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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. If you can see the other graphs then it's probably not an issue with the actual graph itself. There is probably something within the server-side (php) code turning the variable off that turns that on and off... the thing is, I could have sworn that I wrote that to not log in those situations so it has me scratching my head as to why it's not showing. If it's not showing because of the server-side code... it shouldn't log the data either. I'll take a dip in the code and make sure. You should whitelist *.testmy.net and *.tmnstatic.com in any firewalls and Internet security suites you may be running. Although, some already have testmy.net whitelisted because it's been a trusted, safe resource for so long... they probably don't have tmnstatic.com whitelisted. As I'm sure you noticed since you mentioned it, I use tmnstatic.com to deliver TMNs static content, but not really for CDN purpose. I use that domain name to host static content like js, css, png, gif, jpg, etc... from a cookieless domain. This cuts down on request headers (making the downloads of those files a tiny bit smaller) and also helps load the site faster because it tricks your browser into opening more connections to load the page. There are additional benefits to doing it that way too. ... it's very possible this is client-end. But I highly doubt it has to do with the data from tmnstatic.com not loading or something like that. If that was the case, all the graphs wouldn't load for you. They all work on the same codebase. No matter what the graph looks like, they're all called upon by the same part of the program. Try loading a default browser with all your bells and whistles turned off. I sounds like you like to customize your browser and that you may have other variables on your end that could be an issue. But I'll look into the code and see if anything jumps out at me. ... By the way. I know this isn't your issue but it could be for someone who reads this... the following isn't for you iceb. If you don't see TiP data first make sure that you're doing a download test, they only display for download test results. Second, check the file size, TiP data only displays for test sizes over 1.5MB. update: Made a minor edit, but I don't really think it would make a difference... but it might. It was really the only variable that I could think of that might cause it not to show in that way... Give it a try again, who knows - your previous example
  2. Anyone else have an issue? I can't reproduce. It always shows up for me. Do you see the other graphs all over the site?
  3. I'll post some speeds to Singapore tomorrow... Sorry, haven't been at my computer.
  4. That great. Gotta love a result. Definitely had something up with the old Linksys router. By the way... Welcome to TMN! I use a Netgear Dual band N... Personally I'd stick with Netgear or Linksys. They've always done me right. I'd get whatever their latest version is... Just me though. Airport is pretty pimp. I think those are great. Never owned one but I hear nothing but good things. It's Apple, what do you expect?
  5. I've had a lot of people ask for that over the years. I added a poll to your topic with some sample prices. If people want it... I'll add it. At a reasonable rate. I already planned on doing this free for people who've donated test servers. .... Maybe I'll just offer that as my pricing. Let people decide how much they want to pay. Call it a donation. I'll work something up and update this soon. -D
  6. You don't see this on the result page? It's also under "Your Results" if you click the test ID in the details below the graph. Here's a result I clicked under yours...
  7. Here's some information on that... In summary, those can be ignored, sometimes. Source: customer.comcast.com
  8. There are a few things not showing up correctly in IE. I'll see why that is and clean it up in my next round of programming.
  9. Hi again Joxxer! Welcome and thank you for your TestMy.net Speed Test in Düsseldorf Germany -- I'm sure that users in Germany will thank you too. I'll change your member group later. I want to make a special group for people who're hosting a speed test. Anyone who hosts a test deserves props. Cheers
  10. Got kinda deep there mudmanc4... lol I've typed my posts today on my iPhone... I'm often on the iPad... But you need a desktop for certain things. Not all people need a desktop these days however. Mobile devices are really coming into their own. I sometimes do a hybrid... I use an app called Jump to Remote Desktop into one of my Macs. (Christian found a good free one called LogMeIn) And then use my iPad kinda like a normal computer, mouse and all. Really helpful if I'm out of the house and something on the site needs administration... I can do it on my iPhone and iPad. I think the majority of people could get by with just an iPad or tablet. Even for strenuous work... Just hook up peripherals and it's like a desktop computer. Might not even need that with Google Glass http://www.google.com/glass/start/ --- I imagine within 5 years you can have the feed directly in your mind on the consumer level. Want to play a game... want to search for something... want to send a text or email... you just think about it and your mind connects to the Internet. The possibilities once that is widespread are endless. Especially once it becomes heavily developed. Mark my word... It will happen in your lifetime.
  11. Even though I heard it the first time... It was just as funny. Poor Microsoft. They just don't get it anymore. Surface, lol. Time will tell.
  12. There will be multiple / mass delete and select options in the next database upgrade. I should have that for you all soon. But no, I'm not at all concerned about the space taken up. I encourage my users to never delete records. It's kinda cool to look back your history. Especially once you've gathered years of results. I'm more concerned about my bandwidth... Storage is never an issue. My main server has 500 GB free on raid 5 SSD... It will take billions of entries before space would be an issue. Bandwidth on the other hand... I'm going to have to order 10+ TB in advance for next month if I want to get it at half price. Luckily the public supports my advertisers so I can afford the kind of hosting this site needs to be accurate and also support so many users. ... thanks everyone. I promise to continue developing this as well as upgrading my hardware and networking as demand rises. Traffic to TestMy.net is hitting harder than it has in many years... I figure without changing anything I can comfortably support 5X current traffic. Well over 100k users a day. And if we need more test resource... I'll put it online in an instant. Just keep spreading the word. TestMy.net is word-of-mouth only. I appreciate the support.
  13. CA3LE


    Welcome to TestMy.net! Aloha!
  14. In my experience it's not nessisary to reinstall. I've upgraded without reinstall since 2009 without a single issue. Windows is a different story but OSX upgrades very cleanly. Save yourself a headache and just update it bro. Some software only works with Lion+ so that's a good reason in itself.
  15. Great to hear! See, I told you... I had the same issue. But it wasn't always like that with Snow Leopard. Who knows what the true cause is... it's an easy fix and really... you should run Lion if you can anyways. It's a great version of OSX in my opinion. I truly tax the hell out of my machines and it's totally stable and handles everything I throw at it. All I know is that I'm glad that I hopped on Apple's ship a long time ago (once they went Intel I knew my future was with Mac)... there is no way I could develop as fast as I do without my Macs. No BS... it does what I tell it to, just like Linux... because it pretty much is a flavor of Linux.
  16. For a simple layout like that, for that information. I'd do a single table. The reason you'd want to split them up is if there was a lot of information stored for each person or the overall database was expected to have hundreds of thousands or millions of entries. Examples on TestMy.net where I split the databases into individual tables would be the host, city and country databases. Having them split allows me to run batch queries that split the load of complex operations... on really large amounts of information if they were stored under one table when there is an issue it causes everything to fail. Splitting it allows separation, if a table becomes corrupt it doesn't cause the entire database to fail. You also don't have to worry as much about locking during backups and stuff because the tables are smaller... so if they do lock it's only briefly. Usually not effecting the client. In the example where I split my tables there are about 100,000 tables of information each of which has up to 100,000 entries (a batch program comes in once a day and prunes the tables for me... keeping queries very fast). The master database I have is a single table and has MANY millions of entries. But in this instance a single table fits the bill because it's highly indexed for it's purpose. But if I were to try to use that table for getting individual host, city or country averages... it would crash the server in a heartbeat. Even with 24 cores... the server would spiral out of control. There's just too much information to process. So I store my inf.... well, your information in about 10 different ways so I can query more efficiently. You're smart for planning ahead. You have to when you build databases, you have to picture not only what you need right now but also plan the growth of the database. To tell you the truth, I probably don't do it the best way. I've just found what works for me. With mySQL though, as with php, you make of it what you want to. How you layout your design is totally subjective to your application. There really is no right or wrong way to do it. But there are more efficient ways. Trick is to find them. ... I think you'll be able to efficiently do that with one table. Index the fields that you query heavily and it should be very fast for that purpose. -D
  17. No problem, here are the current TestMy.net servers and IP addresses. testmy.net :: ( tmnstatic.com :: ( [serves the sites static content such as javascript, css and images] dc.testmy.net :: ( [Washington D.C.] west.testmy.net :: ( [seattle, WA] eu.testmy.net :: ( [Europe / Amsterdam, NL] asia.testmy.net :: ( [Asia / Singapore, SG] Also...
  18. Hope you like what you see. It won't fail for high latency. You'll probably get poor results but it's to be expected.
  19. Welcome to TestMy.net. I hope you enjoy your stay!
  20. Disregard the last bit.. Wrote that before I read your post.
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