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Everything posted by Buntz

  1. .Yes you are running just one core. To run both core do this. PC equipped with an Intel Core Duo/Core 2 Duo/AMD X2 CPU (dual core/hyperthreaded CPUs) Create two instances of the FAH program that can be run simultaneously so that each core (virtual or physical) is working at 100% Download: Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista "No nonsense" text-only console Create a folder named "Folding At Home" and two sub folders called "FAH1" and "FAH2" Copy the downloaded FAH executable file into each of the two FAH folders. You must have each FAH executable in a separate folder! Create a shortcut to each of the two FAH executables. Suggest naming shortcuts FAH1 and FAH2. Launch and configure FAH1. Launch and configure FAH2, but when you get to the Advanced Settings option enter "yes" and change the Machine ID number option to "2". [FAH1 defaulted to Machine ID 1]. I also change the setting so the core are running at 80% instead of 100% to keep the heat down. My oc 4400+ would get up to 55c to 57c when running at 100% and it is watercool.
  2. Happy Birthday
  3. Cable just sucks most of the time I agree. I also want to go to Fios, But Verizon does not have it in my area yet.
  4. I have not had power boost in months. Comcast is slowing down. I have the 8000/768 plan, my bandwidth is all over the place. [check my stats}. Comcast over sold the node and than add phone calls and the node can not handle all the traffic on the east coast..
  5. Glad to hear that Spybot run with no problems. How did the other two run? Did you try to run folding@ home again?
  6. You also had trouble running Spybot if I remember right it crashed you computer too.. I think it time to have someone look at your computer. I run folding@ home on my computers with no problems One a dual core ,the other one is a single core CPU.
  7. Buntz


    Than you are on the faster plan according to the link you posted. You are pretty close to what the download speed of that plan is,I do not think you will get much more speed out of it.
  8. Buntz


    Correct me if I am wrong. You are paying for the Fast plan which is download speeds up to 256 Kbps, right now you speed is 1179 Kbps you are 923 Kbps faster than what you are paying for.You should be happy, you are getting more speed than you are paying for. What are you paying each month to Qwest?
  9. Buntz


    Do you have a friend or somebody else that you can borrow a modem from to see if that is the problem before you spend money on a new one? I don't know if Quest is like Comcast ,for the modem to work you have to give Comcast the MAC address. Did you turn the modem off for a couple of minutes ,then turn it back on after you upgraded the firmware. I don't know if it just me ,but your link for your advertised speed is not working.
  10. Buntz


    You can use the one that says all versions or use the calculator at the bottom of the page[last post].
  11. Buntz


    Go here. http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013
  12. I just downloaded the newest version of Spybot S&D [ ] and install it. Ran with no problems. Maybe your download got screw up. Remove the program and delete the download you did and start over again. Download a new copy of Spybot S&D and install it.
  13. I never had any trouble with Spybot S&D. I even have it running on my really slow IBM T-22 laptop with no problems. You did download Spybot S&D from www.safer-networking.org and not the other one call SpywareBOT from Spybot.net? edt: to fix quote so i could quote u...hahaha
  14. I seen this in the Best Buy weekly ads in today paper. It a 27.5 HannsG they have on sale for $ 599.99 in the store up here in New Jersey. Maybe yours will have it on sale too. If not at least you can see what it looks like. http://www.bestbuy.com/site//olspage.jsp?id=1188561324689&skuId=8553326&type=product
  15. Cablnut web site was still down when I posted that reply last night,so the cablenut link was not working last night. I just try it again and it working now.
  16. Try this. Download Cablenut and install it Than go to Testmy.net home page scroll down to other resources-click on Tweak Guide/tweak setting and click on one of VanBurens cable setting -downloads it Than click on it and find the setting closest to your plan you have and install it or you can scroll to the bottom of the tweak guide/tweak setting page and use the Calculator for XP/2K fill out the form click on computer setting,than click on css file download & install it Reboot than check your speed again. Cablenut site is down,so you will have to google cablenut and you can get your download from there.
  17. I use a program call Core Temp for my CPU temps. It will show the temps of each of the two cores. Usually one core will run hotter than the other.
  18. I never used a ECS motherboard, so I can not comment on how good they are . The different between the two motherboard is the ECS KV2 K8T800 Pro S 939 w/1394 mboard,KV2 motherboard has a firewire port on the rear panel.
  19. I have Comcast internet service for 52.59 + tax a month. I get a lower price[ I think it 10.00 dollar less ] because I also have their TV cable service too. My advertised speed is 768 Kbps up & 8000 Kbps down. The only reason I up my speed is for online gaming, but I am also a speed freak and will probably go with FIOS when it come to my area.
  20. Did you make sure that you reinstall the drivers for the Ethernet controller that you are using. It should be on the CD that you got with the motherboard. If you did not get a CD you can get the drivers from the manufacture of the Ethernet controller web site.
  21. Glad to see you are up and moving again.
  22. :iamwithstupid: Google Too
  23. This is what I would like to have. I have Comcast now Have : 8000 kbps & 768 kbps Like : Verizon FIOS 30Mbps & 5Mbps Can not get FIOS where I live at yet.
  24. Mods -tdawnaz She is always here to keep us in line. That is not a easy thing to do . Mods - Coknuck Also get a vote from me. He also always around to help someone out TMN Member - Tommie Gorman He is always around to help.
  25. If this is right, why would comcast block it? The second time I tracert in cmd I disconnected my router and hook right up to the modem and I got [request timed out] on the first hop instead of the second hop. Is the first hop from the computer to the modem? Could my modem be going bad?
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