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Everything posted by peepnklown

  1. If you want to know about DVD-R and DVD+R try this link: http://www.videohelp.com/dvd
  2. I would test the speed without tweaks and if you don
  3. I have about the same specs (upgrade RAM to 384 max) and I am running XP fine, should have PM'd me...oh well, have fun with 98
  4. Pitbull I have a p3 500, 384MBs of RAM and 10GB hard drive and I run Windows XP quite well. If you want help, PM me.
  5. I kept seeing this place on Google but I finally checked it out when a technical support guy told me to test my connection on this site.
  6. Did you want to go B or G? What kind of range are we talking about?
  7. Which games are you playing? Which OS are you running?
  8. If you wanted organ_shifter to justify his statement why didn
  9. Software firewalls need to know which programs you wants to allow to access the Internet and which you don
  10. I would just drop the $66.95 (you might find one for less) than try to rig a desktop power supply to power a laptop. Even if you could do it the time it would take to rig something up would probably be around the same price as buying a adapter unless you value your time cheap.
  11. The AVI files were probably encoded using a type of MPEG 4 compression.
  12. Broadband type? OS? Are you running a router?
  13. If system restore did not work you can do something else. You will need the Windows XP CD. Start
  14. I predict that this site will do so well that
  15. peepnklown

    IE6 Sp2

    http://www.theeldergeek.com/repair_ie6.htm Sadly, IE is one of the hardest to repair/reinstall (it will work sometimes and then not work) this is the problem with being deeply integrated with the OS.
  16. peepnklown

    cd copy

    I would just copy the CD with (copy to copy) it is faster and easier. It will give you a direct copy of the original CD.
  17. Read http://compnetworking.about.com/cs/wireless80211/a/aa80211standard.htm http://news.com.com/FAQ+Wi-Fi+alphabet+soup/2100-1041_3-5669837.html They should give some quick answers.
  18. I think this would be easier if you would to post your motherboard if known (or the system brand and model) and some system specs. Price range and what you are going to do with this upgrade might also help.
  19. I dont know... Adelphia 16/2 for $60 Verizon 15/2 for $50 I could use the $10 in savings...
  20. "cache" speed test probably or a download accelerator. Download a file and you'll only get dial-up speeds.
  21. I do not support the senseless killing of anything but it makes no difference how they die, in the end they are dead (nothingness)
  22. https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097
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