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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. as for me, this is the fastest i got today. thank you Smartbro 8/23/07 9:40am MNL time
  2. @ tonio from my own point of view, your Access Point (base station) has been upgraded. doesn't Smartbro deserve a gratitude for the speed you are currently receiving? @ saiji123, i think what tonio meant was 500+ kbps which is far differnt from 500Kb/s. @ george_1818 i guess the change in your external ip is caused by using a proxy or this is the external ip currently being assigned to you by your access point (base station). kudos to those who obtained faster speeds at this moment!
  3. just posted that info so others will know. hmm. if you didn't touch anything to make it just that... I think your base station has been upgraded. congratulations.
  4. In using a proxy server (for example, anonymizing HTTP proxy), all data sent to the service being used (for example, HTTP server in a website) must pass through the proxy server before being sent to the service, mostly in unencrypted form. It is therefore possible, and has been demonstrated, for a malicious proxy server to record everything sent to the proxy: including unencrypted logins and passwords. By chaining proxies which do not reveal data about the original requester, it is possible to obfuscate activities from the eyes of the user's destination. However, more traces will be left on the intermediate hops, which could be used or offered up to trace the user's activities. If the policies and administrators of these other proxies are unknown, the user may fall victim to a false sense of security just because those details are out of sight and mind. The bottom line of this is to be wary when using proxy servers, and only use proxy servers of known integrity (e.g., the owner is known and trusted, has a clear privacy policy, etc.), and never use proxy servers of unknown integrity. If there is no choice but to use unknown proxy servers, do not pass any private information (unless it is properly encrypted) through the proxy. In what is more of an inconvenience than a risk, proxy users may find themselves being blocked from certain Web sites, as numerous forums and Web sites block IP addresses from proxies known to have spammed or trolled the site. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server
  5. better do some cleanin & tweakin
  6. @ mr. gorman yes, it's still a phone but sort of techie. @dlewis23 thank you for the information. in the Philippines, we can switch carriers easily by changing our Subscriber Identification Module or "SIM" card. there is what we call "open line". N95 is in my list.
  7. Hey guys! I am currently in the process of selecting which cellular phone to buy to replace my old Nokia 6600. My requirements are: 1. Should be user-friendly (easy-to-use). 2. Wide screen with the best colors. 3. Faster internet connectivity. 4. 6x zoom or better 6. Clearer photos even during nightime. 7. Direct USB printer and PC connectivity. 8. With multi-media support (mp3/mp4, video, etc.) 9. Budget: $500-$700 (Php24,000-Php30,000) Your suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  8. 08/23/07 9:40 MNL time
  9. hey guys, here's the email i got from SmartBro CS, re: my request for the upgrade of my base station. Dear Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxx, We appreciate your gesture of providing us with the requested information. We regret to inform you though that the base station where you are homed was not yet included in the upgrade. Nevertheless, you may continue to enjoy the 384Kbps maximum bursting speed of our broadband service. On this note, we have endorsed your complaint to the concerned group for proper handling through Service Request (SR) No. xxxxxxxxxx. You may use said SR number should you wish to check on the status of your concern. Please await a call from our authorized representative. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you. Thank you for constantly communicating with us. Sincerely, Shirley League Customer Care It's so disappointing!
  10. actually its the older version of the canopy sm. better set DL to 5000 and UL to 2000 totalling 7000 on aggregates
  11. congratulations @ gourame. nice speed!
  12. no its not a bug. here are definitions so you will have a full understanding of what a proxy server is: A proxy server is a computer network service which allows clients to make indirect network connections to other network services. A client connects to the proxy server, then requests a connection, file, or other resource available on a different server. The proxy provides the resource, possibly by connecting to the specified server, or by serving it from a cache. In some cases, the proxy may alter the client's request or the server's response for various purposes. Also called a "proxy" or "application level gateway," it is an application between the connection between sender and receiver. All input is forwarded out a different port, closing a straight path between two networks and preventing a cracker from obtaining internal addresses and details of a private network. Source: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&defl=en&q=define:Proxy+Server&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title
  13. first of all, im a smartbro user but not "old" :2funny: kidding aside, please have the aggregates set to 5000 for DL and 2000 for UL for a total of 7000. it means you are allocating more for downloading which I believe is necessary in most cases. you're lucky you have an "old" version of the canopy sm.
  14. @ karvine and snip07 thanks guys! as soon as my blog will be fully developed, i will put a portion there where contributors like you can post insights and ideas regarding computers and internet.
  15. you said it. actually, i applied for a free professional license for cFosSpeed and using the trial version as well as advertising the product in my Blog (or the websites I surf more often) have been required.
  16. @oemchips welcome to the 600+ club!
  17. All I Wanna Do Is a Zoom Zoom Zoom and a Boom Boom... 8/22/07 9:40 am MLA time Aiming for the 700 benchmark
  18. 8/22/07 9:18am MLA time
  19. I would like to share a review of this product which I found at http://www.macalua.com/2006/10/21/globe-visibility-finally/ Oct 21 Globe Visibility - Finally! Posted (Marc) in Corporate Shit on October-21-2006 So I signed up for the Globe Visibility mobile broadband service a few days back as a backup to my on again off again PLDT myDSL. I got the Visibility 2000 package with the matching white Huawei E220 HSDPA USB modem. I have a Dell Inspiron E1505 and the newer Dell models only come with the ExpressCard slot (no PCMCIA) so I couldn
  20. nice speed you got there. it's within the acceptable range.
  21. UPDATE: A few more days of observation and I will be posting here at TMN and on my Blog how to use cFosSpeed trial version effectively.
  22. but at least your speed increased.
  23. i am promoting it in my blog. i applied for a free professional license.
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