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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. :evil6: You know what sucks ass. I was at home when I did that and my wife was talking to me. I said I think I just spelled potato wrong.... eh fuck it nobody will call me on it. :haha: :haha: If you have never been you should. Its beautiful. Plus its so cold you get frost bite in 3.2 seconds and cant feel shit from the hair down. Very cool job. Wish mine was that interesting. Uhhh... I just had a vasectomy. So your to late I just paid someone to do that for me.
  2. Now if that is the case absolutely. If you got permission go for it. If its like a neighborhood policy that is VERY cool too, but if someone opts out of it they should not be included. I guess ethically people should know better than to log onto others networks without permission but at the same time if you have no protection turned on you would be daft to think nobody would log on. So you say potatoe I say breakfast burrito. If you dont want people on just lock it up easy as that. Now we all know what each other thinks lets move onto something IMPORTANT. Come on people like who has the best hamburger (fuddruckers) or who has the best chineese food (Napolies in Nome Alaska).
  3. Alright now this is not gonna turn into a flame thread, no personal attacks, everyone can state their opinion without attacks. Bottom line if someone is paying for something and someone else takes it,that is stealing. Same thing applies to satelite tv, you can buy a box to get all the channels for free it doesnt make it "free tv" you go to jail. Someone else pays for it then you take it without their permission and you got yerself the definition of theft. Yup I said yerself, im from texas.
  4. Sorry VyraX man a thief is a thief. If you take internet that is not yours your a thief. No other way to cut it. If it is a public hotspot that is one thing, a private wireless router is another. I have kids and I will discourage mine from breaking the law all around. No drugs, no stealing and no hacking (messing with crap that is not yours). But hey thats just me. A wrongs a wrong. (period) This makes me happy to hear. I hope they fully prosecute all thieves (criminals) of any nature.
  5. If I have ever seen a good reason to break the law THIS is it. Honestly, there is nothing more valuble than laughter (maybe money, sex, egg rolls and Adult Swim) and that would be funny.
  6. You know you want it *insert emoticon that rubs its own nipples but CA3LE is too damn lazy to make for me*
  7. I get some shit right every once and a while. And yea the mods are a pretty good family around here. When daddy (ca3le) aint drunk and cousin eddy (swimmer) inst starting all sorts of rig a maro. Not only does it look ok to me, but the Confucius part couldnt be more true.
  8. Yes you absolutely may post a link in your sig. As long as you are not advertising or trying to get a commission from other members. # Currently maxed at 700 characters
  9. :haha: You guys quit talking shit about my toothpicks.
  10. Na but stool softeners was. Thats what you use if the first 5 mornings dont do the trick, and you move from the yard to the porch. Or right beneath the driver side door of the car. Stealing bastards.
  11. This topic has been moved to Online Gaming Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16598.0[/iurl]
  12. Im thinking someone needs to stay away from the Starbucks... and internet slang book from the late nineties. :haha:
  13. Welcome. Glad to have ya here. As for the posting procedure just try to get it in the right area and dont act like a jerk and your home. If you put a post in the wrong place we will move it for you no big deal. As for your problem, is there a reason you do not trust what adobes site says? Are you having trouble on sites that use shockwave?
  14. In case your wondering his authentication process involves getting you drunk and then saying " HEY, hey you can trust me... did you cheat to get that thumb drive." So when it happens be ready. Either that or he will tie a string to a tin can and try to eavesdrop on you with it. Its sad to watch, he does it to me all the time.
  15. I used only this while in an apartment for 3 years and nobody got on it was the only thing to stop them. BTW If they were my neighbors I would take a huge shit in their front yard everymorning. Put a toothpick in it with a note. The note shall say "Stealing wireless internet is Shitty." BWAAAHAHAHA get it I said "shitty" ..... its funny because it is true.... no seriously... I have done it before. But I was high and wireless internet was not the problem. The problem was solved. I make sure to eat a mexican buffet the evening before.
  16. No prob man hope it does it for you. I didn't mention earlier that you get both of them with no restrictions for free.
  17. If he is a new member then you and your father should get one. Of course this is my understanding and CA3LE's word is obviously final.
  18. I dont have time to help with your paticular problem due to the fact im at work. http://www.download.com/Mp3nity/3000-2141_4-10385825.html?tag=lst-0-2 This is a great free program though and has a nice id3 tag editor. Oh for a great tag editor I use http://www.download.com/TagScanner/3000-2141_4-10354245.html?tag=lst-0-7 It is the bomb. Hope this helps.
  19. HEY do mods count? Im poor as hell I could hock that flash drive. Good luck everybody.
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