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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. sweet thanks, if you want any of the brushes fonts i have just give me a holler . i have clouds, mountains, flowers, trees, stars, and others. a good site to get them is deviantart.com they have some pretty cool brushes. thanks again for the brushes. yeah i keep retrying all of my stuff...i cant seem to do them how i want either...perhaps some of the sig guru's can give us some tips
  2. Happy birthday CA3LE. Have a good one and many more to come. Thanks for the site, and hope you have a great birthday
  3. thats badass. may i ask how you created that cool background? i've been trying to duplicate it but in a different color just to see how to do it
  4. lol thanks pixie, for the comment on his sig.
  5. if he isnt getting sound it seems like he doesnt have the driver installed correctly, or the wrong driver....i agree with tommie, get rid of the sound driver you have now and reboot. ...is it integrated sound (plug ins for speakers on the motherboard) or is it a sound card that you have....because if you give us that info we can find the drivers you need
  6. :haha: man where do you get these pics?? and this program is cool. im still experimenting with it
  7. im sorry tommie what did you say, i couldnt hear you, coknuck's login screen was too loud :2funny: but yeah thanks for the heads up though coknuck, i will probably be changing mine soon.
  8. it probably shouldnt be that low, but every night for me i have to power cycle my modem at least 10 times it seems like...on a daily basis...because my connection will just drop, and im on cableone.
  9. wow...thats probably the most accurate test i've ever taken
  10. Ans i agree...its impossible to read things when i have to scroll down every few seconds but is there any way to fix the refresh thing so i dont have to click on the box every few seconds to continue typing?
  11. you can use whatever name you want, at the bottom it has a link to "register" which basically just is picking a password and a name, nothing really time consuming.
  12. what brand is the card, and its PCI correct?
  13. sweet, i'll check it out
  14. yeah i remember IRC, i used to use it quite alot. that would be cool. although without having private rooms there might be, at times, people who arent wanted there (meaning spammers who send links to live cams if you catch my drift). but it would be cool
  15. yeah i think its something like, wear a hair net or put long hair in a ponytail so its behind your head. but on a side not, i bet the food your husband cooked was amazing.
  16. speaking of wallpapers, and adding to the list, since the one ninja posted was freakin awesome...here is the one i use alot http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper_beta/downloads/date/any/?promo=disabled
  17. i didnt mean its bad, i just would prefer it, especially when in a rush, at least my employees could only have goatee's and stuff at my old job, i just prefer it this way, but yeah long hair and things are acceptable, just i dont like having them around food
  18. haha for a previous job i had to take a health code test...i know how that all goes, plus its common sense, if you cook, keep hair short (getting a haircut soon) and dont have a beard
  19. well...i have to start cooking at work, and would rather have a clean shave when cooking, so sadly i had to DQ myself from the race
  20. are you sure the cpu isnt damaged?
  21. well...im running the real version of windows 7 home premium and here is what my laptop scored under that experience index... by the way an easy way to get to system information box is to push and hold down the windows key and pausebreak key. edit/ also my laptop does play crysis on high smoothly...on very high though it gets sluggish in firefights. but all in all i believe that test is accurate for intel based systems, and amd ones it seems to go whacky on. i've noticed that
  22. i wouldnt catch that in 5 YEARS. but hey if i dont get a haircut does that count...or are there no loopholes?
  23. lol nice coknuck, thats why i put a border on mine, to distract the fact mine isnt coming in all the way yet but so far....u win
  24. lol haha unless i have to shave it off or something yeah lets race, here is mine...i even put a cool border on it LOL
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