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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. its just been a slow day. anyway to help you out, i also have the toshiba a505 series laptop. basically if you take it from power save up to high performance or even up to just balanced, you're losing about an hour worth of life. you can tamper with the settings though like screen brightness, etc. but power save on my laptop (same series) gets me about 4 hours, no joke. high performance gives me about an hour and 45 minutes max, so there is a little comparison. also, if you leave your laptop plugged in every day all day when you use it, it will probably lose some life expectancy. here is an article i posted on another topic about battery life. SOURCE hope this helps edit/ also, i've had my laptop since the day windows 7 was released (last october...23rd i think) and ive seen a small dip in my battery life...i leave my laptop plugged in all day every day when i use it. only is unplugged usually when its not on....and ive seen my battery life go from 4 hours max on power save to 3 hours max. so thats something to keep in mind also. By the way, im assuming your battery is a 6 cell just like mine.
  2. lol i see the video just fine. edit..nevermind. i refreshed and it wont play now.
  3. lol im glad i posted up the fix. thanks mudman.
  4. if you want to make a backup try drive image xml. its free. works great and fast. i use it to do drive to drive backups for my laptop.
  5. i have windows 7 home premium...64 bit. and every 32 bit application EXCEPT DUmeter has worked for me. and trust me i have alot of programs on my computer.
  6. Hey man, welcome aboard, stick around, we have tons of help and its alot of fun here. and you're welcome for the fix. post up if you have any questions or anything.
  7. not to mention home pages...constantly....and its under so many company names now. like zwinky, myfuncards, etc...tons of them that are the same thing...its crazy.. i dont do the offers on facebook for more points on games, but i know there are tons of offers to download and install mywebsearch....and i know someone who did it...you dont get the extra points, even when you send a screenshot of it installed to customer support...the only thing you get is a major headache. also, i'll end my boring post with this.....there is a thing called Personal Antivirus...its a popup that says its scanning your C: ....close immediately...it installs itsself and the only thing i've seen get rid of it was about 3 scans in a row from malwarebytes program
  8. i have that chipset in a computer at my house...if i have a few tabs open in firefox sometimes it bogs down and i cant even play poker on facebook without lag. its weird. but its decent for email/surfing the web...dont expect games lol.
  9. congrats, pixie.
  10. im sure you guys agree with me...even the beta was amazing.
  11. i agree with coknuck...actually im using windows 7 home premium 64 bit. and i love it. a good place on the net to buy a computer for cheap would be Newegg.com.
  12. is it only youtube or is it every video, even with like windows media player? i know someone who had problems playing any videos at all, streaming for the net or playing off the hard drive, they uninstalled their video drivers (newest version) and installed an earlier version then updated back to the newest drivers and it worked. but may not be the case for you.. if its only youtube, then i'd say its a setting that got changed somewhere...is it only with that browser?
  13. i know with newer versions of firefox it makes a downloads folder. and in win 7 it has one in the libraries folder.
  14. i typically save it. but when i save it, it goes to my downloads folder.
  15. Wow, bro, what do you have running? i have 4bg ddr3 ram and 1gb dedicated (up to 2gb) geforce 230m in my laptop...and windows 7 64 bit, and i have 2.5gb free still while im running quite a few things. just curious why you only have 1.4gb free
  16. Welcome to the forum, you'll find this place is top notch.
  17. yep. it will get installed either way. just saving it saves the install file as well. but either way AVG gets installed to your computer.
  18. both do the same thing. run just saves the install as a temp. file while it installs, and save saves the file to your drive. but in the end they are the same process. one just saves the install file. of course the "install" file, really is just a file that downloads the program files from grisoft then installs...so either way.
  19. ohh. lol i misread your sig. i thought it said 32bit. my fault
  20. tommie, do you use the america the beautiful theme like i do? the colors for that spot are hard to see.
  21. i did it. works fine.
  22. vista 32bit works, windows 7 works...but vista 64 seems to always bsod.
  23. is system restore turned on? or what happens when you try?
  24. you mean this page right, if so i circled where you click to begin the test. i just clicked all the options for testing on that page and they all worked for me.
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