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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. 8/22/07 8:09am MLA time
  2. i have read from somewhere that Globe HSDPA called "Visibility" speed is 1.8 MB/s. But to some sort of humility, Globe will tell its subscriber that max speed of Visibility is only 1.4 MB/s
  3. @jun101ph welcome back. what happened to your connection? your posts some time ago are exactly the opposite to your posts now.
  4. @ angus25 welcome to the forum. we are glad you gained something from the tweaks we posted here. just be patient. the heavy rains will end soon.
  5. Welcome to the forum @ news4la. Your inputs will be a great contribution to the TMN Community especially for members coming from the Philippines. We are glad you are here.
  6. would you mind if we ask for another screenie. without uTorrent working in the background. please use Opera.
  7. @ snip. what was your speed before you got 300+?
  8. uhmmmm. we're just friends. (showbizzy )
  9. lol expect a no reply. it will be impossible to upgrade to 7MB. no where in the philippines. wow. better re-email them and specify your requirement.
  10. its scary. it says Network Accessibility then you go "Public"? :2funny:
  11. i have to correct myself. the one i first posted was a data card also used for HSDPA connection. here's the one we are talking about. with some info, take a look.
  12. did you specify that what you wanted is the downgrading of your canopy software and not the canopy itself?
  13. (off-topic) lol not yet. isn't she pretty huh? we work at the same office.
  14. is this the setting in question? mine is local.
  15. welcome to the tm.n community @ redsled23. smart bro is ok for webcam streaming. here's what your fiance should do. 1) find out if there are better ISPs in Dipolog City besides SmartBro so you will have options. 2) If there's none, have her request from smart techs assessment of the location where the smartbro antenna will be installed if its compliant to smartbro speed requirements (ie distance of location, no barriers like tall buildings, trees etc) 3. in case you subscribe to SmartBro anyway, install Skype on the laptop. Skype is better than yahoo when it comes to webcam streaming and realtime functionality.
  16. @fr0st does opera have an issue?.
  17. nice find frost
  18. internet download manager. just right click and you can download flv files. http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html
  19. yeah i did. took the liberty of posting a pic that catches attention.
  20. @ titan_rain welcome to the forum. If the 20 steps worked for you, please visit and bookmark http://coolbusteratyourservice.blogspot.com/ Vote for YES in the poll at the bottom of the webpage. Thank you.
  21. @ angus25. first of all, we welcome you to the thread and the community as a whole. we are pleased that the 20 steps helped you maximize your speed which now is in a range closer to what you pay for and what you are supposed to get in the first place. the reasons for your sustained DL and increased UL are: 1) the tweaks work 2) you speed tested in a time of the day when there are more users in your access point who are downloading than uploading. here are my suggestions: 1) observe the stability of your speed for one week, speed test at least 3 times a day (early morning, peak hours in the afternoon or evening and at dawn), post your speed. 2) try to increase your RWin to the "value of 8" if it increases your DL. 3) regularly clean your pc. Hope that will help. BTW, if the tweaks worked for you, please visit and bookmark http://coolbusteratyourservice.blogspot.com/ Vote for YES in the poll at the bottom of the webpage. Thank you.
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