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Everything posted by Cobra

  1. resigned... or banned?
  2. pics a little blurry.
  3. lol free time is my life
  4. sony wont have a chance unless they release the next gta with the ps3.
  5. welcome to the site and great speeds!
  6. **chants 'PSP! PSP! PSP!'**
  7. check all the extensions u can dl. a lot of extra features are there, i guess to make firefox fully customizable and to keep the installer small.
  8. i use it and its better than IE. the only thing i dont like is my lessened test scores...
  9. lol i never got the point of sig testing threads. cant ppl look on a previous post? thats what i do.
  10. dont u have to pay to use the sigx thing? unless u host it on a separate server right? i think making your own sig is better than having everyone knowing exactly what ur doing at that exact moment. unless it showed your screen in real-time, cuz thatd be pretty bad-ass
  11. Cobra


    thats.. so.. beautiful.. that cpu itself needs a pimp rating!
  12. lol, i saw that bit of subliminal messaging u put near the end. when i heard what song was playing, i just started laughing and laughing...
  13. does the new site have anything to do with testing signal strength? cuz thatd be freakin awesome!
  14. hmm i might wanna check to see if optonline comes near here. we pay 40 bucks a month for cox high speed 5mbps and testmy scores rule, but actually downloading isnt as good as it should be. lol CA3LE u should recommend to the higherups at cox to add extra email features cuz right now cox webmail sucks. (i know thats totally offtopic, but im too lazy to start a new thread, but not lazy enough to stop typing this increasingly pointless sentence )
  15. i found the topic with the runner-up! woooo! i made another one with one of them, same style as the first banner. i like the first better, but maybe thats just me: if i can find the bulldog pic, i might make a different style, but the other runner-up pic wouldnt fit into a style that the bulldog would fit in- itd be better in one like these two that i made. lol the artwork guy is freaky, making all these creepy monsters.
  16. lol dont fight it- just appreciate it.
  17. i dont need that cuz firefox has the gmail notifier thing
  18. i will, what ur current email? i cant seem to get rid of the invitations cuz almost everybody at my school use yahoo and they dont seem to believe me that gmail kicks yahoo ass.
  19. that was funny when the aero-thing rammed into u and u died. lol sry for me naming it improperly, but ive got a ps2
  20. well great job, i never would have know how to get that brushed steel type effect
  21. yellow... not a color i would expect to see in a control room. btw, odysseus, pimpin' sig man. i think could replicate all of that except the border (if i had the time ). is that a pattern overlay? and how u get the holes in the side of the border? (the ones that look liked something very small bit a bit of the border off)
  22. lol thats y urs and ca3le's is at the top
  23. ok, imma start working on them again- i was working on a sig for a sig of the week contest at the gfx forum i go to. it was a socom theme: anyways, does anyone still have the pic of the dog from the old mascot? or some of the runners-up from the choosing of the new one?
  24. Cobra

    Halo 2 !!!!

    i was more excited about gta: san andreas than those. it gets news coverage every time a new one comes out. 'this game is more violent and racial than ever' the only reason theyre bein so hard on it this time is because theres black ppl in it.
  25. is there a name to this program so we can test it out from there? this prog could really help some peeps.
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