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Everything posted by Buntz

  1. Hope you have better luck than I did. Took Comcast 6 try to get my digital cable to work. First try- tech come out check line,said I need a new line from box on side of Apt. building low signal to TV. Second try -Private contractor come out said I do not need a new line.Play with something in outside box Works for about 3 hours. Third try nobody show ups.No record of my appointment. Forth try-Another tech come out check everything,Said I need a new line Low signal. Fifth try -It snow that day Private contractor could not put new line in ground Sixth try-Findly got new line in Digital cable works now. Make sure they check all of your connection ends,It make a big different in the picture when you have digital cable. I don't even have a HD box. The best picture I get is from a $5.99 pair of rabbit ears. Local station have over the air HD.
  2. I know that the westinghouse that I was looking at a couple of months ago were monitors not TV. They did not have any NTSC/ATSC tuner in them. If I remember right the tuner box will cost you around $200.00 dollars if you buy one.
  3. Does it have a tuner in it ,if not and you use it as a TV you will need to get a box from the cable company or buy one from a store before you can use it .
  4. That sucks
  5. What are your temp when you push it. Guess it time to play with the video card now. Remember raise it a little bit at a time,then run 3Dmark06 and look for artifacting. Make sure you do not check the start with windows box till you are sure that the video overclock is good,that way if it lock up the computer are you have to do is reboot.
  6. Some Bios hide certain options. On my Gigabyte board I have to hit the Ctrl& F1 buttons to see all of the options.These are both AMD boards maybe Intel boards overclock differently. What did you use to overclock the CPU.
  7. I use the BIOS to overclock my computer.As far as I know that is what most people recommend. To overclock my video card I use RivaTuner .not sure if it works with Vista. You can also use ntune or coolbit to overclock your video card. Remember to only raise it up a little bit at a time and watch the CPU temps.
  8. 7517 on my one year old socket 939 AMD rig. X2 4400+ OC to 2774 2 x Evga 7800GT SLI OC to 480/1197 http://service.futuremark.com/orb/projectdetails.jsp?projectType=14&projectId=1646130
  9. All Right!!!! I was wrong again.
  10. Someone else has to answer that question for you ,I do not know.
  11. I do not think so ,as far as I know Intel did not make a Pentium 4 that was 64 bit. How old is the computer?
  12. In Cpuz what does it say after name? Also what does it say after specification?
  13. Make sure read up on the motherboard I read some people are having some problem with the 680i boards. Check out this memory It has better timing and it cheaper, it does need a little more voltage. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231087
  14. I think it is easy to use. Like a lot of other firewall your have to give permission for firefox or IE or any other program to enter the internet,but if you check the [remember my answer for this application box ] you only have to do it once.The only problem I every had with this firewall is with gaming. Some game will not let you out of the game to give it permission to enter the internet. I usually just shut it off before I start playing those game.
  15. I need to slow down and look at what I am reading I find it real easy to use .Just download and it is ready to go.I did not change anything from the default setting. As for how good it is nothing got pass it yet, but I do watch where I surf.
  16. Wrote Comodo firewall in Google .It should be the first search
  17. I use Comodo personal firewall / AVG anti-virus / AVG anti spyware / Spybot / Spyware Blaster. All of these programs are free. The best way to beat this problem is to watch where you surf. Or put linux on one of your computers.
  18. 1318.96 miles to the server. Southern New Jersey
  19. Newegg has 500GB harddrives starting at $134.99 to 269.99. These are 7200 rpm harddrives. Also since you are going to use a second harddrive maybe you can buy a smaller main harddrive.
  20. You could erase the you know what off the harddrive and use the harddrive in the new rig you are building. Use it as a second harddrive and put all your music on it or put all of the you know what on it.
  21. I am glad I can help. If you check back later I am sure someone here can answer your first question. Also welcome to Testmy net forum.
  22. I have Comcast cable so I do not know the anwser to your first question. This is what FTP means. Short for File Transfer Protocol, the protocol for exchanging files over the Internet. FTP works in the same way as HTTP for transferring Web pages from a server to a user's browser and SMTP for transferring electronic mail across the Internet in that, like these technologies, FTP uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols to enable data transfer. FTP is most commonly used to download a file from a server using the Internet or to upload a file to a server (e.g., uploading a Web page file to a server)
  23. THANKS for taking the time to look into it for me. AS for it not working for torrent or p2p file it is Comcast we are talking about and they will screw you every chance they get.
  24. Thanks for the reply. I just try it, but it a bad time of the day to do a speed test on the east coast.One time I got 9783 than 8721 than 6378.I will try again later. What I am trying to do is get a dual test so I can change my sig from two boxes to one box. Thanks again.
  25. Anybody?
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