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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. I used to have a hit counter a long time ago. I took them off because I started getting so much traffic I actually broke a few hit counters... like seriously, hehe. I do use a hidden counter from statcounter.com but I can only get detailed information on the last 100 people from them, I have more detailed stats and far more indepth stats held on my own server though.. but I still keep statcounter.com's stuff up because it's more convenient. Since I installed statcounter.com's code (which wasn't too long ago.. not going to give you an exact date though) I have had 5,011,705 visitors and 217,862,638 page views.. haha -- just to put my traffic into perspective by the time I finish writing this sentance I would have got about 40-80 more people to the site and hundreds of page views. I could show the counter at the bottom of the site, but I personally think it looks kinda tacky I used to have up at the top a counter that showed how many people were online also... it's still on the front page, but doesn't show the people that didn't either hit a forum page or the front page... so if they went directly to the download page or any other page on the site they don't show in that total... ehh I dunno
  2. This topic has been moved to Graphics and Sigs. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9505.0[/iurl]
  3. I just updated the forum structure to SMF 1.1 RC1 -- this may be the problem. If problems persist I may revert to the old version. I just rebooted the database server (after noticing a database connection problem) and everything seems to be functioning correctly for the time being. Please post in this thread or PM me personally if you see any errors But no, the server isn't overloaded -- the server load is running very optimal ever since I changed to the 2X Dual Xeon setup --- very very optimal -- even durring peak times the actual serer load is very nice Thanks for the input.. and please let me know if you see any more errors
  4. I was able to test just fine :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 9160 Kbps about 9.2 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1118 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Nov 01 2005 05:18:50 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 164X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.92 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 149.8 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LBYNG9FVS --- it will show that if the database server is hung up.. but I don't see anything wrong with the database server. Please reply to this to let us know that everything is okay.. it must have just been a problem that was happing at that moment. The database server may have has too many queries at that specific time.
  5. :oops: awwww, you make me blush :oops: -- it always makes me feel good seeing posts like this
  6. That's it... just happy Halloween -- what are you guys dressing up as this year? hehe, right now one of my friends who is a sales person for quest communications is having me dress up in Qwests mascott suit (I guess it's a big dog suit ) and I'm going to dance around where he works for fun... haha, shut up I'm bored... it's gunna be fun
  7. Wow, is FIOS in your area... is that why they have the 15mbps package?
  8. One of these days... .... one of these days .... ... FIOS will be in my hood
  9. I was upgrading the forum base... it's all good now
  10. Do you have any firewalls or accelerators running.... If so... turn them off or test with flat files http://www.testmy.net/o-000
  11. CA3LE


    Cool, I didn't know ya could use that... cool, another answer
  12. CA3LE


    try using HJSplit http://www.freebyte.com/hjsplit/#win32 I think what you were asking is how to combine a split video file format... Let me know if this solves the problem
  13. I can't play the media file you attached... anyway, almost all false results will be fixed with the new patch I am currently scripting, little behind schedule because I was sick last week... but it should be applied fairly soon --- you will know when it's in place
  14. Please make sure you are testing from http://www.testmy.net/d_load.php (the link on the front page and top nav bar) -- there are a few affiliate links out there that may be bad that may aprear like this
  15. We have added a dial-up section per many requests http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-89.0 Please post your questions and scores and help grow this miniture community, people who specialize in dial-up will browse this forum. Please message me with any suggestions or requests for child-forums to be added to this section. - Damon
  16. The test is currently being reworked. There is a couple of client-side issues I would like to clear up. But this is a huge process... you will know it's changed when the progress meter is a different color -- you will see
  17. here -- please send me requests for sections to be added.. I just listed the games I personally play http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-84.0
  18. Are you using an internet accelerator?
  19. Sorry, but I will have to call ya on this one I'm sorry dude, but nobody would dedicate that much bandwidth for just a couple of servers. Maybe he told you that but I guarantee you that you are sharing that with many others... otherwise you would be paying thousands per month, you may be on a dedicated switch but it's not like that connection is pumped right into the back of your box... you ARE sharing it with others. I don't care if your friend is Bill gates, the money for a connection like that has to come from somewhere and at the price you've stated you pay.. it's not coming from you. Last I checks an OC-48 costs 10,s of thousands of dollars... per month -- and you have two of them dedicated for two game servers... sorry but no. Okay, let's pretend that you have two OC-48's dedicated for your use, which you are saying you use 10-12Mbps for that one server let's even times that use by 10 and times it by two to make an assumption for the other server. An OC-48 maxs at 2.488Gbps of bandwidth -- times two ----- so if you do all the math you are only using 4% of the available bandwidth of the OC-48 ---- and that's with me being liberal and timing your use by 10. Even if your boxes were on 1Gbps ethernet and you were running at the full load (which would never happen off two servers) you couldn't use an OC-48 to it's full potential. An OC-anything connection is intended to be used by whole networks of hundreds or thousands of computers... and I'm sorry, not even Bill Gates would have one in his home. Why pay that much money when a T3 will do the same job (OC-12 or 24 at the VERY most) You don't have to lie to kick it...
  20. I've met a few people that had T1's in their homes because they couldn't get a fast consumer line to their location (but could get a business class t1 installed... most likely with a hefty install fee, I never asked). All the people I've met that had T1's had them written off as a business expense (one person didn't even own their own business and wrote it off anyway saying that they needed it for doing work related research from home and had been writing the $550/month for a few years with no problem) --- So there are plenty of people that have these as their home connections... almost all will test at a near perfect 1.544 Mbps both directions because that's what they pay for... and with a line that is in that class of internet connections... you always get exactly what you pay for, ISP's are good at keeping those speeds perfect all the time (on that class of connection) - the only variable with T1 and above {and business class DSL and ADSL} is the customers network... This is because a line of that quality is truly private... and that's why you pay so much
  21. CA3LE


    If I had that much I wouldn't spend it on a connection... lol, 9mbps cable is fast enough for me..... unless I won the lottery.
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