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Everything posted by cak46
PHP: Thats great! I am anxiously awaiting the next installments to see what they come up with next! Did you pull those from the net or record them from the radio yourself? 69Rat: Yeah, good idea. Still working on the Pavilion but am now making headway. Got rid of Agent.214 and the worm.rbot.axo....... They didn't want to give up but I got a medieval on them and am confident they are gone now. Look2Me is now on the radar screen. CWS removes it but after reboot, its back. I'm still not at the point to put the machine online yet, though, but soon.
Either of you heard the new Bud Light commercials? They are hilarious! Mr. Paranoid of the Ocean Guy is one of my favorites! :haha: Edit: Real Men of Genius ad campaign on the radio
Try pinging www.yahoo.com. If you get replys your on line and its an explorer issue. Are there any error messages associated with IE when you try to browse the net or first start it up?
Cheap is good...Ever heard of Red, White and Blue Beer? Very cheap brew. Not sure how you got the duplicates either, as long as you didn't copy the primary partition (C:) to the other drive. Never heard of Hamms brew. Could be an interesting endeavor. Will check out the local markets for it. I'd better log out, before I pass out................. :haha: Will be back on tomorrow! May want to consider updating the drivers for each of your hardware components. This action might overwrite the bad driver.... just a thought Good evening, sir... :icon_salut:
What is the speed of the nic in the pc and the laptop?
Damnit...Quote just ain't working for me...... I get an error....... Anyway... I guess prior to doing anything that would jeopardize your current installation, back it up to something. After that, you can always get your current state back. After backing up successfully, and be sure of this... you have carte blanc (sp?) to attempting fixes that could potentially be damaging to the operating system. I have this tendency of tolerating so much with an install of an operating system, then I start getting medieval on its ass. Whats the worst that can happen? Need to restore or reinstall...... Murphy's Law #1 If it's jammed force it...if it breaks, it needed to be replaced anyway.... BTW: Combining two drives........ what happened prior to your first post? And hey, grab me one while you're there, will ya? Edit: Yeah, but what was that Jade Album song? Ahh, thats it I actually remember, Smooth Operator.......... took me a bit, and WAY off topic...
Thats kind of where I was going but not having attempted it or worked with that "wizard", I wanted the MS dude to explain it in detail. Purely a personal opinion: MS=Money Suckers It's not fiscally feasible for their tech to spend time saving a current installation but instead recommend a new installation. Maybe I'm just jaded....
Sounds about right to me....
Settings is the problem. Ask the ms guy, but I am unaware of any way to transfer reigistry settings from one install of xp to another. . Also, second partition is ok, but get instructions on how to undo the boot loader for xp if you want to back it out. The old addage: Always have a plan B.... I would strongly recommend that if you are going to do the parallel install to do it on the same partition as your other install, I am unaware of any way to transfer your current settings in the current install of xp that you are running to the fresh install. Registry settings are unique to the drive and folders of the installation from what I understand. In essence, it will be a thoroughly new install of the operating system. The only difference, that I am aware of, is that your old installation will still be accessible and bootable. (A selection screen will come up and ask you which one you want to run....). I can't advise you on the File and Settings Wizard. Have to leave that to MS or someone who has used it successfully...... Theoretically, it's possible between computers but it is beyond my knowledge to give advice on this. Sorry, man. :....... And if you do transfer your settings, whats to say the issues don't get installed with the wizard to the new installation? (Not to be an ass, but a good question for the microsucks guy :haha: ) http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/deploy/mgrtfset.mspx For more info on the migration program.... That headache is setting in... must drink beer....... :) Edit: If you watch when you go into safemode, you will see the statements that specify the partition information for the actual load of the operating system happening. With the new install, that information will change depending on which install you choose to run. ............
my stupid And I actually read the posts. Must be getting senile.... :haha: Haven't tried it but am tied up tonite. I downloaded the disks and will try it out on this virused up POS I've been working on for 2 weeks. Will let you know.
Hope the shaving went well, and no nics :haha: Couldn't resist, computer joke.... but lame........ Sounds like they want you to install to a different directory, in essence dual booting your system without dual booting. You would install the new version into a different directory, like Windows2 instead of windows. It would be a fresh install, none of your current installed program would be there and customized settings would not be on the fresh install. (Its an abbreviated version of format and reinstall but without the format...... it would help others too if they only had 1 hard drive and were not able to copy files off their system). Never done it myself, but I assume it'll be a clean install. Try moving the al folder to a different folder, then reboot. If you have no problems, go ahead and delete it. Sounds like a leftover like you said. Here's a link on the parallel install http://www.windowsreinstall.com/winxppro/installxpcdparallell/indexfullpage.htm MS's version: 2000, 2003 server: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;266465 If you do it, make sure you get information on how to get rid of the old install when you are done with it or how to get rid of the new install. I can't believe that MS has no clue on how to find out what driver, missing or not, is causing the blasted problem. And here I thoguth that we were in the 21st century, more seems like the 19th, operating systemwise. :angry5: Hey, heres one to run by the ms guy. I can't remember but did you get the error after disabling all non-ms shell extensions? If it did, I would consider that an ms issue. As such, if you do the fresh install and update it, ask the ms dude to see if there is a way to circumvent the wfp service and copy the driver files from one install to the other, overwriting the old ms drivers, one of which could be damaged, while leaving your proprietary drivers intact (theoretically, never done that with an XP install..98 I have).. At that point, you would still have a running operating system with the potential to get back your old one. It's probably more complicated that that, but at this point I do not see why it could not be done if wfp was out of the way.
True, but if it had been read closely, it was resolved about 8 posts ago.....
Cholla: Here is a deinately clean set of boot disks: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=E8FE6868-6E4F-471C-B455-BD5AFEE126D8&displaylang=en
t sure does, that's why I'm wrting this from my kitchen puter! For kicks I ran Trojan H and then Error Nuker (which had one file ext.".opt") and cleaned that and then I checked my al? users file for virus and nada. BTW the al? file had an "Application" folder which was empty!! Even after "showing all hidden files" Why couldn't TH get into It? Anyhow, stay tuned will be back as soon as it runs,,,,,,,,,,, EDIT:BTW I'm doing all this in Safe Mode!! Cool huh? Oh Yeah :cool: The ? could be fouling up the works with the Al? folder and TH. That folder is what holds your user specific parts of the registry and any customizations, desktop items, etc. for the computer user id named al? users (which I would guess is you when you first set the computer up. XP takes the username entered and creates a Profile for that user under the c:Documents and Settings Folder. If you add a user to the computer under Users and Passwords, the first time they log in to the machine a directory will be created in their name as well. Using the name in vain, I suppose I've got 2 nastys so far that the scanners haven't been able to remove. worm.rbot.axo and agent.214 . I'm going to have to sign off soon..... Getting a bit weary and worn......... :haha: BTW: has the message come up at all while you are actually in windows and working or is it now only showing on boot? :wave: Have a glorious eve and will be back tomorrow!
Think I'll stick with my wired router for now. It's amazing that so many people, at least in that area, are using the wireless systems and don't protect their network.
Sounds pretty nasty. She probably inheritated most of the viruses from the prior own. Been working on this machine for about a week or so, here and there as I can. Every new scanner I run, I find new crap. Mirco is no execption. It found one running in memory in safe mode, no less, and more files that have bots, trojans, etc.. It doesn't look like it removed it from memory, so that might be a manual removal Takes Micro a while to run..............
Netmasta: They can be difficult. I use the screw down type when I do regular cabling for tv but go with the store bought stuff from Radio Shack for my computer stuff.
resi3js: You talking about this guy? http://www.sptimes.com/2005/07/04/Southpinellas/Wi_Fi_cloaks_a_new_br.shtml cdhotfire: Glad that it worked and that I could help!!
Dude, check this out 10 bucks plus shipping, its yours! http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=244974&Sku=C184-17705&SRCCODE=GOOPROD&CMP=OTC-FROOGLE Double check the connectors first, though. http://www.cablesdirect.com/ This site has many adapter/cables as well and I have used these guys before. Good luck! Edit: My stupid: Mactron already posted a connector... sorry 'bout that
As I suspected, someone hacked your router and changed the password and settings See link:https://www.speedguide.net/read_reviews.php?id=90&page=3 Note the warning..... Unplug router from the cable modem, hold the reset for 30 or more seconds. Now, power the router down, then bring it back up. Do not connect it to the cable modem yet. Connect your computer to then see if you can access the setup screens with the standard ip and password. If you can, change your router password to at least 8 character including numbers, letters and special characters such as #$%. After doing this and configuring anything else you need to, shut your computer down, shut the router down, reconnect the router to the cable modem and bring that back up. When its up, start your computer up. Hope this helps.
Might want to consider gold plated connectors on the coax cable you buy. Less likely to corrode and better connection.
Cholla could be right. I can't find much info on the trojans mentioned, but it could be part of the problem. Also, I noticed that TH could not scan your users directory namd Al? User. May want to try scanning that manually. Also, I'm not sure how to do it, but you really should get rid of the ? in that directory name. That is a special character to the op sys and could be a part of the problem as well with the op sys at a lower boot level and could also be hindering other scans as well.. I'll see if I can find info on renaming that if you wish.. Edit: The machine I'm presently working on now automatically logs me off the machine while scanning with ad-aware. This machine had hundreds of files with viruses, adware, malware, trojan, bot....... you name it, this one had it.... Now, I'm down to a sticky few and hope to get rid of them. This link http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14811.0 goes to the topic on avasts site. Freewhellinjack gives links to some software that is helping with the last few stragglers. I'm running TrendMirco right now on the machine.
Not sure. If it was still powered (power cable connected), it may have synched with the sound card, possibly, thru the firmware... not up on that detailed hardware information. May want to update the sound card drivers as well, if you haven't already. If you normally don't play music thru the cd-rom, try putting an audio disk in and have it play to see what happens. I'm off.... In more ways than one..........................
Kinda thought that was what you meant, but there are drives out there that the cdrom and floppy occupy the same 51/4"drive slot. Might be at the point of going thru each device and see if there is an update online for them and installing each. Is your cd-rom plugged directly into your sound card? (Little wire from back of cd to a plug on your sound card, or motherboard if its an integrated Sound Card)? Maybe the sound card is triggering it because of the new cd-DVD drive. cak 46. I will do the Trojan Hunter,never know what may "pop" up :haha: :haha: With the sound card, shut down, unplug the little wire, then reboot to see if the message occurs again. I must sign off its 11:15 here in the east.... Up at 5:00 tomorrow.... Be back tomorrow... Take care and Safe Computing.......
Did you run Trojan Hunter? May want to give it a shot, just in case. http://www.misec.net/trojanhunter/ Download and update the defs when it prompt you to......