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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by xoxsquallxox

  1. all i can say if u dont have option for ur internet provider then go with it.. make sure to say to the installer that u want to have a good line of sight for the signal and make sure it is connected to the nearest possible base station. well if ur still not satisfied to the speed that ull get in smart u can try tweaks that is already posted in the forums
  2. im downloading quick fix right now i wonder if it can help me change my base station
  3. im using nvdia video card right now 64mb memory right now my ram is 320 and im planning to buy a 256 mb sd ram so it will be a total of 512mb because i have 3 slots and i will remove the 64 mb ram card, but i was thinking even i got 1gb ram i think its the process that matters correct me if im wrong...
  4. what do you mean about that quick fix? what does it do?
  5. well i read about changing base stations and i tried changing my color code because ive seen a color code that has high rsi and low jitters. but when i change my color code and try to use the internet again i am always redirected to the smart portal and when they authenticate my account the msg appears system change detected that my account was deactivated call the number shown in screen. but when i restore my old color code i dont encounter any problems and i can use the internet online again any idea on ths?
  6. to all techie guys out there any suggestions in my canopy heres the details of my canopy status so far. anyway i already divided my 1 Mbps agregate to 500 and 500 any suggestion is welcome
  7. go on with the sayings try and try until you ()*^#$)^# we will boost our speed to 1mbps and higher ika ni buzz light year to infinity and beyong
  8. thats bad... hope everythings ok now
  9. im curioused on download speed of coolbuster cause i know even u reached 700 kbps speed i know were capped with a download speed of 46 kbps correct me if im wrong
  10. well after i finished making my overide plug i went to the roof and opened my canopy i insert the overide plug in the left slot that is availble and went down again and opened my computer and plugged my canopy adaptor.. then i changed my ip adress to subnet mask to 255.255.000. then i open my opera broser and entered then walla! i can opened my canopy again using the default ip
  11. i manage to access it now im playing with it again. i dont have to worry anymore if i change something and make my canopy not accesible again cause i always can reset it to default.. anyway good luck to others hus trying it all i can say it works
  12. ohh never mind i manage to make it work. i just didnt restart my computer thats all
  13. im trying the overide plug at the moment should i remove first the other plug that is connected to my other pc then insert my rj 11 first? then i insert my plug that is connected to my computer... or i dont need to remove the plug that is connected to my pc. what should be done... after this. is this correct i should change the ip adress to then enter in the browser thanks
  14. ohh i forgot its philippine currency.. about ram im using sd ram at the moment and its only p3 800 mhz thats why im planning to upgrade my procesor and mother board
  15. it really does exist i also got 12 of them at the moment. i might use my sisters cam to get some pics of it and post it here
  16. well first of all my pc specs im using is this at the moment PIII 800 mhz 320 sd ram i gone to the mall looking for a good upgrade to my pc and heres what ive seen so far. - this is a 2nd hand store shop and heres what their best offer so far PIV 2.4 ghz 2,600.00 256 dd ram 1,350.00 socket 423 PIV mother board 1,480.00 i went to complex store in another mall and heres what i have been offered their and take note this all of this is brand new Celeron D 3.10 ghz 2,550.00 Gigabyte mother board 3,000.00 256 dd ram 1,315.00 another procesor of them is dual core 1.6 ghz which is 4,210.00 and same main board and ram above... i only got a limited budget and whats the best and affordable in my budget to buy in there. i always play online games and surf online when i use the pc so i need some suggestions to help me decide in here
  17. for those have a problem who used cfospeed and uninstalled it and did not removed all the items and in the registry that comes up with it heres what you shud do. 1. download cfospeed again and install it where you installed it the last time so it will overwrite the items from the last installed cfospeed. 2. uninstall it again and make sure if it asked if u want to remove some parts make sure to say yes. 3. after that run ccleaner to remove the junk of your pc. then click the issue tab there run and analyze and fix your registry that should fix the problem. have fun
  18. tested on 16:00 manila time aug. 23 i did some tweaks and tested again tested on 16:10 manila time aug. 23
  19. ur lucky ur agregate is 7000 while mine is only 1000 jst edit your QOS and divide it like this down is 3500 up is 3500 and see if u notice a change of speed... anyway save your macadress you might get block by smart like mine
  20. @tonio it depends.. just monitor your speed and try to download something to prove that youre connection is reall stable and fast
  21. hi and welcome to the forum parafina just read this on how to tweak your smart connection to speed up your internet http://www.testmy.net/t-20438.0
  22. ive been using cfospeed as of now i think its doing its job.. it has a 30 day trial so no lose if you like it or not
  23. much better if you have in what to get for your isp. in my opinion subscribe for smart but just for your last resort.. regarding speed they cant give you their 100% customer satisfaction
  24. hhmm :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 318 Kbps about 0.32 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 39 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 24 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 3 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2007/08/21 - 10:28am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JVASOW7H4 U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-3UDC1NXB2 User Agent:: Opera/9.23 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) [!]
  25. smart has a problem connection due to storms, u shud do the tweaks if our weather is good and you already have stable connection
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