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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. lol well...i was downloading something and for some reason when i opened the exe to install the program it said windows can not find a program to open this file, or whatever it says. so i accidentally clicked make default for this file type and notepad was selected...so instead of clicking cancel i clicked ok...thats when the fun began lol. i know how to get it right back to how it was though....just for some reason im not sure why, but it wanted to open with explorer.exe but if i wanted to recreate that problem i just select browse on default programs and select explorer.exe manually lol. good learning tool on how to fix the registry i think. but yeah it was my fault for getting ahead of myself....yeah im glad its back as well. ...and as a young male normally does...im going back to downloading that program again lol. this time i will be sure to do it right
  2. haha apparently coffee and mudmans response helped out. along with some friends on another site i got ahold of. they gave me a link to a website and i got this .reg file you can copy into notepad (god knows it was easy enough to open ) and you save it as a .reg instead of .txt. then you right click on the file and click merge. and restart. works like a charm. you guys got my brain fired up with the responses. thank you guys a TON. :grin2: its basically what mudman said but if your computer is stubborn like mine and wont fix by manually changing the registry, this way will probably do it...mine did. here is the contents of the .reg file if anyone has this problem in the near future. copy and paste all of this: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exe] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exe] @="exefile" "Content Type"="application/x-msdownload" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.exePersistentHandler] @="{098f2470-bae0-11cd-b579-08002b30bfeb}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefile] @="Application" "EditFlags"=hex:38,07,00,00 "FriendlyTypeName"=hex(2):40,00,25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52, 00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,25,00,5c,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,33,00, 32,00,5c,00,73,00,68,00,65,00,6c,00,6c,00,33,00,32,00,2e,00,64,00,6c,00,6c, 00,2c,00,2d,00,31,00,30,00,31,00,35,00,36,00,00,00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileDefaultIcon] @="%1" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshell] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopen] "EditFlags"=hex:00,00,00,00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellopencommand] @=""%1" %*" "IsolatedCommand"=""%1" %*" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunas] "HasLUAShield"="" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunascommand] @=""%1" %*" "IsolatedCommand"=""%1" %*" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunasuser] @="@shell32.dll,-50944" "Extended"="" "SuppressionPolicyEx"="{F211AA05-D4DF-4370-A2A0-9F19C09756A7}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellrunasusercommand] "DelegateExecute"="{ea72d00e-4960-42fa-ba92-7792a7944c1d}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellex] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellexContextMenuHandlers] @="Compatibility" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellexContextMenuHandlersCompatibility] @="{1d27f844-3a1f-4410-85ac-14651078412d}" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTexefileshellexDropHandler] @="{86C86720-42A0-1069-A2E8-08002B30309D}" [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSystemFileAssociations.exe] [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSystemFileAssociations.exe] "FullDetails"="prop:System.PropGroup.Description;System.FileDescription;System.ItemTypeText;System.FileVersion;System.Software.ProductName;System.Software.ProductVersion;System.Copyright;*System.Category;*System.Comment;System.Size;System.DateModified;System.Language;*System.Trademarks;*System.OriginalFileName" "InfoTip"="prop:System.FileDescription;System.Company;System.FileVersion;System.DateCreated;System.Size" "TileInfo"="prop:System.FileDescription;System.Company;System.FileVersion;System.DateCreated;System.Size" [-HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.exe] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.exe] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.exeOpenWithList] [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerFileExts.exeOpenWithProgids] "exefile"=hex(0):
  3. lol system restore didnt work but i got a game demo i uninstalled back yeah mudman i was just being my sleep deprived self and got ahead of myself and hit the wrong button...but i went to my recovery console and went to the registry, and everything from that was fine, i saw that earlier (havent been to bed yet its now past 8am lol)...but everything in that "fix" was set exactly as that. i have one more thing to try then im confused. i even made my own .reg file...says its a registry entry and everything but when i tried to right click on it and click merge it said it wasnt a registry file...haha it cant make up its mind.
  4. yeah thats the problem, if i can make it that far, its not checked no, but what program is it supposed to open with anyway lol. but yeah folder options doesnt have that in windows 7...or at least i looked through every tab and didnt see anything like that. well thats the problem i have no disk, the only backup i have is a drive image from the last time i backed up...i can get to the hidden partition easily, with a system restore option there, i guess i can try it out.
  5. ok so somehow my settings got changed to .exe files open with notepad...well now they open with exploreer.exe so it just creates an infinite number of explorer.exe processes...now i even tried changing the registry for it, doesnt work...i tried going to my default programs list, but it doesnt work...hell .exe files werent even listed....so how do i fix this? i really dont want to restore my laptop as it has tons of valuable info on it...so ...any ideas? basically even my taskbar icons that are pinned even have the little explorer.exe as the default program, so now even my gadgets wont load at startup because it just creates this infinite loop of opening explorer.exe...in 15 seconds of my cmputer being on there is seriously like 500 processes just from this...how do i fix it?
  6. lol nice. yeah i had to drive about 15 minutes back to my house because the keyboard the guy had was busted and the mouse was a ball mouse and the roller on the inside to move the cursor up and down was snapped off...and yeah i felt like it was my first day when i unplugged the vga cable from the tower but forgot to plug it back in and tore the side of the case off and played with the video card then realized what i did....its been a long few days
  7. yeah. i've been on it for about half a week now. i cant figure it out. the wireless card is definitely beyond the stage of even calling it FUBAR. of course on the system im working on, the owner took the wireless card out and put it in a different pc and then put it back into the original when it didnt work, so he might have zapped it on here. but still doesnt say why the ethernet port is down. im wondering if a system restore would do the trick since formatting isnt an option for me.
  8. on another note....the internet on that pc wont work at all...the wireless card wont accept the correct drivers in any way i try...and even if i plug in an ethernet cord it doesnt turn on at all. doesnt even recognize it..and device manager says the ethernet port should be working fine.
  9. coknuck did it for me. very generous of him. Thanks again coknuck. and yeah i dont have the template file but im guessing its about 4 layers deep.
  10. well in all honesty i cant give you a definite answer, but what i can be sure about is that anything such as advanced virus remover, personal antivirus, porn, trojans, 3 different AV programs that had been expired and also nortons and then symantec or whatever its called...all on bootup. now as you probably know just in that list, the first 2 things are hell to get rid of and viruses themselves. so im guessing thats what changed the registry, the task manager option was also disabled. i had to edit the registry settings to get task manager enabled as well. here is how i enabled task manager incase anyone needs this. go to start/run, type in regedit, hit enter. now to go HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem now there should be a string named DisableTaskMgr if the Value is set to 1, that means its disabled, set the Value to 0 and it will enable the use of task manager.
  11. ok got it to work. i had to go into the registry. that program opens and default opens the config folder, then go to this directory: ConfigSoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon then find the string called Shell and make sure its value is set to Explorer.exe then find the string called uerinit and make sure the value says C:windowssystem32userinit.exe, (note: INCLUDE THE COMMA AT THE END, and C: can be whatever drive you have your OS installed on.) this is for xp pro
  12. it didnt work, any other ideas
  13. wow tommie i knew you were close to where i am, but not THAT close. thats pretty cool. didnt know we were that close. and welcome aboard tim
  14. i have mandriva 2009 live cd, which i will try also, but i tried this pcregedit on my spare dell and it worked fine, so hopefully it will work, if not i dont have a backup plan.
  15. http://www.pcregedit.com/ i found this, im going to burn it as a live cd and see if i can edit the registry, because from what i've researched (im assuming it was a virus as they had no virus protection) two registry keys got edited, and is apparently the most common problem from a virus/malware, so im trying this first.
  16. tried everything, except taking out the battery on the motherboard and resetting that. but i've tried everything else. i have found numerous live cd programs, but they all want to install and copy the files from my computer to the cd, so thats no help because im on windows 7 and the machine is a xp pro.
  17. edit nevermind that involves the use of a windows cd which i dont have.
  18. Hi, I have been trying to fix a computer with xp pro service pack 2, and it will load perfectly fine to the welcome screen, then it says loggin on, the the wallpaper will load up and it will immediately say saving settings logging off and be back at the welcome screen, it does this in every safemode option, all the start windows normally, and from last good configuration options. and it wont load into the recovery console from the drive, and there is no windows cd or recovery cd. any ideas? i thought it was a registry problem, but now am not so sure, Any help would be appreciated.
  19. 30c is fine. thats around 90 degrees F
  20. well i do wish everyone a happy thanksgiving, and everything. hope its a great time. but personally i think we have gotten rid of our holliday traditions because we commercialized everything to make a profit, so most people just know that something that rewards them for nothing is coming up. Happy holidays
  21. lol Coknuck, thanks man, i didnt get to read the question in time. Glad you figured it out zengxion.
  22. lol no its cool. it was a unique one. just caught my eye so i replied to ya.
  23. welcome to the forum, zengxiong, enjoy your stay here and i love your intro from the fact, it sounds like you are on facebook or something maybe you can snoop through our forum here and possibly help some members with technical problems, or maybe we can help you with some you have
  24. yeah i keep switching between here and GIMP.
  25. wow...those things are awesome, im downloading them all. here are a few you might like. they have that cool abstract look http://dollieflesh-stock.deviantart.com/art/Knife-and-Sword-Brushes-37961332 http://jazzpecq.deviantart.com/art/Paper-GIMP-brush-2945386 http://nesq.deviantart.com/art/Doom-Abstract-Brush-2-FOR-GIMP-127518589 http://knux57.deviantart.com/art/Knux-s-Sharp-Brush-Pack-94831864 and here is a fire group of brushes that seem pretty cool. im downloading all of these as well. http://evlon-shape-shifter.deviantart.com/art/Brush-the-Flame-64741292 edit/ posted the wrong link to the knife brushes, fixed now
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