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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. hey man, the owners of this country convinced the government it was a good idea....we have no freedoms except what kind of fast food do you want today?....its an illusion of freedom, in which people give up more freedom to think they are safer....we cant win so we might as well make the best of it...
  2. man, i just got home from work and read this....i wish tstillery the best of luck and hope he makes it home safe....that cant be said enough for what he's doing for our country hope that 12 month tour goes by very quickly for him. cant wait to see what pics and stories he has to share when he's back.
  3. wow man happy bday. im glad for teh service that you do for us, and i hope you come back good as or better than you leave. be safe and like was mentioned before, dont volunteer for anything unnecessary
  4. from what i've researched on the net recently, it seems to boil down to cache sizes and rpm speeds, etc. for HDD's. here is a link comparing them http://www.tomshardware.com/charts/3.5-hard-drive-charts/Average-Read-Transfer-Performance,658.html i'd personally say the 7200 rpm drive will probably have a similar cache size but will work just a tad bit faster. when i upgraded an old desktop from a 5400rpm to a 7200 rpm drive i only saw a slight increase though, such as instead of a 1 minute boot it was around 45 seconds. but hey its still an increase edit sorry too many numbers...got em fixed now
  5. :2funny: actually to be honest, while i did laugh im not sure whether to keep laughing or call a therapist
  6. hmm i didnt see this thread until now, but just as my 2 cents worth, when i installed win 7 i had to wait at the logo screen for like 10 minutes just to get it to advance to the actual setup, then it worked fine.
  7. be safe and return safe. post back when you can man.
  8. my experience with driver detective was taht even with a "free version" it would scan fine, then when i hit the button to find missing drivers it wanted me to pay before it did anything....NOT worth it IMO
  9. hmm thats interesting, i'll read more about that pressure idea. seems pretty cool if it will work effeciently.
  10. i've had the problem with my old desktop (not by dropping it...that was UPS) but anyway, if ram is plugged into one slot and wont work, but if its plugged into a different slot and works fine, it is probably the ram slot. and besides a new motherboard i doubt you can really fix a slot on the board its self. but i may be wrong.
  11. now that i think about it, i know it would probably not even be worth it but little shout boxes on the side of the page is kinda cool. but that uses alot of extra bandwidth and is hard to keep up sometimes
  12. yeah we had it twice before that i can recall. lots of work to make it happen went with it. but after a few days noone used it. and yeah tdawnaz, i think it was frank and laura. lol i remember frank, when you wanted him to stop talking you had to tell him bye or he would get mad at you for not responding.
  13. i havent ever had this error, but i have had a problem only once before, and that was i tried to post and it said i wasnt logged in when i hit submit, but a quick refresh of the browser fixed that.
  14. sorry RTB good catch. i meant ddr2. Lol. i wish ddr12
  15. sorry im dragging this thread out, but i just decided on the toshiba...it has the gpu and everything else i wanted in the HP but it also has the CPU from the asus, which i liked more. so its a win win for me. it has to wait about 7 or so weeks to be ordered though...gotta wait and save a few extra bucks and see if it comes in stock again on newegg. but anyways, labelflash is my main reason for replying to this thread again. any ideas on it? its completely different ball park than lightscribe. labelflash disks have blue (only blue at this time) ink embedded 0.6mm deep into the disk's plastic and instead of burning the image onto the disk it just basically moves the ink around and creates the image kind of like lightscribe but with ink in the disk itsself. still learning about it, but seems cool. although the media is found nowhere around me in stores and is more expensive than lightscribe. still hope it goes better than the stagnant reserach and sales of lightscribe items. it has potential, but i wish it was multicolored not just blue...kinda gets old if you use the same color for everything. any comments, questions, ideas about label flash...especially if you've used it. i want to know how well it performs. here is a link describing labelflash technology also. http://labelflash.jp/what/index.html http://labelflash.jp/what/tec.html http://labelflash.jp/faq/index.html
  16. i cant really argue with you mudman, as i may have wording mixed up and confuse the issue, but the point of your post seems perfectly correct to me. at least i know what your saying if something is misworded, but i still understand it all when you explained it. and tommie, DDR3 has many more uses, i mean with the new technology for faster CPU's and everything the DDR12 just was getting slow and not keeping up as well. dont get me wrong its still great to use today, but if you want top of the line performance, ddr3 has higher stock clock rates than ddr2 and just has the technology in it to keep on par with faster cpu's than ddr2. one day ddr2 will be like floppies are now, and ddr3 will be like dvd rewriters. (probably a bad comparision, but i think the point is still here). just faster, better, more stable ram for tomorrows tech. not to mention take the highest frequency of ddr2 ram and notice its considerably lower than the 2ghz clocked ddr3.
  17. wow tommie, that got a core 2 quad?
  18. well i had some questions dealing with ddr2 and ddr3 ram types, so after a quick search i found a nice video that gives the basics on those, i just would like to share incase anyone else had any questions concerning them....mods sorry if this should be in off topic, but i felt as i thought it should be here in general.
  19. usually the slider is on the left or right side of the usb drive itsself. it usually has a little font typed beside it that says "lock".
  20. well my plans have changed...im going to reconsider the toshiba...as of the fact that a friend of mine has an HP with a decent web surfing configuration, and even integrated graphics and complains nonstop about it getting hot and shutting down like it overheats...forget that problem, if he has it with that configuration what could possibly happen with the dedicated card and everything of the one i wanted....i'll post up with which one i buy for sure. sorry about the long thread and my double post here
  21. im pretty much thinking the hp is the one im going to get, yet for some odd reason the acer flashes back to me with the ddr3 and sata hard disk..but i think im probably going to go with the acer. just gotta wait a few more weeks/ maybe a month tops and i'll have it ordered, its already in my shopping cart on newegg. 843 with overnight shipping if i remember right.
  22. thanks coknuck, but im not sure if i can order from anywhere except newegg (long story). but im kind of leaning towards the hp but am not sure. but if i have to sacrifice a little i will go to another site and probably customize that one coknuck. thanks again.
  23. so as i checked on cpubenchmark.net it has a list of the passmark cpu benchmark tests or whatever it is...i forget at the moment the exact name...but anyways, here is what i have found and also have found about the gpu's of the asus and the hp which seem to be the ones i like the most for some reason or another benchmark test is this from research score of 1498 points for teh asus with intel 2.1ghz t6500 score of 1036 for the hp hp with 2.2ghz amd turion x2 zm-82 and on a benchmark i have found for 3dmark06 here is the scores for the laptops gpu's score of 7180 for the hp with ati mobility radeon 4650hd score of 5880 for the asus with geforce gt 220m so basically the hp has better graphics and screen, also a few other minor things i like, but the asus has a faster harddrive and faster cpu...so now its a matter of....which is going to show the best performance while multitasking with GIMP (photoshop program) and dvd burning, and alot of multitasking needs including graphical needs as well for some applications. edit/ also the hp has 64 bit operating system, which the asus doesnt so i can utilize all 4gb of ram. too many numbers
  24. lol yeah, and i suppose i can always use the RC until i get the upgrade. but if not then im not going to sweat it for the price vs power im getting with the thing.
  25. cool. yeah i was wondering about that, because i was worried that the upgrade would only let me get 32bit. but cool. thanks for the help everyone
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