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Everything posted by VanBuren

  1. and all northern europe Even if i was on a 100 Mbps network i wouldnt go faster overseas without changing my MTU. I think i explained that once, we all are limited by that, and since i use same MTU as a 512kbps cable its not very strange that he can use whole bandwith overseas. VanBuren
  2. S
  3. I worked abit on my homepage and my tweakguide. http://thegamer.serveftp.com/FAQ.htm Try it, no other tweakprogram has ever give me this speed, im fast overseas aswell. There is alot of things to tweak beside RWIN Here is some benchmark i made http://thegamer.serveftp.com/Benchmark.htm VanBuren
  4. I dont slap ppl, but soon someone will slap me hehe I think i have a much cleaner route to Toast test, its very stable. But that filesize i used is too small for a accurate result, i tested several times later with a 20 MB test file and i had 3.5 Mbps every time. I tweaked the AFD buffers that helps alot overseas. you can read more about those types of tweaks here http://www.dslnuts.com/ Maby those tweaks dosent work good with testmy.net testcore cos it dosent help me much here. Im stuck at 1.5 Mbps up and around 3 Mbps down here. Last node against testmy.net use to be 145 ms, now it was 169 ms.... it keep on changing for me, but i guess its how bad the load is on your server. CA3LE I think your uploadtest is great, but i would suggest to add a directlink to a 3 MB test and from that a script that forward you to a 6 MB test if you score higher then 4 Mbps and same thing this time if you score more then 6 Mbps to a 20 MB test. We have a test in sweden for all ISP, a little program we can download, that test works like i suggested above, it start with small files and goes higher, when i score 9.5 Mbps upstream my testfile is 22 MB. VanBuren ps i still think testmy.net rules em all
  5. Added new TCP settings again, got nice upload speed now overseas Try again and let me know how it worked VanBuren
  6. Here i score around 1.5 Mbps VanBuren
  7. I could be wrong here, but my guess is the cpu. Norton antivirus and Firewall take alot of background cpu usage. They filter all traffic. To be 100% sure ask support here http://www.symantec.com/index.htm good luck VanBuren
  8. Worked abit more hehe Added, tweakguide, benchmark against other testsites, and a guest book Please sign it, its kinda emty hehe Also dont forget to run a speedtest, use 5 MB test its best overseas. VanBuren
  9. Tnx for the feedback RTB Testresult show up twice was something new, never heard that before, maby CA3LE has some idea. Automatic copy and paste works for me, does any one else has this problem? Adds by Google cos i use CA3LE
  10. cool that your dad cooled down I havent missed you VanBuren
  11. My site is updated, also added a FAQ how to tweak, let me know what you think i should add/ change. http://thegamer.serveftp.com I also have new TCP settings so i hope speedtest will work better overseas. VanBuren ps: This server is not up 24/7, if it dosent start try again some other time. Its usually open from 9:00 to 23:00 swedish time, around 03:00 to 17:00 US time.
  12. http://thegamer.serveftp.com/FAQ.htm Since my server is not up 24/7 you can download my tweakguide in .pdf documents and custom cablenut settings here instead http://www.luwigie.com/tweaks/ Tnx luwigie for hosting em This is a good start, if you still have problems, make a new post VanBuren
  13. Dern, that was very slow speed for a school Do you live in US? VanBuren
  14. hey stingray What version of Norton do you have? I run NSW 2003 and NPF 2003, and dual boot with win xp/98 se. Win 98 work great for me 95% of advertised cap both up and down. How much RAM and what CPU do you have? VanBuren
  15. The best site got even better, good job VanBuren
  16. Dern RTB that really blows......... I hope your dad calm down soon and let you use internet again VanBuren
  17. dern im so used to get to login page when i reply lol VanBuren
  18. omg lol, dern im so confused maby i tweaked too much hehe, well i wait for more kick ass posts before i change again lol VanBuren
  19. New settings added again, please test again http://thegamer.serveftp.com VanBuren
  20. Agreed But since we are in the show off section im posting my best score, not a average. I dont think many post their average speed here, not even you RTB VanBuren ps: my speed is solid 10 Mbps upstream and downstream, but overseas most ppl dont have same speed 24/7, depending how much load nodes have in your route.
  21. omg lol Things just gets better and better hehe :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4652 Kbps about 4.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 568 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 83 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.8 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=AOLIN6SBI VanBuren
  22. dern i forgot to log in hehe
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