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Everything posted by Buntz

  1. I use a Logitech G5 mouse. I did not install the Logitech drivers, I use the windows drivers built into Windows XP and have no trouble with the mouse. I also have a Microsoft 4000 keyboard that I did not install the drivers for it, Some of the hot keys button don't work ,but the normal keys work fine.
  2. In Windows XP go into control panel. than click on mouse,Than put a check mark in the box that say [switch primary and secondary buttons
  3. I have only did it once myself on the ASUS board using a ASUS program. There are other way to update the BIOS. I am not sure how to do it ,so I will let someone else tell you how.
  4. Is there a newer version of the BIOS for your board?
  5. Would clearing the BIOS help him?
  6. That is your chipset maker,I need to know who made the motherboard. You are going to probably have to go in your BIOS and change your core speed and maybe your CPU multiplier.
  7. What is realty sad is they will find somebody to reply to the Email
  8. Download CPU-Z.then run it and post what you get here. Also what motherboard do you have and what overclocking program are you trying to use? Most people use the BIOS to overclock their CPU.
  9. You can find that same page here. Scroll down to the bottom of the home page and click on tweak guide/tweak setting.Then scroll down to the bottom of that page and click on calculator for XP/2K or ME/98 in VanBuren post.It will bring up the same page.
  10. Nice speed! I wish Verizon would bring FIOS to my area.
  11. It also works with Quicktime Player.
  12. It is working now.
  13. It does not work for me. Timed Out. Too many hits at the same time?
  14. I never said Comcast was the best. I would switch to FIOS in a New York minute if Verizon would offer it were I live
  15. Example I have Comcast too. I am on the 768/8000 plan and I am on the other coast in NJ. I have what Comcast calls Cable Guard. It cost me 0.30 cents a month. Do you have it? When Comcast came to fix my digital tv service they had to change all my connector ends and run a new cable line from my box to their box on the other side of the building [about 100 feet or more] did not cost me anything because I have cable guard. I should also say that they had to come out four times to fix the problem and it never cost me anything.
  16. I did some quick checking on Dell.It looks like a E1505 notebook with windows goes for $699.00. The E1505 with Ubuntu Linux goes for $599.00. BUT !! if you bring the 512 memory in the Linux machine up to the 1mb to match the windows machine has the price goes up to $649.00. The windows machine has a X1400 video card,So if you buy the option nvidia card {256mb Geforce GO 7300 Turbo Cache] offer on the Linux machine the price goes up to $728.00 So you can save $50.00 dollars if you do not need the better video card or spend a extra $29.00 dollar on the Linux machine to get one close to the windows machine.
  17. To all the men & woman in the military, past & present. THANKS
  18. I have a ASUS A8N-SLI Premium motherboard in my computer. In the BIOS goto the Advanced section/ Than to the JumperFree Configuration/Than to PCI Clock Synchronization Mode section. In that section change the option to 33.33MHz. I am not a big fan of ntune,I use RivaTuner or use Coolbit to overclock or underclock your videocard.
  19. I have Comcast and use SB 5100 modem to connect. The only orange light I have is for PC/ACTIVITY and it is always blinking.
  20. I am using a modem that I brought from Bestbuy right now .All I had to do was call Comcast and give them the MAC number.
  21. Call the bank that issue the card to you and ask them why they rejected the purchase.
  22. I have made over 12 purchase from NewEgg over the last 2 year and the only time I had trouble with them was when I try to use a out dated credit card.
  23. Three GB of ram (PC2-5300/667MHz) Should be able to get 3 GB of ram for under $300.00
  24. I ended up buying a 40" Samsung ( LN-S4051D) from Circuit City. So far I have no problems ( only had it for two months ) and the picture look great. My next step is going to get the HD box,there is not much HD programs you can get on your local over the air HD.
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