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Everything posted by xoxsquallxox

  1. try massdownloader or orbit download manager both supports downloading what youre looking for their website is http://www.metaproducts.com/mp/mpProducts_Detail.asp?id=3 http://www.orbitdownloader.com/download.htm
  2. this is for the smart company my speed always goes up and down it havent been stable after this past few days.. kaasar nmn tpos n bgyo pero ang connection nten prang binabagyo pren sa kakagapang
  3. im also using open dns. makes my net speed more faster
  4. wb disturbed hope u enjoyed ur vacation
  5. i gone to the mall awhile ago and search for rj 11 6 pin but heres what i have seen and offered when i went there. rj 45 rj 13 rj 9 the last one i seen was an rj 11 but it was only 4 pin connection can i use that? and by the way all CAT5 i see was for an 8 pin connection can i use that also? i checked at the back of my computer and check what pin is connected in my lan card but it was 8 pin.. so i was wondering if the one connected to my canopy is an 8 pin connection also...
  6. cool buster can we talk in yahoo? if yes cn u pm me ur id so we could talk
  7. picture ng windows ko
  8. well sticking in the topics heres my speed after tweaking awhile ago Test Result Details Your connection is: 447 Kbps or 0.4 Mbps You downloaded at: 55 kB/s You are running: 8 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 18.62 second(s) Member Ident:Username:xoxsquallxox CompID:1869316974201 Test Time:: 2007/08/18 - 11:48am Test Browser and OS info: Opera/9.23 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Test ID: VHIW4MZ20 (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 106.94 % faster than the average for host (183.146) This was tested from a 386 kB file and took 7.08 seconds to complete
  9. yes tried using esn but no luck i remember i was playing with my configuration when i was able to access my canopy in the past i enabled DHCP thing and connection to locally i think that was the reason it was locked. anyway if you got yahoo maybe we could talk there
  10. better read this http://www.testmy.net/t-20438 ur connection ur speed might get higher after doing this
  11. hmm i read the thread about the mac adress thing but i dont think i read about my mac adress cause he mentioned my mac adress is supposed to be 10 digit? but in my above info of mwhat i got at the back of my canopy i dont see any consisting of 10 digit there. maybe my mac adress is inside my canopy not at the outer part?
  12. its alright bro, and thanks for the thread i will try that one now
  13. heres what i did. i converted my esn or what they called mac adress from hex to decimal and added 10 in the beggining of it. then i changed my local ip adress to and subnet mask to 255.255.000 and saved it. i putted my ip adress in my browser but it did not work, i even tried adding and subtracting 5 in the last digit of the adress but still not working, well im still trying everything i hope i can access it again
  14. tried converting and its still not working
  15. should i convert all of it or what should i just convert there, i remember i read it in a forum but i dont know exactly where i read that. anyway any help would be apreciated
  16. i tried climbing in our roof cause i cant access my canopy but i can access it before this month also i wonder what i done wrong. anyway wheres my mac adress here heres all info i got in my canopy MODEL # 5760SM PN: 5760SMDD ESN:0A003EFD37A4 FCC ID: ABZ89FC5804 IC: 109W-5700 i heard if i got my mac adress i just convert it to hex to decimal but i dont know where is my mac adress there pls help thanks anyway my location is paranaque we have a smart satelite here its just 30-40 meteres away here
  17. if ur using a dial up mostly the max speed it can get is 26 kbps below so dont expect more from a dial up connection. if u want more speed better invest for a dsl or broadband connection
  18. and download manager tries to find mirrors of the file your already downloading making downloads fast, and that supports resume and pause for some site that allows that
  19. i use 7 zip and winrar but i prefer winrar its more easy and convenient to use 7 zip comes best when its comes to compressing stuffs
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