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Everything posted by snip07

  1. yep its only 3 there are only 4 octet in an IP address.... 10.x.x.x
  2. no after you set the lan ip then you type your ip in the browser
  3. first do these steps 1.) go to network connections in the control panel 2.) right click on the local area network 3.) highlight Internet Protocol and click on properties 4.) set to Use the Following IP address 5.) set the IP Address to "" 6.) set the Subnet to "" 7.) leave the gateway blank 8.) leave the DNS blank 9.) apply the changes
  4. good for you your canopy is within reach! well good luck then
  5. btw coolbuster are the dns' of public dns fast?
  6. you can find your ESN # at the back of your canopy and you can convert them to decimal coz they are hexadecimal then you input in the browser 10.x.x.x where x.x.x is the last 3 #s of your mac address then thats your canopy IP. that's what i've rad but not sure if it really works havent tried it
  7. yeah maybe or there's another way to access your canopy, If you know your ESN# or Mac Address you can access your Canopy page, but for me since my antenna is too high cant climb it, Cant get my MAC address
  8. same here dude, cant access my canopy since my account last year, until my renewed account maybe the tech enabled the block thingy in canopy page im gonna schedule a field visit! so that when they fix my connection I will see them configuring it
  9. I got 10MBps now but it doesnt matter, My friend also experenice 10mbps but he has the same speed of 60KB/sec download...so its no different when you have 10mbps, its the lan card, the max speed you can get...
  10. Its blocked i think.....
  11. got my highest speed but still not the fastest!
  12. Last night SmartBro just called me thru my CP and i told them that my net is slow and sometimes offline, he checked my line and said my line's fine, the problem is in the base station, there's a technical problem daw. He also said to wait after 24 hrs and if still not good then I have to call them again and he also said that i have to wait for the base staion to be fixed but I already waited so long and until now its not fixed...
  13. Mine as of 4:10 PM
  14. me i go for animes, movies, tv series
  15. here's my speed today at 4PM
  16. yep its not on the list too bad
  17. try http://www.dyndns.com/
  18. uhmm but denmark is not on the list of pfconfig
  19. i think its an anime coz the tracker is boxtorrents
  20. try and try until you succeed go for it coolbuster!
  21. i did all the tweaking guys... from cablenut(my speed got better), canopy page(failed coz its blocked)
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