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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. hahahahaha go start shit on the CNET forums...they flamed me for not knowing about ATI cards...im an Nvidia guy...had a question...posted...and got flamed by all but one guy.... JK about sending flamers..but my story about cnet is true...
  2. ok my phone wont work long distance i guess...so here is my TMN post for ya. Hope you get well soon and keep up your health. We will be awaiting an update from you
  3. welcome back man. i hope your here for a long time
  4. yeh. thats what i figured but seriously. i uninstalled the program that came with the motherboard and installed HWmonitor instead...and the humming quit...
  5. you know...my cpu fan started humming like this..and it was the temp monitor/fan speed controller software program that came with my motherboard...maybe same for you? idk but im just throwing that out there.
  6. no problem. i only saw it because i was like staring at the video like....WOW...its a YOUTUBE video on TESTMY edit/ yes i know...im easily amused... ....oh wow....a shiny object on my desk...i'll brb.
  7. you know if you dont want flashblock...just click disable underneath the video...it disables the videos from showing...
  8. i downloaded teh full movie (1 hour and 56 minutes) from google video into a flv file and converted it to a WMV....
  9. just wondering...did you order it before you made sure your fan connector for the thing is 4 pin on your motherboard as well...because mine is only a 3 pin and socket am2....but that cooler is a 4 pin...just wondering... i just set that link up as an example.
  10. i agree. i think this is a good reminder for everyone. sorry for the messed up response (if it is) because im on my psp doing this post
  11. dont be offended (idk if you are and im not starting anything). they were just saying that incase you were...because in the past people have tried to get help with illegal stuff...they were just saying that its against the rules...
  12. dude one question...why the smiley posts?
  13. sometimes the default password is "password" try that... DUDE and lay off the caps PLEASE. thanks.
  14. Hey, just on your comment about EVEREST...dont look for the free version on the official site...last i knew it was discontinued...to get it try going here http://www.majorgeeks.com/download4181.html
  15. tell us how that turns out. What heatsink/fan did you order? just curious. i have an AM2 system also..i use stock cooling but what did you order?
  16. i have no idea where to just get a fan...i know where to get just a heatsink....but why not just get a whole new thing at once...it would be smarter IMO... here is a link to an am2 one i would look at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835185125 i think Coknuck has this one. you should ask him about it. i beleive he has the intel version.
  17. dude im a registered user at imeem. and the only way i can think of is to use itunes or amazone and actually pay for them...
  18. :haha: NICE.
  19. nah...i just sleep through the class...im there tho. lol i dont skip..i catch up on sleep
  20. lol yeh im a senior in high school. i show up 100% of the time...i cant say that im awake..but im there...
  21. nah i can shine my shoes....yeh i have statistics homework you can do :haha: jk
  22. :haha: Yeh dlewis i just checked your name. lol i was close you are 20. lol. oh btw...lol since we're still buddies, you mind giving me your IMac? ...just a loaner....
  23. welcome to the forum Demonseed...enjoy your stay. but dude...you might wanna stop the torrenting. lol if you get them all the time, eventually soemthings going to happen.
  24. LOL dude. you got it right with sir...he's married. i think hes like 20ish? 21 maybe?
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