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Everything posted by Buntz

  1. Can't remember that either :haha:
  2. I have been running XP SP3 since Coknuck posted the link on Dec.22. I have not had any problem with it. To tell you the truth I forgot I even installed it till I seen this post.
  3. I don't use any of them. I use VLC media player. It plays a lot of different video format and it works on linux ,windows and macs
  4. You can erase the whole harddrive using Darik's boot & nuke at http://dban.sourceforge.net/. This will erase & than blank EVERYTHING on the harddrive so if you need something from the drive back it up.
  5. How about this one. It looks like the motherboard is inverted. http://www.lian-li.com/product/product06.php?pr_index=9&cl_index=1&sc_index=1&ss_index=3&type=a or something like this http://www.lian-li.com/product/product06.php?pr_index=120&cl_index=1&sc_index=1&ss_index=35&type=a http://www.lian-li.com/product/product06.php?pr_index=124&cl_index=1&sc_index=1&ss_index=34&type=a
  6. My comcast connection does the same thing.Download suck /Uploads stay good. My theory is Comcast oversold the node and between those hours everybody on their computer or their telephone using up a lot of the bandwidth.
  7. Sorry I thought you had the BIOS booting up..
  8. You can test the memory with Memtest 86. Just download it & burn it to a CD. Then start up the computer and go into the BIOS. Set the BIOS to boot using the CD. Start the test and let it run.
  9. Trying another power supply or the motherboard is screw up are the only thing I can think of that might be causing your problem. I am out of ideals maybe someone else can come up with something.
  10. If you know someone you can borrow one, it worth a try, just because it 6 months old it still can go bad. Did you have this problem with the old power supply?
  11. I did 12 wpm, beat that!!
  12. Have you try changing the power supply in the computer.
  13. So far everything is going good with SUSE 10.3, so at this time I am going to stay with it. Just to let everybody know I try to put my 2600 MHz overclock back in after the installation was done and it lock up again during upgrades so I lower it back down to 2409 MHz so far it good. The only problem I am having now is one of the upgrades will not install, it is for the Amarok media player which does not matter because I use VLC player and the upgrade is to fix a stability problem. Dark06 Thanks for the link.
  14. Mudmanc4 You where right! I remove the overclock and SUSE 10.3 install with no problems. Thanks
  15. When I get a chance I will give that a try. Thanks
  16. I also tried to install SUSE 10.3 , it would lock up on me during installation. I just try install SUSE 10.3 again and it lock up again. It keep locking up when it get to the package installation part of the installation. I am using the 64 bit version of SUSE 10.3 that I downloaded and burn to a DVD. the computer spec are 3700+ oc to 2600MHz ASUS A8N-SLI Premium motherboard 2GB of Corsair ram Nvidia 7300GT video card [single card] 320 GB Maxtor Harddrive that has 3 partition on it. # 1-19.53 GB has the windows os on it. #2 -136.71 GB that I use for my windows downloads. # 3 -141.84 GB that I am using to install SUSE 10.3 linux on.
  17. You may have already max it out. That why they call it [ ADVERTISE SPEED ]. Like I said before the farther you are from the DSL base station the slower your speed will be. They can only push the signal so far. Talk to the DSL tech guys and have them check the line to make sure everything is all right.
  18. The reason I wanted to know what TMN server you are use is because if you are testing using the main server for TMN it is locate somewhere around Dallas, Texas in the US. The greater the distance you are from the server the slow your speed will be. Try to find a server that is closer to you. The TMN test mirrors page says there are two in Australia, try one of them. I just did a test to one of the Australia server. I am on the east coast of the US. When I test to the TMN Main server in Texas I get 8000 to 10000kbps for the download test. When I tested to the Australia server I got 1432kbps because I am so far away from that server.
  19. Also where do you live [ Phillippines ] and what TMN server are you using to do your speed test.
  20. Try lowering your Global Max Tcp Window Size and your Tcp Windows Size down to102200. How far down the line are you from the DSL base station.
  21. That is probably the best thing to do. When you start overclocking you need a good CPU cooler, a case with good air flow ,if you don't have them you will overheat that Quad fast.
  22. You can go down to the local service station and ask if you could use his compressed air. Just make sure he turn the pressure down some so you do not damage the computer, you do not need much pressure. Need to learn to type faster to beat out tommie.
  23. Did you check to see if that motherboard will work with a Quad. I read some of the older motherboard were not working to good with Quad. Since you do not need SLI check out some of the P 35 motherboard.
  24. You can start here if you are running XP and using cablenut, http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php Fill out the form. it should get you in the ballpark and you can tweak it from there.
  25. I use RivaTuner to overclock my 2 Nvidia 7800 GT and it will also tell you the temperature of the card. You can also use PC Wizard 2008 ,it will also tell you the temperature of the video card, harddrives and the CPU. Gotta go it 1:30 am on the east coast, time for bed.
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