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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Check it again... I made a slight change. I don't really see an error here though... is it Safari on Windows?
  2. What are you talking about? By fff, do you mean white? Oh, I see now... I just don't see on my end... one minute. Okay, refresh your browser... good now?
  3. I see what you're saying. I've corrected the issue. Thanks for the heads up, a change that was made the other day conflicted with something, easy fix though... Gotta love when the community catches it so quickly. - Cheers! - Damon
  4. Just wanted to let you guys know about a little change. The mobile format will now automatically be used when you visit TestMy.net on a qualified mobile device. This view extends sitewide. It personally frustrates me when I visit a site and get throw into a mobile version I can't escape... so... Clicking the link at the bottom that says "Classic" will show the site in it's entirety Clicking Mobile will return you to the mobile version. Tests taken on mobile devices will always be logged as mobile regardless of the test taken. Mobile view also defaults searches to show mobile results only... Enjoy!
  5. So Playstation Network has been down for like 10 days or something. What do you guys know about what's going on?
  6. Confirmed working with an 8 hour test run... https://testmy.net/stats/?&t=u&d=04312011&x=1&m=2&l=50&q=CA3LE working beautifully
  7. Okay... I fixed the issue. Give it a try now You'll know that your in good shape if you start the auto test and the url in your browser looks similar to... The ?r_time=____ was missing before, this has been corrected. I recently updated that script and accidentally left the form method as post instead of get... D'oh!
  8. CA3LE

    Graphing, Known Issue

    I'll be working on IE compatibility with that
  9. Went into a loop? It's supposed to run a loop of sorts... the SmarTest is ran... My results from the first test, I have the auto test set to 30 minutes, I'll post my results in a few hours. -D
  10. It should work for you now. Can anyone else confirm?
  11. Welcome to the site Liz, First, what's the package that you pay for with Comcast? If it's 7/1 (meaning 7 Mbps 7000 Kbps download and 1 Mbps 1000 Kbps upload) then you're not in horrible shape. Also, note that it's common practice with residential internet for download speed to be much higher than upload speed. This is normal and to be expected most of the time. This won't be true if your provider quotes a "Symmetrical" connection. My connection for instance is 50/5, 10X more download than upload. I believe Symmetrical Connections will be more common in the future... if not the standard.
  12. Well... that was a weird bug. Had nothing to do with the scheduled test.... I fixed it though. The top portion of that should look something like this now... Thank you for reporting that, it was actually a pretty nasty bug that could have caused problems with other parts of the site.
  13. Well, looks like speedtest.net and speedtest.comcast.net aren't detecting your issue. This is pretty common. This is most likely because the tests here take TCP Windowing into account. DRTCP (from DSLReports.com) or TCP Optimizer (from Speedguide.net) should correct the problem. Many times in cases like this the receive window is set too low. The changes made by these programs are relatively safe and I know that TCP Optimizer has windows default values you can resort to if you want to reverse your changes. Also, you can back up your registry if you're worried about the changes having an ill effect. XP is notorious for it's bad TCP/IP values out of the box. Chances are that this fix should be quite easy for you. Simply apply the values, restart and re-test.
  14. You can already do this... Look in the bottom right of your query. (Your Username and/or Computer ID must match for the export link to appear.) Also, if you want to, you can actually refine your search down the way you want it... then export what you need. For instance, if I searched for the last 7 days, upload tests only... First click on 'your stats' Narrow down to 7 days... Clicking the up/down arrow in the results will narrow down by type. The click export at the bottom.. Once you get your CSV you can manipulate it yourself from there.
  15. CA3LE

    Graphing, Known Issue

    Hey rolar58, Thanks for taking the time to write me. So in IE8 on Friday you saw it working? Actually, can you give it another try for me... (with your cache cleared) I've put a previous version of one of the files... I'm actually getting my virtual boxes back on my computer so I can test in multipul environments again. I sent that email out prematurely for sure... I should have the IE8 bugs worked out soon. I'm surprised it's not working, the base those graphs work on is 2007 technology... the computability should be there. Even the playstation and Wii displayed them properly, lol. Let me know if it's working for you since I put that older version online. ... are you sure you were in IE8?
  16. Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Easter Sunday! - Damon
  17. Nice article. I agree with allot of it. You can't expect 100% compliancy with even 1% of websites however. It's just the nature of the beast. A Google rep was quoted saying that if Google kicked all the non-compliant sites out of their results they would no longer have a search engine. Programmers should strive for compliance but in the same token the end user shouldn't be bothered with an error if they don't need to be.... the new browsers are supressing errors and correcting if possible. IMO... doing things in that fashion may make some programmers lazy... BUT does it get product to market faster? Sure does... so, doesn't that in turn push for faster development of the internet. Sure as hell does. Really, your choice. An IE6 world were development may take 6 extra months... OR get your new shit today. What the hell is the difference on your end? Same thing... "oh no... the browser edited a character that was out of place silently instead of throwing an error in my face... Man, I sure do miss all those errors I got in the mid 2000's when MS was unchallenged. Screw all this progress we've made........" that's kinda what I got from that article. I've been programming for nearly 20 years... and I'm 29 now. So that's the coder perspective on the subject. -D (Sorry for the formatting.. on my phone and lazy.... remember, the new movement for us programmers is to be lazy... lol.)
  18. Almost exactly what I get too... On 50/5 -- super lame, here's my test moments later on my main computer. Wii uses an opera based browser... what else would you expect. You're right.... "" is the only emoticon that can express that.
  19. Hey Magic Rat, Trust me, it's a coincidence. First, Cox would never scam people like that. They really want all their customers to be happy no matter what level of service they have. Cox is just happy to have your business. It's not like a sales person could say, "He didn't upgrade... I'll show him!" -- or as if the suits up top said, "We'll teach him that NOBODY denies our offers! [insert maniacal laugh - Mu-ha-ha-ha]" It may look fishy but it doesn't happen like that. Well, I can at least vouch for Cox. I worked for them from 2000-2005, very good company with best interests always at heart One thing you could say to them is, "Maybe I would think about upgrading if you could first deliver what I've ordered." -- lol Personally, if that's the top tier they're talking about for $5, I'd at least try it out for the 3 month trial.
  20. If you test here enough you'll realize that the results here can be conflicting with other speed tests. TMN has a seriously unique method. To the point that it has caused me tons of headaches. Making me wonder if I had a flaw in my methods. But time and time again I look deeper and find that yet again, the site is correct in it's assessment. Somehow, TMN is able to be clued in to problems more than other tests I've used. The funny thing is... I'm not even fully sure how it does this. I'm the only programmer and have a mental map of the sites code... I still don't know why the other tests sites don't seem to pickup on some of the things TMN does. ... But I figure that I could waste my time trying to figure out why....... OR I could just continue developing the tools -D
  21. Well yes, it will give you a very good idea of the popularity of any given ISP. Getting this up is no problem, I'll be happy to add this to my suite... it will add to the value of my tools. Your welcome by the way about the separate testing... I've always seen the value in testing those individually I'm glad when I hear of other people that understand part of the reason I do it that way. I'm taking time off this weekend but I should be able to work some added functionality into the site that will help get you the information you're looking for. You actually caught me at a good time... between breaths, so I should have this online fairly quick Thanks for the idea, I'm sure that it will help others out as well. I'll keep you posted... and if this goes past Wednesday please remind me. I sometimes get deep into things and lose track of time -D
  22. I don't know of such a report. More detailed geographic stats are coming to the TestMy.net in the near future. Speedtest.net already does this but I have a different idea of how I want to do it here. Would a list that ranked providers by the amount of tests taken help you? We have a wide audience, you could definitely get a general idea with something like that I believe. Don't worry about cost, as with the rest of the site it will be free and made available to everyone.
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