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Everything posted by organ_shifter

  1. 200MHz DDR = 400MHZ
  2. There are many registry cleaners that you can use. Many free ones work well. Be sure to only select to remove the entries that pertain to the game. I don't want you to remove anything else that could cause more problems.
  3. Is this the game? Secret Service: In Harm's Way Those specs should run on windows easily. I would check the registry. Sometime programs don't uninstall properly, and certain registry entries/files that remain on your hard drive can make the installer go nuts.
  4. There is, more than likely, a registry entry stopping you from installing. Clean out your registry and any folders that were installed/used to install the game/program the first time. Reboot and try it again without the steps below. If that doesn't work, try the steps. Try the above recommendation first. It could be your desktop resolution settings. mabey the game will only run at 16Bit. If that doesn't work, try this: Go to Start/Help and Support Once H & S open up, and under the left column of options, click on the link "Fixing a problem" (2nd from the bottom) Next, on the left hand side again, click the second option from the top which is "Application and software problems" Now, on the right side of the window, the middle section is titled "Pick a task". Click the first option "Run software that worked with previous versions" The "Program Compatibility Wizard" should now be open. Read and click "Next". Because you are installing from the CD-ROM, select the middle option "I want to use the program in the CD-ROM drive". Click "Next". When selecting a compatibility mode, "Windows 98/Windows ME" is the most common option that runs all older programs/games. Select it and click "Next". The next screen is about display settings. Select the third option. That will disable visual themes. Some older programs don't support them. Click "Next". On the next screen, select the drive that contains the program that you want to install. If you can't make a selection, the install disc should already be chosen. If not, click back and put the make sure the game/program disc is inserted. Click "Next". The program should began its install. Allow it to finish. On the next screen, choose the first option if the compatibility wizard worked. If not, choose either of the remaining two options. I hope this helps. I typed this out because it works on most older games/programs as I have used it many time before. Note: If the game would have installed sucessfully, but wouldn't run, you could just right click on the starting icon and select properties. From there, you would go to the compatibility tab. Under that tab, you would check the first box and select Windows 98/Windows ME from there. You would also select the third box in the middle section "Disable visual themes". You could also select the last box "Turn off advanced text services for this program". I've had success using the steps above. Hopefully you will too.
  5. Yeah baby! I hope Detroit can pull it off in game 7.
  6. If you have the Barton core, you should have a FSB of 200 which means that you can use PC3200 DDR400. If you get high quality RAM (or not), you can safely up your front side bus to 200 as that is the default speed for that RAM/Processor combination. That way, you'll be functioning at the full speed of the processor. That will bring your scores up some, but not alot. The PC2700 DDR333 only allows you to set the FSB to 166 (without overclocking). Clock Bus Volts Connector Cache (Speed) Size Temp Power Introduced Barton: Doubled the cache and bumped up bus speed (3200+) 2200 400MHz FSB 1.65 Socket A L1: 128kB L2: 512 kB (Full) 0.13
  7. Exactly. On the services tab, it's sometimes best to check the box at the bottom that says "Hide All microsoft Services" before unchecking what you don't want starting with your system. The startup tab is pretty self explanatory. Just uncheck what you want to bring to a halt at Windows start.
  8. I'm not too sure about the price, but I'd go with the Plextor PX-716A 16X DVD
  9. Awwww man, that sucks. At least standard dvd players are very cheap these days. You might even want to get a dvd burner instead as they are pretty cheap also. Yeah, I saw the container in the trash too. Gotta admit, those little drinks hit the spot. I have to kill like three back to back to back to quench my thirst.
  10. Nice camera Van. 7.2 mega pixels in addition to a feature rich user interface will make for some great pics!
  11. msconfig is ok to use. As long as you know what you are disabling/enabling at start up or other things, you should be fine. I've never had a problem with it. I don't use it anymore though. If a program doesn't give me the option to choose whether it start's up with windows or not, I use 3rd party programs to do it. See screenshot.
  12. I hate this card now.
  13. Is that wallpaper you searched for a skin for internet explorer? How is it used? EDIT: Is that a desktop wallpaper?
  14. Overtime baby! It's going down! EDIT: Oh well, Pistons lost in OT.
  15. Yeah, I linked to newegg in an earlier post. They have a 200Gig SAMSUNG SpinPoint P Series drive with 8MB cache, Ultra ATA-133, 7200RPM, etc. for $93.00. It's OEM, but that's not a problem.
  16. Hey, don't forget to eat in the midst of all the activities.
  17. Yep, same here. Happy Fathers Day to all the dads. I have 3 children of my own (ages 9, 5, and 3).Today will be a great day. Gotta full list of things to do.
  18. Just grab another hard drive and never have to uninstall again. I kept running out of space on my 40gig, so I got a bigger drive and now I keep almost everything.
  19. Exactly. Not having a decent anti-virus program running and just using the online scanners that don't offer real time protection is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.
  20. Well, normally, it's your onboard video card that Windows allocates additional memory to. You need to configure it through your bios. There may be other things that you can share memory with, but I can't recall right now.
  21. My 6 months ran out in may. I registered a new username with SigX, and completed the offer again (which required me to register a different username on ebay as well). Everything worked great again.
  22. Yep. If you want to have extended options for your signature display, you will have to pay $10.00. I'll tell you something though. I never paid for mine and it's been almost a year now. They just want their work out there for everyone to see. On the main page, you will see an advertisement to receive Sigx free for six months. Follow the instructions correctly, and you'll get your account changed to a paid one with full features (1 minute refresh, 8 lines of text, etc). Read the FAQ at the bottom of that page after completing the offer. I've done it twice, and my request was granted both times (two different usernames on Sigx as well as ebay) EDIT: Yes, that link will take you to the config page.
  23. It's possible that you have 2MB shared memory going to something.
  24. Check these out: Internal Hard Drives Prices may vary when going to a cash and carry store around your local area, but here is an idea of what you could be spending. Each of the drives listed are Ultra ATA 133, 8MB Cache, 7200RPM, 3.5" Form Factor.
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