80mb/s sustained speed
  14. sata 2 speeds top out somewhere around 80mb/s on a single drive i believe.....something like that.......i get about 120mb/s on my raid 0 setup
  15. ....ugh....too annoying
  16. its a toyota supra
  17. vista is gonna be buggy as hell for a while....
  18. disturbed

    [big request]

    good luck finding that animation
  19. I finally had some time to work on this project so I sort of finished the wheels and started working on the details..... a lot more to be done though....details, interior, color, shadows....but ill get to it
  20. no luck here ........ 1gb as far as I could get to work on it
  21. Yep http://www.newegg.com/ProductSort/SubCategory.asp?SubCategory=147&name=Desktop-Memory You'll find a wide selection here, some of the lowest prices around
  22. one could argue either way
  23. 99.9999% ? so basically 99.999% of all the computers in this world are due for an upgrade ? lol....you sure about that number ?
  24. i got my vista last week through msdn for free ......still not making the switch though as I'll be without half of my stuff because of lack of drivers...so....gonna wait a bit longer or perhaps set it up to run along windows xp
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