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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. wow. very slow. i think the culprit is your color code. you need to change it. look for a color code that's low on jitter (3-1), low on power level (approx. -60) and high on RSSI (600+ or higher) while very heavy rain affect speed. it will just be temporary.
  2. with me is the white box not that black box is that a radio or something?
  3. ok. now, let's go back to the basics: 1. did you change the canopy settings? how? 2. did you tweak using cablenut or tcp optimizer? 2. post your location, distance from smart cellsite 3. tell us your operating system and the softwares you use with regards to: a) anti-virus, anti-spyware/malware/adware firewall c) browser d) any other software installed which might have affected your speed. post your answers to those questions. i'll try to help. hope others will too.
  4. i believe this thread is hot and getting a lot of viewers. i hope this will be stickied too.
  5. the device you are referring to is a junction box w/c is mounted in case the black meridian wire does not suffice. once mounted, they will provide a white extension Cat 5 wire to be able to reach your lan card.
  6. Update on my sig. check out the link.
  7. don't worry with that (205.54) there. (i guess) it is an ip assigned by your dns. what usually appears is ..."of your host smartbro.net" if your ip is shown truthfully.
  8. In case you got a canopy sm new version, try these: 1. set your Sustained Uplink and Downlink data rates to 500 (both) 2. set your Uplink and Downlink Burst allocations to 1500 (both) 3. find an AP (color code) that is low on Jitter (1-3) & Power (-73 dbm or lower) and high on RSSI (600 or higher) 4. save then reboot canopy sm.
  9. your using TCP Optimizer right? Try to slide it to 512 then observe for 2-3 days.
  10. now its time to aim for the 600+ club.
  11. finally! welcome to the 400+ club!
  12. 200+ kbps is slow although its pldt. the test was on a pc connected to a router. but after tweaking the result was awesome!
  13. not yet mr. steel. will wait for your research to complete. thanks a lot.
  14. ours is wi-fi w/c is its intermittent while bayantel is cable. that explains it.
  15. you don't have to update it. you just have to configure it correctly.
  16. @ gourame its nice to know you drop by once in a while. we will be glad to hear from you again man.
  17. good morning mr. steel is it true that you can't access the canopy web interface from a pc from another AP?
  18. just curious. so you have pldt mydsl in your shop while its smart bro at home. how's that? can't decide which is which? you can do better with pldt mydsl. i conducted a tweak test in a computer shop last week. i used TCP Optimizer for the test. before tweaking the speed scored 200+ kbps. i downloaded and installed TCP Optimizer, set the slider at 3000 kbps and take a look, here's the score:
  19. Use your charm. Ask the technician to leave your canopy webpage open so you can configure it later.
  20. the old version is better you say made me remember what my colleague always tells me, that when a man gets older he gets better, when a woman gets older she gets cheaper :haha:
  21. maybe, your own canopy is limiting your speed which makes your tweak useless.
  22. 8/16/07 11:35 am MNL time
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