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Everything posted by RAINMAKA

  1. it says its available for me, im gonna call and see how much it would be for a T1, just for fun
  2. there is a Lenevo tablet but i think it is around $2300, that why i started looking at the toshiba. i think a toshiba with 1.8Ghz, 1Gig memory and 80 gig HD was around 1400. so its not too bad, plus taking notes on it in class is really cool.
  3. ive been using symantec lately, mainly beacause my school gives it to students for free :D
  4. as long as the swivel part is under warranty, i would still want a tablet.
  5. i am kind of upset that swimmer's friend's toshiba broke, several kids at my school have them and i was looking into one. now i will read around a little more and see what the warranty covers
  6. a friend of mine has the z-series laptop and it is awesome. by awesome i mean for portability and battery life, its great for people on the go. definitely not for gaming
  7. Swimmer that cell phone story is terrible, i hope nothing like that happens to me
  8. nope, im gonna watch it again and see if i can catch it
  9. that video was awesome, pretty much all tech supports are like that
  10. i may be wrong but i think that 50 Mbps speed test if cached
  11. i like my upload sorry i had a screen shot but for some reason it wont let me post it
  12. having one of those would be awesome
  13. ArcticWolf, that is a nifty little trick that i did not know. thanks
  14. i am definitely going to have to build a computer to run vista, plus i want to learn how to build computers
  15. oooo, i heard vista is going to be computer demanding, have there been any requirements posted?
  16. ive tried about 5 times in the last two weeks and ive been downloading it from download.com. is there a better site to download from?
  17. everytime i download limewire and install it, at the last step of installation it says launch limewire now so i click yes but nothing happens. when i try to launch limewire from the start menu nothing happens either. any ideas why this may be happening?
  18. ooo this forum is getting popular
  19. congrats jeff, thats awesome :D :D
  20. maybe ill just wait for a quad-core now instead of getting a dual-core
  21. thanks coknuck, i will give it a try
  22. it is kinda creepy
  23. yea 1.5Mbps over advetised is real good
  24. thats 36Mbps download is pretty nice, hopefully it stays that fast
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