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    My Results

Everything posted by VanBuren

  1. the new russian server is pretty accurate for me 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ua-85-226-177-2.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se [85.226 .177.2] 3 20 ms <1 ms <1 ms vlan2.dr2.lul10.se.bredband.com [] 4 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms port-channel3.dr1.lul1.se.bredband.com [195.54.1 19.233] 5 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms ge1-1.cr1.lul1.se.bredband.com [] 6 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms pos4-0.cr2.svl1.se.bredband.com [] 7 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms pos5-0.cr1.svl1.se.bredband.com [] 8 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms pos6-0-0.cr2.sto1.se.bredband.com [ 1] 9 22 ms 20 ms 20 ms tenge9-2.br1.sto1.se.bredband.com [ 6] 10 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms netnod-ix-ge-a-sth-1500.cogent.com [ 55] 11 22 ms 21 ms 21 ms linx-telecom.demarc.cogentco.com [] 12 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms linxtelecom-gw.masterhost.ru [] 13 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms Trace complete. VanBuren
  2. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 2950 Kbps about 2.95 Mbps (tested with 3151 kB) Download Speed is:: 360 kB/s Tested From:: Test Time:: 2006/08/30 - 8:57am Bottom Line:: 51X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 2.84 sec Tested from a 3151 kB file and took 8.75 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 15.99 % of your hosts average (bredbandsbolaget.se) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-TCP1FAIQL User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/ [!] uploadtest dosent work for me VanBuren
  3. good point! but since i have great speed against other sites, it must be a issue in the route or server. most likely a server issue since i have no loss. VanBuren
  4. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 33627 Kbps about 33.63 Mbps (tested with 20972 kB) Download Speed is:: 4105 kB/s Tested From:: http://s1.testmy.net Test Time:: 2006/08/14 - 9:24am Bottom Line:: 586X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.25 sec Tested from a 20972 kB file and took 5.109 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 81.31 % faster than the average for host (bredbandsbolaget.se) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9KY6S2Z05 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/ [!] :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 5340 Kbps about 5.34 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 652 kB/s Tested From:: http://sedpotheadbob.com Test Time:: 2006/08/27 - 3:24am Bottom Line:: 93X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 1.57 sec Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 4.58976 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 146.08 % faster than the average for host (bredbandsbolaget.se) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-TLSP5YZIN User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/ [!] :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 13608 Kbps about 13.61 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 1661 kB/s Tested From:: http://hem.bredband.net Test Time:: 2006/08/27 - 3:28am Bottom Line:: 237X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 0.62 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 0.90048 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 524.22 % faster than the average for host (bredbandsbolaget.se) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-IX8N6HYLV User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/ [!]
  5. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15814.0[/iurl]
  6. speedmeters is not very accurate when it comes to a top speed, averages is more accurate VanBuren
  7. average @ 350 Kbps top @ 421 Kbps VanBuren
  8. hey Radikal and welcome to the forum if you speak Swedish, you can PM me if you like that better your score is not bad since your overseas like me try my Swedish mirror aswell http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?&st=st&tt=1&ta=1&top=mirror-VanBuren&out_src=20MB http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/u_load.php?&tt=1&st=st&ta=1&top=mirror-VanBuren&align=center&s=1013 VanBuren
  9. yes you can use the same settings with or without router. but, if you have a crappy router or using wireless, you want to minimize RWIN if you get inconsistent scores. VanBuren
  10. I dont see a problem posting links to other speedtest sites, testmy.net need to be compared and can take it VanBuren
  11. well, you cant go faster then the cap, if you hit 9.04 instead of 8.8, you might need to use a larger testfile to get a more accurate result. assume your UDP speed is 768 Kbps upstream, the test i provided probl not gonna show that speed overseas. VanBuren
  12. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=15655.0[/iurl]
  13. hehe yea my signature shows my speedrecord overseas, i live in Sweden and tested this against Verizon testserver in US. my cap is 100Mbps down and 13 Mbps up The only UDP speedtest i know of is Tptest, it only using servers in Sweden, but give it a shot. UDP speed is usually the same as your cap. VanBuren
  14. use this file, small files can give inconsistent results http://www.testmy.net/dl-2992 VanBuren
  15. calculating latency is very hard, it wont be very accurate. So the best way is to test diffrent values.. this is a old guide how to calculate http://www.luwigie.com/tweaks/FAQxp2000.pdf VanBuren
  16. you could try this http://www.download.com/No-IP-DUC-Dynamic-Update-Client-/3000-2165-10055182.html?part=dl-NoIPDUCDy&subj=dl&tag=button it was a while since i used it myself, but i think you can forward it to 8080 instead of default port 80 in options you also need to register for a free domain name, and password here http://www.no-ip.com/services/managed_dns/free_dynamic_dns.html VanBuren
  17. hey 003 and welcome to the forum I also play some q3, reinstalled it a few days ago, great game I play the mod Urban Terror mainly. quake3 and most multiplayer games using UDP and not TCP protocol, the UDP protocol is faster cos it docent need to send acknowledgepackets, for that less reliable. we can try to improve TCP speed, thats what this speedtest using. If you have cablenut installed, open it and set DefaultSendWindow to 64240, now click save to registry and reboot your PC if you don't have cablenut, download it here http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;attach=64 VanBuren
  18. hey and welcome to the forum p0rnrh3tt speedmeters in browsers is usually not very accurate. You can test this by open taskmanager network graph, and see if it picks up the speed. The reason is that when clicking "save as" browser starts downloading a part of the file before you even clicked "ok". That make speedmeter to jump since it calculate how much you downloaded and split it in time. To use this type of measurement, you need a large file eg 30 MB and download it completely. your RWIN is very large for that type of bandwidth, i suggest you try cablenut and use VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_9CABLE_DSL_FIBER_DIAL-UPWinXP_2K_CABLE_DSLMTU 1500 Cable & DSL 512.ccs or Cable & DSL 1500.ccs VanBuren
  19. you could try this page http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php and try diffrent settings, just make sure to use 1500 as MTU latency is usually between 150 and 300 ms, try whats best for you. good luck VanBuren
  20. I don't think there is something else to do, your MTU is correct, the settings is fine, you could try increasing RWIN, but it might backfire when congestion starts ticking in... As larger RWIN you have, the more speed will suffer when a packet is lost. With DSL, speed depends on how far away from CO you are, and the quality on the phonelines. That means you ISP cap modem at a certain rate eg 10 Mbps, but distance and quality on phoneline might only hold 8 Mbps max. Thats part of the reason ISP
  21. no problem, are you sure the cap is 1 Mbps? Coz thats great speed 0.67 Mbps above cap VanBuren
  22. welcome to the forum Dragon-Emperor i agree with gotmilk, its most likely congestion slowing you down at sometimes. Instead of using smart test, always use the same testfile to compare speed use this http://www.testmy.net/dl-5983 and this for upload http://www.testmy.net/ul-1496 you could try my tweakfiles, you should use VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_9 CABLE_DSL_FIBER_DIAL-UPWinXP_2K_CABLE_DSLMTU 1500 Cable & DSL 6000.ccs or Cable & DSL 10000.ccs try both VanBuren
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