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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. No... I'm actually never mad. ... I just need to get used to a few things. I'm not impressed by the new gestures and I'm really not impressed by the limited possibilities that are built in standard. I'm sure with a 3rd party program I can get whatever gestures I want... but I want it to be standard in the OS. I'm slowly getting things configured the way I want them... but my point is that I shouldn't have to. I was using default settings before and they switched a bunch of crap around. --- Dear Apple... please stop trying to turn my computer into an iPod...
  2. I'm just annoyed by some of the changes. Mostly with the gestures I've become used to since I got the magic trackpad. ... another one, where the f*ck is the zoom gesture... control + scroll. WTF, I liked that! Just stupid what they set some of the defaults to. ALSO, I come back to my sleeping computer and I can't wake it with a simple movement of the mouse anymore... you have to click. All the user input feels stupid and like the computer doesn't understand what I'm trying to do anymore. It used to feel intuitive now it feels like it doesn't get me anymore. I'm the type of person who loves change... but not this way. I should have waited till Apple ironed it all out. -- King of the jungle my ass!
  3. Yeah... that's what I'm doing on Monday. ... wait, they're only offering it through the App Store... how do you get a full copy?
  4. Damn that's lame. Like you said, why call it 50/3 if they're only going to give you 12Mbps down max. False advertising. What, you can't torrent! There are legit reasons for torrents. So you don't torrent at all? Even to get linux distros and such? Buckeye must have a weak network if they have to worry that much about their users traffic. IMO, it's none of your ISPs business what you're doing. Also, IMO if your ISP quotes 1Mbps (for instance) then you should be allowed to run a 1Mbps stream of consistant data if you want. Otherwise they need to advertise it as a burstable connection.
  5. If they're having bad days with their connection then they shouldn't rank. Most of the people listed have tons of tests averaged, I'm just giving new people a chance to compete with the TMN vets. By the way, I see you have "last result" in your signature. Did you know that I have a function to do that for you. https://testmy.net/sig/{username}.png ...will return your last results in an image.
  6. Nice... kernel panic If I get another error like that I'm reverting and waiting for the stable release. ... definitely holding off on upgrading my other machines for now. Good thing I only upgraded my best machine. Oh wait, that's a bad thing.
  7. by the way... I'm retarded In my own defense, I only played with it for a second and haven't been back in my office since.
  8. how is that natural! lol... cool, thanks.
  9. So I just installed Lion. So far, it looks nice. One thing I like so far is that Apple refunded my $29.95 automatically because my purchase was recent. (I'm sure I'll have to pay for my other machines) One thing that's annoying me is that they seem to have reversed the scrolling and I see no option to change it. ... seriously, you're going to swap what I'm used to and not give me an easy way to change it back. Maybe I'm overlooking something, let me know if I am. ... also changed a bunch of gestures I liked and I don't see a way to change them back. For instance, I used to swipe three fingers left or right to navigate between pages. I don't see a way to change it. ... are they going to make me get an APP for that, wtf. ... I've been using Magic Prefs but now, for some reason there isn't an option for it in there either. So far... so annoyed! --- GRRRR, I just scrolled to post this and the backwards sh*t got me again! I get it... they're trying to make it feel like the ipod and ipad, whatever... just give me a f*ckin option to do it my way. ESPECIALLY when that was the default before! SUUUUTPID! Am I missing something here? Or did Apple really just f*ck me... damn, at least give me a kiss first! --- trying to force me to think like them... rabble, rabble. ... I feel retarded on my own computer, all inverted! I don't like it one bit. So far my only complaint.
  10. On my DROID X WiFi ... exactly 8Mbps on the dot. :::.. Download Test Results ..::: Download Connection is:: 8000 Kbps about 8 Mbps (tested with 5.6 MB) Download Speed is:: 1000 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/I0spTrh Test Time:: 2011-07-22 13:05:11 Local Time 1MB Download in 1.02 Seconds - 1GB Download in ~17 Minutes - 140X faster than 56K Tested from a 6 MB file and took 5.844 seconds to complete Running at 92% of hosts average (cox.net) User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.3; en-us; DROIDX Build/4.5.1_57_DX5-26) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1 [!]
  11. I may change that back to 5 tests. I think most of the time 3-5 tests gives you a pretty good average. If I set it at 50 tests then new members would be discouraged from trying to rank. If you set the bar too high then nobody can play. I want more people to be able to participate in the ranking aspect. To expect most people to perform 50 tests in a two week period is unrealistic. There are a ton of people that do that but I want new members to be able to hit that list if they want to. So say they have 3 test results. 10Mbps, 10Mbps and 50Mbps... that averages to 23Mbps and is not going to get the person anywhere near the top. But if they have 3 tests taken @ 50Mbps it's safe to assume that their connection deserves to be ranked. If I started to worry about ranking people based on the hours they've tested and such it would be over complicating the situation. ... I could however make another list that requires a high level of dedication to rank.
  12. yeah... good thing to resort to in a situation like that.
  13. So I just moved my iMac to another room... then back. When I booted up the fan was running full bore. Look in iStat (a gaget for the dash) and there is no information on any RPM of any of the system fans and no temperature information. I was thinking, "what the..." ... so here's the fix. Just power down your computer, unplug it then hold the power button for at least 5 seconds. Boot back up and you'll be fine. Just in case this happens to anyone else.
  14. It is an investment. But you can get a Mac mini as cheap $599 referb... used from about $200. Then just use your current input devices and monitor. Everyone thinks they're so expensive. They really aren't. If I had to make the choice... I'd rather buy a used mac than a brand new PC. Ubuntu is awesome by the way. Finally, distros that bring linux to the every day user. I've always been a linux fan, it's all I've ever ran on my servers. Power, stability, scalability... I've had servers in the past, with very high traffic volumes, that had uptimes upwards of 1-2 years. Try that with another platform. That was with RHE by the way TestMy.net's servers are RHE and typically reboot 2-4 times a year... the last 4 times I've rebooted I don't even think I needed to reboot. Linux rules!
  15. Well you know that I'm all about Mac. I just feel that they're superior.
  16. Uh oh.... Looks like a tie... but the rankings are actually done down to the kilobyte so he must have just edged you out. Just hard to tell because I only show the speed in Mbps there. Hell of a connection though. Even when I had a 40Mbps/20Mbps line... I NEVER saw my full 20Mbps up. But hell, I wasn't complaining either.
  17. Thanks... What's scary about consistency? Isn't that what you've always been looking for. Your results do look VERY nice lately.
  18. Actually... yeah. Don't ya know who you're talkin to here. Good idea, I'll expand more on the idea later, I need to sleep.
  19. I expanded this a little bit... As viewed by you... as viewed by others...
  20. I thought it would be nifty if everyone could have the ability to see how many people are looking into their speed test stats. So I built something... Now you can see how many people are peeking in at your test results in the database. Your own queries to your stats will not raise your counter as long as you're logged in. Note that queries to individual scores don't count, only searches containing your username. I also implemented this feature on the host stats. Hope you all like it... I thought it might be fun for some people.
  21. ouch sucks to be the owner of that site
  22. Thanks, I appreciate that.
  23. ... Well... that's all there is to it. DONE! The time in your stats will now correct for the local time of the computer looking at the stats. No user input needed. Njoy! Clear your cookies if your time looks off
  24. Thanks for reminding me... I'm trying to make it work so that the user doesn't have to tell me anything. I'm workin on it
  25. I've also changed this to represent the last two weeks... instead of 1 month. This will make it easier for people to rank higher.
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