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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Pretty sure you just went down again. For about 3 minutes.
  2. I'm going to do a "Graph Mark" -- which will restart the graph while retaining the old results. Nice fresh start from here forward.
  3. I adjusted the downtime (sensor) to 90 seconds to give enough time when it's running within the automatic test. ... I haven't tested it like that but it appears you're running it that way. I still recommend running in a separate window but it looks to me like it's doing what it's supposed to do. Just had to make a little adjustment.
  4. When you get to your computer, open a new browser that we can use as a Sensor target. Get Chrome or Firefox, open testmy.net and sign-in. When prompted to label your browser, call it something like "Chrome Sensor". On that browser navigate to https://testmy.net/sensor and click [activate this tab]. The reload of the automatic speed test will most likely cause issues if it's in the same window. I don't think that explains the latency swings but running within the automatic test may cause the sensor to detect downtime that isn't present.
  5. I had the bandwidth module enabled so it's running extra upload tests every 15 minutes, it happened to test right around that time. Your upload speed was 1/2 speed at the time the connection got weird. I turned the bandwidth module off just now because we don't want it conflicting with the automatic test you have running.
  6. I just watched your connection get all crappy... then die... and come back online.
  7. I fixed some bugs and re-enabled My Sensor on your account. Wasn't expecting it to just click back into gear but it did. Probably because you have an auto test running it was able to reload... once it's loaded it does its thing. In other words, it picked up where it left of. Hopefully that didn't mess up your automatic test (by taking over its window). Let me know if it did. I think the issue you might be running into has to do with Safari's low power settings. I'll have to do more testing under Safari to be sure. Safari may be sleeping the inactive tabs. It may do this when there's memory pressure. How much RAM does your Mac have? Do you have a lot of tabs or other applications open? It may just be Safari in general. Get Chrome or Firefox to avoid these 'optimizations' Safari has. I'm (pseudo) signed in under your account so I can watch more closely. So you'll see my browser in your list. The 'Bug' I was seeing when we first tried this may have actually been Safari --- still a behavior I need to code for but I think the program itself was running as it was programmed. --- it just encountered a situation it wasn't prepared to deal with. When we see that loop again I'll correct it. Edit: I can see your automatic test is running normally. It just fired. Just to be clear to everyone, when/if I pseudo sign-in into your account I don't have your password or anything like that. It's a backend option I have that makes the system think I'm you... your passwords are hashed in the database. Not even I can see them.
  8. Sorry I wasn't clear before. I had to disable it because I noticed a bug of some kind. Need to investigate before I can re-enable that for you.
  9. Sorry it's confusing, when looking at My Results there is no time scale. They're sorted by time but the chart auto adjusts. It won't show blank areas. What I think it's doing when you put in a single date is pulling the 24 hour period around the date. So it's getting the 11PM results from 2/10/23. You can see this by clicking result details (on the My Average) which will filter the results the same way so you can see the details included in your My Average query. Then maxing the number of results per page makes it easier to find that 11PM result. https://testmy.net/quickstats/CrazyAboutNature?type=user_name&q=CrazyAboutNature&clientTime=1&dateFull=02-11-2023&dateXi=0&limit=250 I'll have to dig into the code and make adjustments there. When I say "2/11/2023" ... I don't mean an approximation of that date, lol. I'll need to look with more detail to see what's actually happening to that query. Thank you for pointing that out. I'm observing your sensor results now and I see there are some bugs I need to address before you can try that out. I just updated php a couple of days ago and I'm still catching things. Give me a couple of days to iron it out and I'll get back with you. Works fine on all my accounts so it's something in the setup of a new user in the system, I need to run a new test account to trace the error.
  10. Hello. Welcome to TestMy.net!
  11. If you were running the Automatic Speed Test on your phone, it may have just gone to sleep. You can run it on a phone but you need to make sure it's plugged in with the display on. Because your phone will try to conserve power otherwise. I also recommend using Firefox or Chrome instead of Safari. If you have a laptop or desktop, use personal hotspot on your iPhone to share the connection. Then test normally with the browser. Again, making sure the computer isn't going to fall asleep by checking the power management settings on the device. Also, make sure you're signed in while testing because your IP address may change more often because you're on mobile. Being signed in will ensure all of your results are saved by username instead of computerID (based on IP).
  12. I pulled up your averages for the past day without issue by selecting today's date. https://testmy.net/myaverage?q=CrazyAboutNature&dateFull=02-11-2023 Click the red icon to reset to default. You don't need Docker or anything special. Just open another browser tab. Change the settings "Casual" OFF and "Notify on Down" ON (found on https://testmy.net/sensor/client). Then leave that tab running. It will draw graphs of your latency and notify you if your connection goes down. Run the Automatic Speed Test the same way as you normally do, in a separate tab from My Sensor.
  13. Visit TestMy.net's homepage, it should ask you to give your browser a name. Once that's set, visit https://testmy.net/sensor/client (link at the top of the page and in the menu where it shows latency) look for the settings button Make sure "Casual" is OFF and "Notify on Down" is ON. Click "Test My Notifications" to ensure you're getting emails. Note that this is a beta and push notifications are still being ironed out. Email notifications are reliable. Any browser you sign into TestMy.net with can now be controlled by your other browsers. I recommend opening one extra window to sit in the background as a sensor target. I do this myself using docker, raspberry pis or other lower power computers I can leave on all the time. But any web browser will do the trick. The idea is that it sits there and monitors the connection, with graphing every 5 seconds. You can monitor this from any of your other devices logged into testmy.net. Keep in mind, this closed so sharing URLs will not work for other people. If you need to share results you can screenshot or ask me and I may enable it for you. My Sensor is not meant to replace the Automatic Speed Test, rather to compliment it. It's meant to be run 24x7x365 and use almost no bandwidth. Combining the two tools together can give you much deeper insight. And will alert you exactly when the issue is happening which might help you troubleshoot it. Just leave My Sensor on a tab in the background. --- I have multiple occurrences over the past few years running this tool where it alerted me to an issue BEFORE the connection actually went out. It's really good. Having said that, I consider this an early Alpha release because I'm still figuring out what I've built. Not even sure if most people will understand what it's doing. I do know that it's useful, at least for me. It has some quirks, it's not perfect but I've been running it non-stop for years. Still figuring it out. I haven't gone into the program as a new user in a long time, so we'll have to see if everything connects up the way it's supposed to. I may need to pseudo-signin to your account if there are issues. You'll know it's working when you see a little heartbeat and it says "awaiting instructions" -- you may need to click "activate this tab" first. (see how I can see all of my connected devices and remotely activate them) From other computers it looks like this.. Here you can see the periodical graph (gray) which graphs 5 minute averages on top of the 5 second graph (dark blue). This should give you a fine grained idea of what's happening, always. Let me know when you're testing like this so I can watch your results and make sure things are working correctly. - Damon
  14. Hello @CrazyAboutNature Welcome to TestMy.net! I have a new unreleased tool I think will help in your situation. Give me a little bit, I'll enable it on your account and guide you on how to use it.
  15. May God bless you as well! Thank you for your quick reply too. Happy you didn't leave me hanging.
  16. I can't reproduce the issue. Noticed a couple of issues inside the forum and fixed them. Visiting the site as a member or guest, on different hosts and connections. Surfing around, testing and everything is operating as expected. Looking at https://testmy.net/live and test results seem to be flowing normally. Please post a screenshot and include the page URL. Might be a specific device issue and just a coincidence that it's during the updates I'm doing.
  17. I'm updating some code on the backend. Not seeing errors on my end but due to the dynamic nature of the program you may be seeing an error when others aren't because of something specific to your situation. I'm tracing back in logs and see if anything stands out. Please send a screenshot if you can, it may help.
  18. Personally, I always use Netgear. I might try the RAX30 -- on sale for $130 right now https://www.amazon.com/NETGEAR-Nighthawk-5-Stream-Router-RAX30/dp/B09BK8PM1M/ -- get a used one fro $84. For mesh, I have one of the early Orbi systems. Very reliable. I haven't seen any reason to upgrade. Got my 10G network on the side so I use it more for wifi and base level router. RBR50 and RBS50 go for less than $80 on eBay. RBR50 is the router and RBS50 is the satellite unit. If I had a lot of square feet to cover and wanted nice reliable wifi across the entire area I'd definitely get these again. Significant leaps have been made since but to get the same coverage with an AX system will cost WAY more. And do you really need it? Personally, my fastest devices are all hardwired. I don't care as much about wifi. Wifi I have is fast enough and works reliably. I value reliability and consistency most. I recently went to my brother-in-law's who has fiber and wifi6. It was cool, extremely fast right in his main area. But then I go upstairs and was getting much slower speed, I mean I was directly above the router, just the floor blocking. I'd rather cover my entire home with a slower stable connection than have one hot spot and a variable/poor connection everywhere else. Especially if I can save money at the same time. To be clear, he has a decent connection everywhere, I just think an RBR50 and RBS50 would cover it better for less money. And for most people's daily use... they'd never tell the difference, speed wise. Hell, get the RBR50 and RBS50... then connect a used RAX30 for wifi6 capabilities for the (near by) devices you want to be really fast. Probably get all 3 on the secondary market for like $220. Bang for your buck.
  19. Thought I responded to this days ago, sorry. No, I've never sold anything like that before. Was a suggestion people were making back in the early 2000's.
  20. From what I'm seeing, Spectrum may be available in your area. If that's available at your home I think that's probably your best bet in your area. (checking near zip code 30747) Have you checked with them before? I miss my World of Warcraft too.
  21. Thank you, fixed. I have considered a pro version. Sometimes options are only available to registered members. When I release new tools usually registered members see them first. So being a member is kinda like a pro version already. Especially during times when I turn off ads for members. I have some new tools I'm working on that will only be for registered members. I've also been thinking of ways to give you the option to remove ads... while still driving necessary revenue to run a site like this. One idea I really like is a call back to the early days of TMN where people suggested that we have "TMN Bucks". You could buy them or earn them. You've been earning TMN bucks with all the great posts you've been making. You may earn some in the future simply by sharing TestMy.net. I plan to prorate my old members to some degree. When it comes to availability of tools, if I have something, I always want to share it. So it would be very difficult for me to hold something back, only for those who paid. I want to make sure people, especially kids learning this stuff always have easy access, at the same level as someone who decided it's more convenient to pay. Those who earn it will be a major asset to TestMy.net. Those who pay will be too. We need both types. Ideas in development.
  22. Definitely. If you click on "My Settings" then click "advanced" you'll navigate to https://testmy.net/mysettings. Toggle the Email Results setting (then a new drop down menu appears) change this to the % that you'd like click "Save My Settings" Then you'll be notified if your speed drops below the threshold you've set. I like the idea of making the emails a digest that would be queued for sending on the user defined schedule. e.g. every 2 hours. I also like the idea of only triggering on X consecutive events. When I'm ready to add more options there I'll keep those ideas in mind.
  23. Click the heart on the post that was most helpful.
  24. That symptom, combined with the extremely frequent IP changes... I think you're being kicked offline and back online. Old telco wiring could definitely be to blame. Lot's of things could be happening. If you need even more ammo, I might be able to start up an early beta of a new, more detailed tool I'm developing... made for your exact situation. Where you can clearly show every instance when your connection drops out. And you'll know when it happens so you can investigate right away.
  25. Have you tried running any speed tests since you signed in? Your IP may have changed since you signed up, I don't see any results under your address. If you ran tests... they're in the database. If you have a record of old IP addresses you can pull them up using TMN IPTools. But if you don't they can be hard to find. But I do have some tricks up my sleeve. I have as old function built into the site back in 2013 that's still tracking all TMN visitor IP changes. I have a frontend for it, would need to search and figure out where it is and develop it. Luckily I can just dig into the database. Searching your current computer ID to find related IDs, which indicates that your IP changed. select * from `related` WHERE `COMP_ID` = '7312112261'; +------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------------+ | COMP_ID | User_Name | related | parent | Date | +------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 7312112261 | | 8458742220 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-28 14:42:17 | +------------+-----------+------------+-------------+---------------------+ Looks like you once had the computer ID 8458742220, Do these results look familiar? (don't know why I'm asking... it's your results, I can even see the 10 minute auto test interval, lol) ?t=c&l=50&q=8458742220's Speed Test Results Pretty cool it's still doing its job after being forgotten about. I'll make sure it's in the next version so you all can track your IP changes, even before you signed up. Your IP address has changed quite a bit, pretty frequently. When I query the common 'parent' we see all the changes select * from `related` WHERE `parent` = '73121345303'; +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | COMP_ID | User_Name | related | parent | Date | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 7312112261 | | 8458742220 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-28 14:42:17 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 8458742220 | | 84587587574 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-27 18:08:43 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 84587587574 | | 19284700210 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-27 06:59:22 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 19284700210 | | 73121432330 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 16:31:32 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 73121432330 | | 73121436915 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 09:54:17 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 73121436915 | | 73121345303 | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 09:44:12 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+--------------------- | 73121345303 | | | 73121345303 | 2022-12-26 09:33:07 | +-------------+-----------+-------------+-------------+---------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.000 sec) https://testmy.net/compID/8458742220 https://testmy.net/compID/84587587574 https://testmy.net/compID/19284700210 https://testmy.net/compID/73121432330 https://testmy.net/compID/73121436915 https://testmy.net/compID/73121345303 That's a lot of IP changes! I look at other Talktalk users and see them testing for weeks before an IP change. Some other ISPs don't change your IP unless you change your modem or request a new IP. From what I see, in general Talktalk changes user IPs more frequently. As long as you're signed in I'll save your results by username, so it won't matter if your IP changes. Just make sure you sign in. I have some ideas for how I can make this less confusing for my users in the future. For now, anyone else who loses track of previous speed test results -- let me know and I'll try to help. Let me know if this helps!
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