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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. there you go. in my own experience, i usually reformat my pc after uninstalling cfosspeed. there must be something in that program that alters the registry keys coz it always slows down speed whenever it is uninstalled.
  2. a sandwich will do. when they configure your canopy sm, be sure that your web browser history retention is on.
  3. nope. here, i am posting all the info with regards to bits & bytes, this one's from http://www.whatsabyte.com/ Megabytes, Gigabytes, Terabytes
  4. if its not giving you satisfactory speed might as well use the 500 / 1500 setting?
  5. there should be a room for pldt scores and screenshots.
  6. remember that kB/s is far different from kbps
  7. hey fr0st did you try the 448 and 1024 setting in the canopy sm?
  8. good for you. i suggest that this time, befriend them. it will translate to better speed
  9. yeah rock on yeah baby yeah :headbang:
  10. nice speed jhobhe, it can be improved though.
  11. oh well. welcome to tm.n forum bobby. @ thugster_9904 i wanna be a wanna-be but there's no opportunity. wahaha kidding!
  12. welcome to the world of tweaking. if you say your computer's slow, would you mind if we ask for the specs?
  13. it seems like we're conquering pldt mydsl pretty soon. hope there's a thread for them here. How would you like to start the thread saiji123?
  14. 'twas my friends' shop. yeah, try the 3000 kbps slider point. set it to optimal settings. it will detect your RWin automatically
  15. very nice. seems your'e getting better in the frontline huh @ fr0st?
  16. what conversion did you do? just divide the score by 8.
  17. (off-topic) idiot scammer
  18. flush it. or its gonna stink
  19. as i was posting before disgruntled smartbro subscribers are as many as the stars, the happy ones are like a basket of apples. and i'm an apple.
  20. yes that is absolutely right. before you speedtest, be sure to close all other applications, run ccleaner, flush the dns, then connect to tm.n for the test.
  21. (off-topic) hehe scammer a victim of his own actions. i like the norton thing. god im not im not even using it as av.
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