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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by snip07

  1. yeah maybe your basestation is having problems or too many users are connected
  2. my highest speed so far! 3 more Kbps and im on 400 club btw i used IE for that coz firefox is not really good for speed tests
  3. i'm using IDM its super fast download speeds, the best download manager for me
  4. quickfix is a tool for checking your smartbro connection, a tool by smart broken but it has many bugs
  5. @coolbuster2007 wow! your speed reached 100kb/s is that true?
  6. my speed tested at 7:36 AM 8-24-07
  7. the older canopy version has 7mbps aggregate unlike the new one with only 1mbps aggregate...
  8. cool that would be nice
  9. mine as of 6:50 PM today pretty slow in the afternoon but when i download torrents, the speed goes up to 30kB/s weird...
  10. save your mac address after getting it before its too late...
  11. they only take actions when it comes to that
  12. yeah feel free to post questions we're here to help other people
  13. wow globelines wireless sounds nice! is it available nationwide? in mindanao? i cant wait!
  14. yeah nice blog you got there coolbuster its very helpful for starters in tweaking
  15. i think your download and upload data rate should be balanced so that you can get good speed
  16. i hope it will be posted soon
  17. nice coolbuster keep it goin good luck!
  18. yeah at least my speed is better now
  19. tested at Wed, 08-22-07 8:29 AM
  20. i got only speed between 200-270 kbps but now its between 300-370 kbps. not stable though still crappy smart broken!
  21. i set it to local
  22. yep you could do that too if you want proxy for other sites
  23. yep dont use proxy when accessing to your canopy directly
  24. right cablenut really improved my speed!
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