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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. ..I give it 5 stars simply because its pure facts + good way of showing them
  2. http://zeitgeistmovie.com/ ...It's about 2 hours long - starts off kind of slow but the documentary is dead on about lots of facts - especially religion...I personally enjoyed watching it and finding some things out that I did not know edit...added the name of the movie to the title...
  3. In case some folks here get offended read the small print: I like having interesting discussions with people and while it sometimes might seem that its getting ugly and out of hand....it isn't, I just like interesting conversations
  4. I never said that Spanish is my native language - you just assumed it - isn't that stereotyping ? ...I'm from eastern europe....
  5. See a big problem with learning english is that a lot of folks aren't young any more.....when you have a person that is 50 and doesn't speak a word of english and all of a sudden they have to, chances are they will either avoid it or struggle with it very much which might depress them.......they arent teenagers any more that you can just throw any language on and they will get it without much problem (hopefully) As far as saying either learn the language or leave the country, that simply isn't right. This kind of mentality has been around some folks for a long time, decades for some, but it is not currently enforced nor will it ever be....I find that kind of attitude to be very crude and unwelcoming...personally, I think that it is just as bad as stereotyping or racism When I came here back in 98 I really didn't speak a word of english and now its like my first language....for my parents thats another story....they came here as old folks, my dad speaks english since he was exposed to it for years while working all over the world while my mom hasnt had that kind of an exposure....she can barely speak any english now, even after almost 10 years.........its partly due to age and partly due to changes in life and depression.....is she worthy of being here ? ...hell yes, just as much as anyone that has lived here their entire lives enough of me babbling.....you get the idea of where I'm getting at....it just isn't logical to force people to learn something...if they want to and if they realize that they will have a better life, they will..on their own
  6. but yeah, all we need is someone to go out and buy a certain brand of this particular battery to see exactly what we are dealing with here.... these bigger batteries are usually built for delivering a lot more current since they have smaller batteries connected in parallel...kinda like the car battery, which is only rated for 12.XX volts - the reason why its so big is because its delivering a lot of current to other electrical car parts....200A+ or something like that I think...
  7. well to build 6v with 1.5 volt batteries you need 4 of those babies connected in series ? yes ? ....i watched the video over and over again and to me it didnt appear that that big battery had 4 rows of batteries, it seemed to be 2 (4 x 4 in each row, and 2 rows = 32 total)... and if there are 2 rows only it would mean each battery is then 3v and not 1.5v that equals a standard AA size battery ....just something to consider
  8. for some reason I dont believe this would be as efficient as a standard AA battery
  9. should be more than plenty if you think it provides enough power...
  10. ....right on the money
  11. ...im with stupid LOL ...i meant to say:
  12. usenet does not require invites but it is not free....i have had it for few years now and it is definitely worth the $ - it is basically a collection of newsgroups which contain files/etc.....just google usenet and it will explain everything.... I use usenext.com although there are other subscription services as well - they have a 1 month trial so test it out
  13. usenet ...there is no alternative, you simply gotta try it out to see
  14. nowdays pretty much any time is good time to upgrade.....new technologies are coming out every month - i wouldn't bother waiting at all because like tommie said, same story every month....
  15. hahahah lol - dead on hit ! lol
  16. i have some cool pics ill share.......i also took a picture of a small tornado that was closing in on the island LOL
  17. ........I've been gone for about 2 weeks, in a way - I thought it would be very valuable that I announce my return heheh lol - went to key west for my vacation - one word: awesome !
  18. An iphone: $499 A telephone plan: $49.99 A data plan: $39.99 ---------------------------------------------------- Surgically altering your fat thumbs using a procedure referred to as whittling to be able to use a shiny new device better known as an iphone: priceless Visa - going where no big thumb has gone before. ..........dumbass
  19. You can always slipstream whatever you want into your own install...
  20. then you want good ram not value ram, then you want a good power supply and the list goes on....considering you already have a 939 system setup I say stick with 939
  21. Look no further: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130062
  22. yeah thats good enough for low budget
  23. I run windows xp without a paging file and everything is working properly. To say that it increased my performance, I honestly have no idea - it's been such a long time since I did set it up that way I don't remember any more. But it definitely has not decreased the performance either. The way I look at it is from the theoretical point of view - what is the main purpose of the page file and whether I actually need it. In my case answer was no.
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