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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Sweet man, nice speed. Glad you like the site, welcome and hope you tell your friend.
  2. I have moved from 86 to just under 40 in a week and a half.. I'm about to pass CA3LE (Lil ol punk hasn't even been active).. LOOK OUT BITCHES IM COMMING FOR TOP TEN.
  3. Holy Shiiiit... Fukitol.. now that is funny.
  4. That speech made me laugh my ass off and at the same time it has some good points.
  5. Hey man welcome to the forum. I love your avatar. Very nice.
  6. Good stuff and yea if anyone knew it would be you. Na Roco I dont have em thank goodness but I am a nurse so I look at em alot.
  7. What stirkes me as hillarious (and I mean hella funny) is that 99.9% of the people here will not know what "piles" is.
  8. We have a new record...2700% faster than average... WOO HOOO.
  9. Dammit I hate AOL but if that concept works it will be the SHIT.
  10. Untill now.. MUUUWAA HAHAHAHAHA... I sucked you back in.
  11. The political/patriotic posts have been a bit overdone lately. It looks like GW Bush's homepage.
  12. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=13891.0[/iurl]
  13. I love Alcohol 120 and have used it for years. I like Daemon better for reasons we will not go into here.
  14. We feed one troll. Hes our resident troll and is a really nice guy just doesnt want anyone to know that.
  15. First off make sure you dont have any anti virus running in the background it can cause these errors. Next, have you deleted the ISO file that you are mounting? This can cause that message as well. Last but not least just uninstall and reinstall Daemon tools, that will fix it for you.
  16. They made you pay to join this forum... WTF I would be pissed..
  17. Cant necessarily go on active users. We deal with alot of morons that you guys see very little of because we delete the posts and they get a ban or ran off. Besides this is the best run forum on the net so who's counting.
  18. Dont give me that back tracking bullshit. I know better. Do right dammit dont make me come to your house.
  19. You should be ashamed of yourself.. Calling somone a newbie.. I expect more outta you my friend. :angry5:
  20. :haha: Im the type that cant stand to see an animal hurt.. but DAMN Randy hits that bird at 100 mph LOL. Just feathers and ass left.
  21. Dude that is sick looking. Very Nice.
  22. The dude that is in the back seat opening the door trying to knock the kid off the bike is THE BEST. HE tries to knock a lil kid off his bike and gets plowed in the face by a car. I love it. The only other one with merit IMHO is Randy J smacking the bird. I'm a animal lover but damn thats just sick.
  23. No reason... MS is just so fun to take shots at. Mainly because they have built themselves up to ginormous status and they will fall hard one day. Like AT&T.
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