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Everything posted by tdawnaz

  1. don't know what my fastest is but here i am today :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4583 Kbps about 4.6 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 559 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem) Test Time:: Mon May 23 2005 07:44:40 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 82X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.83 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 41.32 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ZL5JXUH2C :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 528 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 64 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (prem) Test Time:: Mon May 23 2005 07:46:31 GMT-0700 (US Mountain Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 16 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 38.22 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-3G40PV19K
  2. i had to fix this with my cox email before they set up their spam protection (which still basically doesn't work) ...so i'll share what i know...if you're using outlook or outlook express i think you can un-check the box for that account that says something like "include this account when sending or receiving email" and there is another box in the advanced section of your accounts section in outlook that give you the option of deleting the emails off the server...hmmm,,,maybe you can't do that if you're not receiving them...you can also set it where if the sender isn't in your address book it goes to the trash...of other message rules
  3. hey paladin...two questions...#1. is that you in your avatar?...#2. what is it that's above the cab of some semi's (is it like a little camper or something like that)??
  4. yeh originally i've been saying 10,000 by june17 (which for me is a significant date) but that was just a guessimate way back when we were at like 5000 or something. but i just told ca3le the other day a closer estimate would be (based on avg regitrations) between the 5th and the 7th...so...my point is...it's funny that you gave those dates...but even if it happens on the 7th or the 5th my first guess is still right ..."by days end june 17, 2005" hehehe
  5. the 9000 member...gacanja...registered at 05/18/2005 at 10:48:19 PM (his time...wherever he is) ..probably just after midnite phx time
  6. check out feb 03, 2003 that's when testmy actually began...everything before that was surftohere...this is way cool...thx humorman
  7. just explain to him how it happens...i'm sure he didn't know
  8. netmasta: can u just shaddup about the flippin post count already...it's like a damned drippy faucet...ya turn it off and it just works it's way back on...nobody cares anymore!!...y do u care anyway? urs ain't hurtin any.
  9. here it comes...one more to go...to...9000 ...and still 10 minutes til midnight phoenix time pooh...midnight...8999 ...just a little less than 8000 more than jan 2005
  10. i think they're all here right now...say hi!!!...and of coure I'M here...i'm not a cowboy but i DO love cowboys tdawnaz, .s1, twiceshy, KI||Z, spitzzz78, air_jordan_forever, edsofaru, TimPawlak, Aggr3, netmasta, CA3LE, ziggy317, Stank_Ho, GunGrave, wingzero2309, figofago, purplepride1608, whiteolorin guess it's just 3 of 'em...micro hasn't been on for a couple of week and van was here earlier...but to get back to ur question...where ARE all the cowboys...lemme know when ya find out
  11. netmasta: uh okay...was there something else u were gonna say?...or wre u just quoting and if so...why?
  12. uh...duh...helloooo...it's ufo's...we have visitors here all the time...they like the climate here...and send their friends here...plug ur noses...when u see them...cuz that's how they get up in ur head and take over ur brain...2 fingers up ur nose is enough to stop em...this is a video of their landing laghts...i think that was the night they stopped at my house...big party they love jack and coke...
  13. hey this is a pretty SmarTest there it is oh well...i can't post my results
  14. might add more emotion to all this...put sum smiles on some faces...kumbya my lord kumbya... :: but maybe u could break them into smaller groups to present to him gimme sum smileys...or is it...smilies?
  15. when u reply to a post u get a basic set of smileys (right above where u type ur msg...not above the quick reply box)...written in blue letters to the bottom right u'll see [more] most of them r too violent for my taste...we need more sweet ones and more nasty ones
  16. it's my opinion that i would be really great if this whold thread would remain off subject...everyone is right nobody is wrong...everyone is wrong nobody is right...who cares...problem solved ...now let's talk about how beautiful i am today
  17. well it didn't offend me...i just thought it was silly...but i did feel sorry for her...really it's not an appropriate animation for all ages...but i really didn't care just tried not to look at it...made me wanna smack mario's hat off...what a jerk...couldn't he see that she wasn't having fun...typical...hahahaha...there's a bunch that do offend me big time...but who's gonna say...but i would if it was way outta line edit for spelling
  18. that's right ...it's okay....s1 is just doing his job...keeping the forum clean
  19. tdawnaz

    Count post no!

    okay...i think we can all just relax and simmer down...i don't think anyone would do this (post just for the numbers)...the games were a bit of fun...it just got outta hand...i too was playing...and realized about my post count and stopped...turned notification off so i wouldn't be tempted...we all like fu, ya know...i meant to ask ca3le as well about a way to stop the count increase in non-computer related topics... but i forgot...i don't think we need to slam anyone...every member is a valued member...and what they say has value... cre8tor: everyone does hope you'll stay...and share your knowledge and computer wisdom...the moderators of this forum...of this site...are very protective and loyal to this site and its administrators, and have the best interest and integrity of this site at heart...this was not directed at you personally...i think it's great that now there is a specific place to go to goof around and a place to go to get down to business...whaddya think?
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