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Everything posted by rushonbye

  1. rushonbye


    Good question...
  2. I use 1152 x 864 on a 21 inch CRT for my main computer. On my other box with a 19" widescreen I use 1280 x 720.
  3. I was assuming above that you are connected to the router via a wired connection and not wireless. Is that true?
  4. I was assuming above that you are connected to the router via a wired connection nd not wireless. Is that true?
  5. I don't think cable nut will help with the connection between the router and the modem and it sounds like thats where the problem is. You may want to play with the MTU size in the router configuration. Try setting it to 1500 first and play with it from there if the speeds aren't where they were when your computer was connected directly to the cable modem.
  6. Actually its not effective at all. Unless you mean by effective it leaves your box. It does that,but it rarely goes back to the actual sender. I guess its ok if you dont mind it bouncing around the internet going nowhere or worse bouncing back to some innocent unspecting user whos email address was spoofed because most spam has a forged reply to address. So I guess if you dont mind being part of the problem, you could call this effective.
  7. How is the speed without the router in place?
  8. Bouncing spam back is not effective and just creates more crap on the internet. More than likely the "reply to" in the email is spoofed so you just end up bouncing it to an innocent inet user creating more spam or to a non existent user.
  9. I think he's right. Spankings for all....(except testmy rocks).
  10. Here ya go <bump>
  11. Kool, works for me.
  12. Actually that is not true at all. Cox offers many different tiers of speed that will accommodate just about any network.
  13. My ride...
  14. Congrats man, I to have A+ and Network+ for about the last ten years. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. I am now working s a service supervisor for a large ISP and it has served me very well.
  15. The modem itself does not do port forwarding.
  16. I agree with "bwt1953". Use a hardware firewall regardless of wether you have static IPs or DHCP.
  17. Brian, It sounds like your dsl modem is in a "gateway" configuration If your ISP sets it up in bridge mode you can use your static IPs behind it.
  18. I work for a large cable Internet provider and I provision modems all the time.
  19. There are five lights on the front (power, receive, send, online, and activity) if I remember right. The activity light should blink. The others should remain solid.
  20. The SB5101 is a great modem and completely capable of getting 16Mb speeds....
  21. Neither, have them put your store bought cable modem on your account. If the phone rep can't help you have them escalate to a supervisor.
  22. Well, the levels look great. I would either test with a known good PC or have the cable company come out and test the connection. It could be a bad modem or upstream noise or a PC problem.
  23. The url linking is broke or I am having mental problems. Just make sure the whole url includes the .1 in the last octet of the IP address.
  24. The above link is broke...
  25. Kool, you can find the diag page by browseing to and then click on the signal (?) page. Please post the results...
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