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Everything posted by Buntz

  1. Are you running 32 bit or 64 bit
  2. I think I will download Suse too. See which one I like best.
  3. Storm311 What did you not like about Ubuntu? I just install it the other day, Have not had a chance to mess around with it yet.
  4. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
  5. That sounds like a good healthy breakfast to me
  6. Works for me on Firefox 2.0
  7. :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2: I have not a clue
  8. If you do wait till FEB. you might get a second choice to look at. ATI might have their R600 DX 10 card out buy then.
  9. Comcast is always inconsistent . Every time a check I get a different speed. Anywhere from 4000 to 8400 on download speed[ depends on the time of day]. Upload speed stay pretty good at 729 to 758. I am on the 768/8000. I also use Avast anti-virus which will slow down my speed sometimes.
  10. This is also the software that Eraser uses to nuke the harddrive.
  11. Everything you see below came from NewEgg, shipped by UPS. to me in 3days or less. Alot of it came the next day.[i live in southern New Jersey, warehouse in northern New Jersey. ]
  12. I agreed the cost is about the same,only different is I get to chose what parts go in.
  13. The part that disturded worked out[Reply #22] sounds real good,I have use Gigabyte boards twice and had no problem with them [very stable]...I would spend the extra $91.00 and get the Intel E6600 Conroe[i like spending money ] Make sure whatever case you get has good airflow to keep everything cool.
  14. I build the system below a year ago, If I can build one anybody can . The only problem I had was the motherboard,Had to RMA after 6 months when it crashed on me.Took two RMA to get one that worked.
  15. You can also use a software program called Eraser. You make a nuke disk on a floppy,reboot the computer and have it boot off the floppy It took me around three hour last time I use it to clean both harddrives at the same time.
  16. Look good to me. I would go with 2GB of ram too if you are going to play games on this computer.
  17. :2funny: :2funny:
  18. Buntz


    I try that too and had no luck with it. Games did not look too bad.
  19. I think I am going lock my door NOW.
  20. I second the vote for tracking software & firing. If she can beat that then we are not giving credit were credit is do.
  21. She did the same thing you did hit the reset button and undid the block. Lock the router in a room she can not get into.
  22. I have that same monitor, it hook up to a pair of 7800GT with a DVI-D digital cable,but I am not sure. I brought the cable around a year ago. From what I just read 7800GT has a DVI-I connection . The monitor also has a VGA connecter you can use for analog.
  23. I guess I will have to try again to get the highest score, since my lowest score got beat.
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