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Everything posted by tdawnaz

  1. just: how much is your mortgage payment?...and who much do you make at your job?...how much money do you have in the bank?...oh and can i have your bank account number?...and your social security number?...hehehe ...see what i'm saying?...ca3le's just way too polite to say it. shame on you...no dessert for you
  2. in the beginning of this thread...wasn't there a poll?...where'd it go?
  3. i just noticed i now have 1GB too...i didn't know that they were gonna do that...why did they?
  4. well gosh wow did you take a look at the size of it...try resizing down to like 500 by xxx...it's just too huge
  5. nope...damn...didn't know that either...teach me more master...i mean...netmasta
  6. i don't get it...you get a cookie for 500 posts?...wow...k...well when i get there make mine white chocolate/macadamia...mmmmm virtual cookies...i can't wait
  7. netmasta: wow...thx...that sure cleans up my page...then one can see that stuff if you want...any other li'l tidbits you'd care to share with me? ...well ya'll have a wonderful day...off to work i go
  8. cholla: i've seen the different ones...but i've only had the regular stuff i do like fat tire too...or a corona with lime
  9. thx huny...don't know how i lost it tho...just spazzie finger i guess ...nice option
  10. cholla: yep must be coke...the real thing...i actually dring just about anything room temp...soda...incl root beer...and flat is good too...not joking...ask my family ima freak ...darker beers are good...not too dark tho...i like to be able to still feel my tongue...okay dumb question...what's jack black...jack and coke??...i like that too...but don't try to fool me with the house whiskey...crown is crown and jack is jack and beam is beam...mmmmm also beam and coke or straight...actually i don't drink much (like once a month or so...maybe twice) so i have to decide what i'm in the mood for before i start cause it's only gonna be 1 or 2...yeh yeh yeh...cheap date
  11. thanks netmaster...that did it ...i love you
  12. my new fav mixed drink is crown and coke...mmmmm but for beer i like hefenweisen...not too sure that's how you spell it...but anyway...2 lemons in it please ...and don't bug me about how long it takes me to drink it...i like it room temp. also fond of some of the darker micro brews
  13. all my stuff at the top of the forum pages is gone...my stuff (my msgs, new posts to my replys, new posts since my last login)...you know the stuff at the top in the middle...and all the forum stats in the upper righthand corner (# of posts, # of members, neweest member) where'd it all go?
  14. :D :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4583 Kbps about 4.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 559 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem) Test Time:: Tue May 03 2005 07:57:42 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 82X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.83 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 47.93 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YWC1NZT0Q :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 524 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 64 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main) Test Time:: Tue May 03 2005 07:56:19 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 16 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 39.36 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-I9210PUSN
  15. yeh...skoal...dip or chew...same difference to me...hahaha...i'm not really up on my liquors...see i guess i don't know sicum about sicum...at least liquor wise...
  16. You know ima hold you to this!!!...BTW...no pint night this thur...cinco de mayo...big feast night
  17. do you mean stoli?...isn't skol, chewing tobacco?...but yep vanilla stoli is great with coke...tastes together like creme soda
  18. well they say you get what you give...but in this whole internet thing...because of people like that...seems you give what you get and sometimes get what you haven't given...but definately those that have give deliberately will be getting in spades at some point...it's the law (of the universe)...karma karme karma
  19. whenever i have a problem that i have to call my cable company...that's the first thing that they want to know...is the data light blinking and that the power cable and pc lights are solid...a blinking data light they tell me, means that your modem is communicating and if the others are solid it means it's locked on signal
  20. good man...now here's a man that was taught right ...but then again maybe you should conserve water...lol...
  21. *gasp* oh my...well...i guess anything...any sacrafice...in the name of conservation
  22. forget the falling in thing which can happen to anyone...man or woman...i like the seat and lid down...looks better and is more sanitary...i have animals...and i don't like them drinking out of the can. besides who wants to look in the toilet everytime you go in the bathroom?
  23. HEY...did anyone notice that we now only have 8002 members...did someone delete some?
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