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Everything posted by SuperG03
I agree, I would much rather take the possibility of 10 Mbits up rather than 50 Mbits down. I think 30/10 or even 20/10 would be absolutely amazing. I doubt Verizon will offer that type of up on a residential line without a substantial fee, but heres hoping they do. SuperG03
Verizon has announced that it has finalized plans on the G-PON replacement for the current B-PON technology. This has the potential to provide ridiculous speeds to each home. Currently with B-PON it is 622 Mbits down split to 32 houses, and 155 Mbits up split to 32 houses. With G-PON this will grow considerably to 2.488 Gbps down split to 32 houses, and 1.244 Gbps up split to 32 houses. Obviously these speeds won't be actual internet speeds, but will allow Verizon to offer other various services to the house, such as possibly an all IPTV based video system. For complete information, read here: http://www.broadcastnewsroom.com/articles/viewarticle.jsp?id=53332 This is really cool, and will be fun to watch. SuperG03
Oh my bad, I didn't see it, probably because I just looked in the FIOS section, since it is FIOS related. But yeah, that link provides the official press release from Verizon, Thanks. SuperG03
Man, Verizon has just increased its speeds again for FIOS. My friend, who lives in NY, just showed me what he could get. He decided on the 20/5, but man oh man 50 down is just ridiculous. If anyone has this, please post some speed tests. Especially try http://speedtest.verizon.net and choose the appropriate speed tier. I just hope Verizon hurries up and makes these speeds available in my area (TX). Here they don't even have 20/5 yet. They have 30/5 for like $180, which is just crazy. Loving the push to 100 Mbits down. SuperG03
I am not sure exactly what your problem is, but I can tell you what I am doing. I am using the DI-604, and a linksys wireless behind it, but it should work just the same with a netgear. In my setup, you have a double NAT configuration. If you don't want to do that, then the following information will not be of much use. First, you must login to the dlink router. The dlink operates in the 192.168.0.x range. Once logged in, assign a static ip to the netgear router, i.e. enter the netgear's mac address, and give it a 192.168.0.whatever address. Once done, remember that address and goto the DMZ section of the dlink and add the address you assigned into the DMZ. Basically, what this does, is allow all information to be passed to the netgear router, and let the netgear handle the firewall / SPI duties. The dlink should be using PPPoE to connect to the Verizon FIOS internet (WAN), that is no problem. Make sure the DLink is set to DHCP for the LAN side. At this point, you have the WAN port of the DI604 connected to the home run from verizon's setup (going to the ONT). Now, plug a cable in from the WAN port of the netgear into port 1 of the DI-604. Then connect a computer to the netgear (wired or wireless), and log into the netgear router. Inside there, setup all the normal features / security you would want if it was the only router connected to the internet, but use a different subnet, so instead of 192.168.0.x use say 192.168.1.x range, and make both the WAN and the LAN use DHCP. That should be it. You should now be able to connect any computer either plugged into ports 1-4 on the netgear, or wirelessly, and you should be able to access the internet. If you have any other questions, feel free to post. Good luck, and let me know how it goes. SuperG03
I too use GrabIt. I agree that by initiating all 8 connections at the same time, I can get a faster speed. However, it will still not utilize even close to all 15 MBits of the connection. I am not sure why I cannot get those full speeds. Any Ideas? Thanks. SuperG03
One quick update. I just tried out a trial usenet server, just to test. They give 1.5 Mbits max to header d/l. I just tried it, and I am getting that, so I know it is possible. Is something wrong with the verizon server? Why can I not get better speeds from them? Any ideas? Thanks. SuperG03
Hi all, I was just wondering what speeds people with the 15/2 FIOS connection were getting on news.verizon.net? Mine for some reason seems to be painfully slow, and I don't know what is wrong. I have tried two different apps, GrabIt & NewsBin Pro, both give poor results. I just tried using GrabIt, and when I went to d/l the headers from a group, it was transfering at like 500 Kbits (55-60 KB / sec), which to me seems very slow for a 15 Mbits down connection. Is this normal? Any ideas what I need to fix to get better speeds? Do I need to forward any ports on my router, etc? Thanks. SuperG03
One more thing. Just as a point of reference. When d/l at my FULL 15 Mbits, it requires 500 Kbits of u/l (just to send ACKs and whatever else for the full d/l). So at 30 Mbits, you would probably require a full 1 Mbit to get the 30 d/l. So even at u/l at 4, and wanting to get the full 30 is pushing it, because you don't really get all the way up to 5 Mbits anyways, probably more like 4.8 or so. For example, I have never seen, my self included, anyone with 15/2 fios get 2.0 up on speed tests. They pretty much get 1.8 or 1.9, but never 2.0. If you u/l at about 3.5, I would think you should get 30 down no problem. If you were to u/l at 4 I would think you should be able to get about 20 no problem. If you u/l at 4.5, you would be pusing it to even get 15 down. And at u/l of 5, you would get virtually nothing d/l. If you want to see for your self the u/l speed needed when d/l at 15 or 30 down, just get a program like DU Meter or Net Medic, and look at it. That is where I see my info. SuperG03
Chais, Ok let me ask a question. I just want to make sure I understand it correctly. When you u/l at 5 (which is your max), you lose almost all of your down speed, right? How about if you upload at only 4 Mbits out of the 5 max, do you still lose all your down? If you do NOT, then it is most likely the fact that your u/l is saturating the d/l. I have the 15/2 connection, and if I u/l at my absolute MAX, then my d/l will come to a crawl. However, if I u/l at just under the max, the my d/l doesn't suffer. This has to do with the ACKs that must be sent to the place you are d/l from. This would in effect slow down everything, including web browsing, because the ACK packets either do not get through or get through very slowly (whenever the u/l gives it a chance, since it is being saturated). Can you please u/l at your max, and then do a traceroute to www.testmy.net and post it here. Also, u/l at only 4 at post a traceroute for then also. And, post one traceroute when there is no u/l or d/l going on. Lastly, where are you located, so we can factor that in. Good Luck. SuperG03
Help with PPPoE on Linksys Router (Possible Screaming ONT)
SuperG03 replied to jhs2's topic in Verizon FIOS
TM, I thought the open PPPoE switch made the screaming ONT problem go away. Is that not the case? Will the screaming ONT problem go away only with DHCP? Thanks. SuperG03 -
You can do that if you want. I have a Linksys WRT54GS. I am however, using it behind the DLink (DI-604) provided free by Verizon. There are two main problems with using the Linksys. First, like TM said, some techs might not provide support to you, since they don't know that router. Second, and more importantly, is that Linksys seems to have an issue with PPPoE over about 10 MBits. For some reason, it chokes on more than that thru the WAN using PPPoE. Using DHCP it doesn't break a sweat even at 15 MBits/sec as is the plan I suspect you have. So for now, since FIOS uses PPPoE, you may want to keep the Linksys behind the DLink. Let the DLink handle the PPPoE duties, and let the Linksys handle everything else, as I have done. You can always try the Linksys, and if the speeds don't keep up, just insert the DLink. Hopefully, FIOS will turn to DHCP, and then this problem will go away SuperG03
Here are mine for comparison (I am also on the 15/2 plan), just completed: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 15472 Kbps about 15.5 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1889 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Jun 20 2005 22:04:02 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 276X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.54 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 363.23 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0K9BW87OG :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1844 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Upload Speed is:: 225 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Jun 20 2005 22:05:09 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 33X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 4.55 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 294.86 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ZDXK2NMLB Tweaking should help. SuperG03
Ok, where to begin. First, FIOS does not have problems with 911 as VOIP does. Your voice on FIOS is just going over the fiber instead of copper, otherwise everything is the same. It is not the same at all like VOIP. Second, yes, FIOS must be powered by the end user. When they come to install, they tell you the ONT and BBU (Battery Backup) must be close to an outlet, because you will be powering the ONT and BBU from your own power. Fiber is a passive network, and doesn't have the ability to power the phone, like copper does. Finally, when the power goes out, you will have about 10 mins of ALL services still running off the BBU. After about 10 mins, if the power has not come back on, YOU WILL LOSE DATA and VIDEO, but NOT VOICE. Therefore, the phones will continue to work for 8 or so hours. However, if you are very concerned about that, you can purchase a UPS (even a cheaper one will do, like ~$30-50), and plug the BBU into the UPS. By doing this, the BBU won't realise the power is out, and won't signal the ONT to drop DATA or Video. Also, the whole system should last a lot longer than 8 hours with the UPS attached (provided nothing else is also attached to the UPS draining the power). Hope that explains everything. Please post if you have any more questions. SuperG03
vitico66, Tweaking is very important, so doing what TM suggests will probably help you. Also, I have never heard of the 15/5 service. It is either 30/5 or 15/2, so I am not sure what you saw on the techs laptop, but if you get 1.8 or 1.9 you will be right with the rest of us on the u/l. Good Luck, and let us know how it goes. SuperG03
True PPPoE changes your IP address everytime you log on with it, BUT, if you just use a router to connect PPPoE to the FIOS connection, then the connection is "always on" and logged in. You can DHCP your internal IPs to your machines, from the router. I had the same IP address for almost a month, because my router was always on, and kept me "logged in". It only changed because I changed some settings on the router which required it to restart, thus getting me a new ip from re logging on. With that said though, I too prefer DHCP to PPPoE, for a couple of reasons. First, DHCP has less overhead, due to no auth info on the packets. Second, it eliminates the "screaming ONT" problem that many people have faced (I have not). When all is said and done, I would pick DHCP over PPPoE. However, it is not always the case that with DHCP you will have an IP address longer than with PPPoE. SuperG03
I was curious so I checked it out. Couple of things caught my eye, which might not make this as good as possible: First, "Up to 10 Mbps, burstable, always-on, equal upload/download connection." Doesn't burstable mean that on long continuous downloads, you will not get the 10 MBits, even if the other server can handle it? Second, "Up to 40 Gigabytes of unidirectional throughput monthly, calculated on inbound or outbound usage, whichever is higher." This one really hurts. You are capped at 40 GB / month? Ouch. 40 GB IS a lot, but the idea of being capped just doesn't agree with me Am I missing something, or is this what you have?
Hey Ronnie, I just checked mine, and it is still normal (15.5 / 1.8 ). I have never gotten 15.8 or 1.9, but mine has not dropped to 13-14. Is it still like that? Weird. SuperG03
netmasta, Yes the DLink supports DHCP to the WAN. For you, are you saying that you are connecting the DLink to FIOS (WAN as DHCP)? Or do you mean your internal LAN is DHCP (meaning your computers behind the router automatically get a 192.168.0.x IP). What TM is talking about is implementing DHCP on the WAN.. When you log into your router, and if you click on WAN, what does it say as the connection type? Thanks.
hupp3l, Here is my link to the tweaks page. http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:38c4110?service=dsl&speed=9999&os=winXP&via=routerpppoe Yours has many things different. Just though I would give it to you as a frame of reference if you wanted. Also, I *think* "The slowest link in the end-to-end path is a 10 Mbps Ethernet subnet" means (first let me guess that you got that from a Web100 speed test site?), that between you and the recieving server, there is a 10MBit connection that may cause your speeds to be lower? That is just a pure guess. Also, quick question. When the verizon tech came to your house to install the FIOS service, did he not test your computer and show you the speeds? The first thing my guy did, after we changed the RWIN and MTU, was to goto infospeed.verizon.net/fttp and run the speedtest, to show I was getting 15 MBits. I even went to this site and a couple others just to make sure (since obviously the verizon site would be as perfect a connection between you and a test site as there could be). But anyways, my question is, were you ever with the tech and shown the 15MBit speed? If not, you may have a actual hardware type problem, not on your end. Maybe between you and the CO, or maybe when he connected the fiber from the line to the ONT, it was even minutely dirty, etc. Just a thought. Like Ronnie said, I would go back to a configuration where it is ONT --> DLink router --> your computer. Have nothing else plugged in. Then set all the RWIN, etc settings back to what I described earlier (as that is what the verizon tech had written in his notes to give to all customers), and then run some speed tests. Try this site, infospeed.verizon.net/fttp and maybe this one as well: http://miranda.ctd.anl.gov:7123/ After all that, if you don't get speeds at or near 15MBits, call them. From my experience they are very prompt at helping. The FIOS support number you have gives you near instant contact with tech support without waiting on hold. And, from other posts I read, they seem to send people out almost the next day after you report the problem. So why not try that. You may find that it is not related to your end, and you could save yourself the time and energy, not to mention frustration. Good Luck, and let us know what happens. SuperG03
Can you please goto: http://www.broadbandreports.com/tweaks run the test, click on results, and then in the last step screen, choose service: dsl, Speed (advertised): 9999 (since it can't do more than 4 digits), OS: whatever you have running, and Connection: routerpppoe and click recommend. Then, it will show you some information and there will be a link under "Still stuck? copy/paste this url:". Please post that URL here, and lets take a look at it. Thanks. SuperG03
Here is my tracert: Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 192.168.x.x 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 192.168.x.x 3 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms 10.x.x.x 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms P6-4.LCR-01.DLLSTX.verizon-gni.net [] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-0-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.DFW80.verizon-gni.net [] 6 4 ms 4 ms 8 ms so-5-1-0-0.gar2.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 7 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms ge-1-2-52.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 8 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms 9 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms dist-vlan32.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 10 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms dist-vlan-42.dsr2-2.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 11 5 ms 4 ms 4 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 12 5 ms 5 ms 4 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. There is one KEY thing I notice though, which obviously helps us. It appears this site resides in Dallas, TX. Just follow the traceroute. It goes from Dallas, TX verizon (dllstx.verizon-gni.net), then through Dallas, TX Level3 servers (Dallas1.Level3.net), then to Dallas, TX theplanet servers (dllstx.theplanet.com). So..., it doesn't really have to travel very far. That is why the ping is so low. Just something to keep in mind. If there is a FIOS customer here, from up in the northeast, I would like to see your tracert to testmy.net. Thanks. SuperG03
Should you get the wired or wireless router from Verizon?
SuperG03 replied to KingCobra's topic in Verizon FIOS
REALLY!?! where did you hear that? Man, it would be much better if it were DHCP. Thanks. SuperG03 -
hupp3l, This is not FIOS problem, it is the router. The Linksys WRT54G or GS have KNOWN problems with PPPoE above about 6 MBits. It appears to be a limitation. I have seen numerous other users report similar problems on different boards. Using DHCP for the WAN connection allows greater than 15MBits, so no problem. I think that is why Verizon went with DLink in the first place, because they were able to use PPPoE at or above 15MBits. What I did, was use the DLink router they gave me to connect PPPoE to verizon. I then hooked my Linksys behind it using DHCP (this allows you to still get your 15MBits, since it is DHCP not PPPoE). Basically I have a double NAT configuration. But, it works beautifully. I get the full speed. Here is a speed test I just ran: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 15436 Kbps about 15.4 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1884 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sun Mar 13 2005 02:47:23 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 276X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.54 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 663.03 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1OLFKMEGH :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1780 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 217 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Sun Mar 13 2005 02:49:09 GMT-0600 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 32X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 4.72 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 436.14 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-T9YBQ8FO5 This is with my computer behind the linksys, which is behind the dlink. That should solve your problem, and allow you to still use the DLink. Hope this helps. SuperG03 EDIT: One more thing, get DrTCP, and set the following: Tcp Recieve Window: 307824 Windows Scaling: Yes Time Stamping: Yes Selective Acks: Yes Dial Up (RAS) MTU: leave blank Path MTU Discovery: leave default Black Hole Detection: leave default Max Duplicate ACKs: leave blank TTL: leave blank Under "Adapter Settings", make sure your ethernet device is selected and then in MTU put: 1492 Click Save and once it says settings saved, close it and restart your computer. Good Luck.