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Everything posted by Buntz

  1. When I do a tracert using windows cmd in run to www. testmy.net or www.google .com with my router hookup on the second hop I get [request timed out]. When I remove the router and connect directly to the modem I get [request timed out] on the first hop. Any ideals why it is doing this. Don't know if this make a different or not ,But I am running a Linksys router[WRT54G] with dd-wrt software install on it.The modem is a Motorola Surfboard SB5100 that is at least 2 years old.
  2. Buntz


    This is what Wikpedia says Ping is. Ping is a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network. It works by sending ICMP
  3. Your temps are on the high side for that CPU. What case are you using. I couple extra fan will help with the air flow inside the case which should lower you CPU temps some more. Getting a better heatsink and fan will help to. Changing the thermal compound like Diehard said is a good ideal too.
  4. What CPU do you have. When I had that problem with the floppy I had the cable on wrong. I had to flip the cable around and it fix the problem.
  5. Try going down to the local auto service station and see if they will let you use their compressed air. Be careful there is a lot more pressure coming out of their lines. Ask if they can turn down the pressure for you,
  6. Is remote desktop/ assisstance [whatever it is call] on so it can hookup?
  7. Are all your ram sticks the same make & model. Also did you try running the computer with out using duel channel.
  8. If he got a XP disk than that the way to go ,But most notebook manufacturer do not give you a disk unless you pay extra for it. They usually partition the drive and put a System Recovery or PC Recovery in that partition.
  9. See if windows will start in safe mode. If it does try to do a System Restore, If System Restore does not work you might have to do a PC Recovery, Try system restore first in safe mode.
  10. What is your budget ? You can go with a cheaper processor and a good heatsink & fan and overclock the processor a little to make up the different.
  11. Are you overclocking the CPU or Video card? If you are try turning it back some.
  12. Buntz

    New Laptop

    I do not think overclocking a notebook is a good thing to do and when overclocking I like using the BIOS to overclock,but here is a windows program that should overclock your notebook if the notebook allows it. http://www.cpuid.com/clockgen.php Be careful , raise it a little bit at a time and watch your cpu temps. Try to do it without raising the cpu voltage if you can. Keep the vents clean with some can air or compress air if you can get it over there.
  13. I have two desktops. One runs windows XP Home,One runs Kubuntu Linux. My old laptop is still running windows 2000.
  14. Buntz

    New Laptop

    Just read something on another forum. It said that your cpu throttle the power to what the program needs are. You need to go into your power option in Vista control panel and set this to max.
  15. Buntz

    New Laptop

    Does Intel still have speedstep or something else that adjusts the cpu speed between running on battery or if the notebook is plug in? If it does maybe it is not set up right.
  16. Buntz

    New Laptop

    That should play games with no problems. Maybe it has a conflict with Vista. I would not overclock a notebook cpu it will create to much heat inside the notebook. Some people do overclock their notebook video cards a little ,but keep a eye on the video card temps.
  17. I wanted you to just try one stick of 512 ram in different slot to see if you have a bad memory slot. You should be able to play a game with one 512 stick , but it may be a little slow. If it works with one 512 ram than you have a motherboard problem and you will have to RMA the board or get a new motherboard.
  18. Have you try to run just one stick of memory? You might have a bad memory slot on the motherboard.
  19. I had a problem like this. It was cause by a cheap KVM switch I brought. Disconnect the switch, problem gone
  20. ....Do you overclock your video card. What are your video card temps at idle and playing a game.
  21. You need to get rid of the drivers you are not using. Is the realtek audio the one that come with the motherboard? If it is make sure it is turn on in the BIOS. There are jumpers on some motherboard so you can use the audio on the front panel check the manual to make sure the jumpers are in the right slots.
  22. I ask this question 6 or more months ago. I was tolled that there were no programs like Cablenut for Linux and that Linux really did not need any. The setting that come with Linux were all you needed. I just tryed do some speed test , but it 5:00PM on the east coast and my bandwidth is all over the place even with cable. Just too many people online right now. If I remember right the different between my windows XP computer and my Kubuntu Linux computer is very little. My windows computer at it best will do just over 9000 kbps using cablenut. My linux computer will do around 8400kbps with no tweaks on downloads. Uploads are about the same on both computer around 720kbps. My cable plan is 768/8000.
  23. I use Black Viper's service Configurations. He give you three different configurations, I use the Power User configuration. He also has one for Vista. www.blackviper.com
  24. If that all you do I would just leave the computer like it is, there is no need to upgrade
  25. That sound good to me[ I am still running 939 socket and do not know all the ins and outs of AM2] I do not think he will see much of a different with either one to make it worth his wild to change processor, most program and games still do not use both core.
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