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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. this is by far, i believe, the best topic hijack ever LOL
  2. hehehehe lOL - well said
  3. I agree....drug companies are somewhat evil - dont get me wrong, im thankful for all the medicine out there, but they are in here ultimately to make money
  4. ......ive witnessed to gypsies skinning cats hehehehehehe
  5. In 1950, Dr. Ernest T. Krebs, Jr. discovered the vitamin called B-17. His research on it, showed that it attacks cancers cells, and can be used as a very effective cancer treatment. Opposition to B-17 was ignited, however. This is because B-17 contains cyanide; a known poison. Krebs went on to show that the cyanide in B-17 is not harmful to us, because of it's molecular structure. To further prove his point, he injected a generous amount of B-17 into his own arm. He showed no ill effects whatsoever ( ...source: http://myblessedhome.blogspot.com/2006/04/cure-to-cancer.html ) I've been researching this for a while now. The possible reasons for the ban of B17 on the basis that it contains cyanide, which is a poison. Exposure to high levels of cyanide harms the brain/heart - but its all around us. Lots of fruit/vegetables contain B17 vitamin......There have been numerous case studies about this amazing vitamin - people have been known to be cured of cancer by taking in large amounts of B17 on daily basis.....You cannot really buy it, at least not here in U.S. (...legally lol), but you can get it in other forms what do you think ?
  6. hahahah lol
  7. sounds good ! ....i guess I will just give it a try and learn it on my own lol....it will be an adventure, for sure !
  8. its all right you'll learn the techniques as you practice more and more
  9. ...well I finally got my hand on 3d studio max 9 from my school - now !....does anyone know any good beginners tutorials !?...simple shape modeling step by step...that kinda stuff....i goggled, don't get me wrong, but did not find what im looking for....
  10. if you get a chance just play with it....it becomes addictive fast its one of those things like: you start playing with it, you see what it can do...soon you are staying up 3am on a school night trying to make something cool.....its a hobby pretty much - or a job for some people
  11. in certain lighting conditions its very hard to create a realistic looking effect - like for example.... changing the color from blue to black that simple...anything thats related to white or black is generally hard(or at least harder) ... so from any color to white/black or from white/black to any other color - its probably the trickiest thing...especially when trying to make the color look realistic - now if i was lets say cartooning the car it would be a different scenario..ill show you what i mean when I get home from work...i have a perfect example
  12. yeah....like carbon fiber hood - that was sort of the idea
  13. i dont like the car much either, but hey; it turned out good heh
  14. ....i was hoping id get some critique/comments and least hehehehe
  15. ...almost done, just gotta change out the backdrop, but you get the basic idea - the watermark i put there since the image is not complete yet, and this is a public forum after all
  16. lol okay...try this test please: http://www.testmy.net/dl-48638
  17. if you have firefox....try with that......try also disabling a firewall while you are testing, that can sometimies alter the results
  18. if you are using internet explorer, clear out your cookies/temporary files and all that....also make sure you do not press the BACK button on your browser during testing
  19. unless you are paying for a 100mb connection, that is cached
  20. I have to point out my personal experience: testmy has always been the ONLY, and I do mean the ONLY website that offered true and always consistent test results
  21. legitimate download of a movie ? .....thats a tough one
  22. replace the hard drive and you got yourself a laptop hehehe
  23. ...This has happend many times while I test from locations other than my home - school, work, etc.....most of those places have very high upload speeds and Im almost never able to test them as they are.... The upload test finishes fine (12mb test) and then it just stays on the Forwarding results page (bottom of IE says...done, but with errors) any particular reason why this is happening ? ...this doesnt seem to be an issue for me when I test with an average upload speed connection
  24. Seriously....relax man, its a public forum - its here as a privilege to you and others, not as a right - if there is need for disciplinary action of some kind, TMN mods take care of it promptly....otherwise, don't worry and don't let this kinda stuff get to you
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