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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. nice, looks like you're getting what you pay for
  2. Hi TomMN, sorry for the long reply... maybe you'll stick with it and read it, maybe not. I just want you and others to understand why the results here can differ. Sometimes I start writing and don't realize how much I've written... TestMy.net is it's own benchmark. Look at the results here differently than you do other speed tests. TestMy.net by default tests a single thread, multithread testing options will be available in the future. I'm going to offer the option to multithread but the default will remain the same because I believe it's a better benchmark as it uncovers connection issues that a multithreaded speed test results mask. Multithreading, in case you don't know, is where you open multiple connections, and combine the results. Your connection should NOT need to do this to pull big numbers. Look at my signature... many of my tests are taken from THOUSANDS of miles from the servers. If you want to REALLY benchmark your connection, you need to test it under real world conditions not best case senario. TestMy.net is by design NOT a best case senario... the Internet doesn't operate under best case senario... Your provider has too much at stake, especially someone as big as Comcast. If they do the test in a certain way and display the results in a certain way they aren't really lying.... look at my TiP data with each download test. That shows you clearly that it's ALL in how the numbers are interpreted. I could show you any of those numbers and call it my result.... what I do with TestMy.net is show you EVERYTHING taken into account in your final logged number. There are lots of things that can cause your result to drop like that. We have a 2006 Macbook that could only get around 30 Mbps on TestMy.net, on a 50Mbps cable connection. The connection was perfectly fine... I swapped out the HDD for a SSD, rebooted and was pulling over 50Mbps. TestMy.net is weird sometimes... I designed it and it baffles me sometimes how good it is at it's job. Trust me... you're getting that score for a reason. You might be pulling your speed under the right circumstances but you're not truly running at 100%. If you fix the issues causing that it will make your browsing experience snappier. Having said that, that's not a bad score. It could be hard drive performance slowing you down... TMN is the only speed test that I know of that is effected like that. As you use your browser things are being written to cache... if your HDD is under performing then that process is slowed. If it can be changed and it effects the results... it's a variable that needs to be accounted for. TMN does a good job of cluing you into stuff like that where others fail. ... maybe they do that on purpose to cut down on service calls, I don't know. I just know that TMN time and again shows a problem where others don't. If you're on Windows, try TCP optimizer from Speedguide.net -- we get lots of positive feedback on that, for MANY years. Most operating systems don't come optimized out of the box for connections like yours... if you want to really tune your performance you need your MTU set at 1500 on cable. If you used to have DSL it may be set at 1492 which will degrade your performance on cable (and vice versa). Something else that TMN detects... where others seems to fail to notice. ... it can REALLY degrade your performance too. Symptoms of MTU or RWIN settings set wrong will be a speed lock. I often see it displayed as between 8-10 Mbps on connections that should get 2X higher speeds. If this is the case you will see the same approximate speed or lower to all servers. With you running 38Mbps... it might be something else. ... by the way, Comcast is one of many ISPs that my host has direct peering with. So you should have a pretty direct route to all my servers. Try the server in Washington D.C. and Seattle WA... see what you get there TestMy.net should be a tool in your arsenal, use it as a clue. If you have an apparent 60 Mbps pipe into your house but can only pull 38Mbps, there is a reason. Routing, client end settings, router issues, modem issues... we see it all. One thing is always the same, TestMy.net is correct in its assessment. I guarantee you that if everything is perfectly in order you'll pull your speed. Trust me Tom... this isn't my first rodeo. 10 years before Comcast started sending their customers to their own speed test... their customer service reps were sending people here. The truth is, I don't make them look as good. But I don't care, I didn't build this for the ISPs. I built it for you. Related :: TestMy.net Bandwidth Test Legitimacy Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?
  3. Yes. TestMy.net works with all popular modern browsers without any plugins or downloads. As long as you have JavaScript enabled in your browser... which is the default... you'll be able to use everything on this site.
  4. I can add an option to lock in a specific minimum size. Like is done on the auto test. That would help, right?
  5. That's just it spypet... nothing changed. Maybe a connection along your route was upgraded. Your result wasn't cached, that's highly unlikely here. There are multiple cache resistance features to TestMy.net. I can't pull my full speed through well seeded torrents all the time either. With a 21.4MB test size, powerboost or whatever Roadrunner calls it could be a factor. Try testing with 100MB, see what a larger size yields. I see some 40MB tests you did and if you notice the speed lowered... I bet it will go down a couple more Mbps if you do 100MB. ... I think your route improved. Be happy!
  6. That's a great idea. I'll work something up for you.
  7. CA3LE


    Thanks TunaLik, (do you 'like' Tuna... or do you 'lick' Tuna. trying figure out your nick. ) Always good to see things working as they should. Thanks for the feedback! Nice connection!
  8. To tell you the truth dude, I'd bet it has to do with the sensor that senses a paper jam. That light, if I'm not mistaken, is mostly to inform you of low toner or a paper jam. Could also be the door sensor, I think that light will come on if the door is open too. If somehow one of those switches broke that senses if there is a paper jam or the door is open it's very possible it would still print perfectly but the light will remain on. As long as it's working... who cares though. -- isn't Xerox Phaser pretty old, I'd be happy that it works at all. Maybe that's just me. It isn't drivers. If it was a driver issue the computer wouldn't have a way to communicate with the printer. He wouldn't be able to print and the computer couldn't have a way to even tell the printer to turn on the error light. Remember drivers are instruction sets, if the computer doesn't have the instructions for that printer... it can't communicate with it. I would bet money that this issue is hardware not software related.
  9. I agree, great program. Been referring people to speedguide's TCP Optimizer since... I think Windows ME was just released. I edited your post and added a link for people. I love that there is still tons of useful information on old.testmy.net forum .. cool to see people linking there still.
  10. Okay... I'm a jackass. I got a chance to look deeper into this. Ened up that I had a variable set to tell it to only display for me... just me specifically. I often do that when I work because I work on the site live with traffic. I have it only display things for me so I can debug them before they go live. Seems I forgot to remove the variable from one little area, all it takes to turn it all off. Lol, nobody's even seen the TiP graph outside of the results page. Sometimes the late nights get to me, human error. Should be working for everyone now. At least I know it works good before it truly went live, it's been working without an issue perfectly for me since I released it. I still can't believe I missed that for this long. Thanks for trying to let me know over a week ago. Sorry I was too busy to get into until just now.
  11. Got a message from Softlayer about the Seattle server. This only effects the mirror in Seattle and is scheduled for April 25th. Expect 15 minutes of downtime some time during that 4 hour window on that mirror.
  12. Hey jackdashack, sent you a PM. Again, sorry I couldn't help sooner on that. Yesterday was my 5 year anniversary so I took the day off. I was only paying attention to my monitors yesterday. Glad it's fixed... thanks for helping out everyone!
  13. I don't know how they're doing the calculation but I've seen programs like that be flat out wrong. However, I agree with mudmanc4 that it's within the range of acceptable variance. Usually programs like that report faster speeds than TestMy.net, slightly. This is due to network overhead. It could be attempting to account for overhead. A variable that I don't take into my calculations... because it's too variable. Hope this helps, keep visiting and tell your friends. TestMy.net is word-of-mouth. -D
  14. Maybe the test they're using multithreads the upload... maybe it only takes the best portion of the result into consideration... You know that you have a problem, right? You experience this problem all over the place, right? Then you need to tell your ISPs techs that their test is bullshit. They need to hear that EVERY day. Then tell them the alternative that obviously works and reflects the actual health of the connection. TestMy.net -- They could save their customers from the kind of headache that you're dealing with. Wouldn't it be easier if they used a test that didn't overstate the connection? The tests they use ignore important factors that reduce your speed, they also multithread which can make things look better... and then they test too close. How can it be a test of the Internet if you're not even leaving your city or state... often with those ISP tests you don't even leave the providers network? How can it be a true test when the results are altered? We need to make them understand... THAT'S NOT AN INTERNET TEST! --- maybe that's just my opinion. But you and MANY MANY MANY people tell us that their ISPs test often doesn't reflect the performance they see online or on TestMy.net... Your ISP shouldn't have to only be upheld to their own standards. They should be willing to be scrutinized by third parties. I'm up for examination by anyone that wants to. Get a network inspector of some sort, something that graphs the interface. (Realize that you're not looking for a byte for byte, bit for bit comparison, there are more factors after your interface that result in overhead. So what you read on the interface can be around 5-7% off from the speed that could be perceived by an Internet speed test. But the general plot of the graph and the figures give you more than enough evidence to prove my point.) Now run a test using your ISPs speed test. Compare that graph with the results and you'll find that they HAVE to be calculating on their own algorithm... because it doesn't line up with the interface. Seems to me that ISP tests are often more of a judge of the maximum achievable speed. Now, do the same thing with TestMy.net. You'll quickly realize that I know what I'm talking about here. I have a LARGE number of people that keep me in check, including myself. If I make even a minor mistake in calculation or if anything is off... my inbox lights up light the 4th of July. It's my trusty team of double checkers, you know who you are. I TRULY appreciate their input, listening to them and using their input has made TestMy.net into what I believe is the most accurate and feature laden speed test online. I hope you agree, if not... you must like being lied to. I'll be posting youtube videos soon where I'll compare the network interface results vs TestMy.net and other popular speed tests. Some of these other tests are really funny. They use laughably small amounts of data for testing and some of them I have no idea where they pull their numbers from... because they don't correspond with anything that's actually happening. A lot of them will show like 15 Mbps of upload, looks like stuff is happening... all intense... then I look at the interface and I'm uploading 3.5 kB/s (my idle). Just stupid and that was an ISP test from a top 10 ISP in the US using the most popular speed test software. Then they expect their customers to rely on that information... and then tell their techs to ONLY rely on those results. .... It's not going to surprise me if a class action is filed when someone proves that they're knowingly providing inflated test results to cut down on service calls. It's a lot easier to blame the problem on everyone else (e.g. "...it's the websites your visiting.") when you have a little test that makes your customers feel like their getting their moneys worth. -D
  15. It does choose the best server... my server is Texas is the most powerful. Many people assume that closer is better when in fact the opposite is true if you want a real test of your connection. You could be hitting bottlenecks or issues further in your route that will only be apparent if you test at distance. The best connections peer well across the Internet regardless of distance. I've seen 200+ Mbps across international waters and over distances of many thousands of miles on TestMy.net. You want a connection that performs well across the Internet not just near by. ... side track, in regards to international routes. People always blame poor performance on this factor. But it doesn't have to be the case if your provider is delivering. The reason many connections slow down over these long routes, especially transatlantic or transpacific routes, is because the lines are oversold. They don't leave enough available bandwidth to meet peek demand and some use packet shaping to limit throughput to any one user. Good providers use routes that have room available. If I can get these speeds at distance... anyone can. Your provider just has to give you what you're paying for. Comercial bandwidth in my experience performs much better over distance than residential. One of the points to this website is that I'm trying to help bring awareness to this and hopefully bring that same level of service to every consumer. How are your speeds downloading files across the Internet? Pretty inconsistant? Is your speed of browsing inconsistant too? Adobe and Microsoft downloads are delivered with CDN which means that it's pulled from a server near you. Most things you download aren't like that.
  16. Thanks for the suggestion Scott. I'm working on that actually. -- look for this in the future. Keep visiting
  17. By the way... if anyone has any issues. First, clear your cookies. This update can be effected by old cookies saved in your browser. You need only clear the cookies for TestMy.net... most people will be unaffected. -D
  18. I told the program to output the page like that, I took a screenshot and superimposed it onto that imac. ... the results in the database are real however. I noticed the results in the database and thought it would be funny.
  19. I've added compatibility for multiple identifiers. Enjoy! I added a WiFi identifier to the drop down. I know of a way I can detect that with android 2.2+, if I can figure it out for iPhone I'll enable wifi detection for mobile devices. Give me some time on that. Please let me know if you see anything out of the ordinary.
  20. The image with him turned to the side worked perfectly for that. The image is fake but the results are real. Only 826 people live in Vatican City. So there is a small chance. If you look really close you'll see that it's the same result from the database and at the top it says "Welcome POPE" -- lol
  21. Glad to see you back. Returning visitors rule. First, it looks like you've hit a bottleneck. See how your speed holds steadily at almost the same rate all the way through the test. A super low variance can point to a bottleneck along your route. (Super low variance can also mean it's running really good too... obviously not the deal in your case.) Change the test server to the one in Europe and test again... let's see if you get similar results. Then you'll know if the bottleneck is closer to home or if it's in International routing. If there is a bottleneck and it's closer to home, your results will be identical or similar. Could be BT, BT's peers or it could be within your own network. We'll try to help you figure it out and resolve it.
  22. Pope Francis might be checking the Internet speed at his new digs. Holy See - Vatican City State Speed Test Results - Vatican needs a fiber drop.
  23. This should be available within the next couple of weeks. Definitely planned.
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