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Everything posted by becman

  1. @5:49pm @CB is this good enough?
  2. @10:25am (before pacquiao fight...)
  3. it just happened. BAM!.. gone! nothing happens at boot up. have to get a new unit (mobo) next week.
  4. @7:18pm my sis' pldtmydsl. my pc's down 'fried my mobo. tech says i burned 6 capacitors. :buck2: :buck2: :buck2:
  5. it's also ver0.96. well, the screenie was taken at 4% progress and somehow decreased to 50-70kB/s when seeders lessen at around 11% progress . i didn't finish it though coz it'll take more than a day to complete
  6. @philp you know your cars very well. yes, it's a 2004 XJ8 Jaguar, 294HP V8 (but not advisable in my country.. and some dope stole the "cat").. also a souped up '77 BMW 320i 220HP and a '62 CAL-look VW 1.6L Twin-Carb Beetle (i got bitten by the bug since i was a kid and promised myself i'll get one when i grew up). but i drive my mom's Nissan more often I'm from the Philippines BTW.
  7. @kerby just now... my 3rd DL with bitcomet (default settings)
  8. @kerby Ok. Maybe i'll try that next time. I don't like torrents that much. Maybe when i need something again w/c is in torrent.
  9. i haven't made any changes. just the default settings. i don't wanna do anything coz i might mess it up. but if there's someone willing to share what's appropriate, i might...
  10. hey, bitcomet is kinda fast... thanks! (my 2 first ever DL from bitcomet and it average 50-70kB/s - i could never reach that in utorrent w/ smartbro)
  11. IDE is older. Performance, well they say SATA is faster but you can hardly see the difference. Physically: (just look behind the HD... IDE requires the huge cable) IDE: parallel interface SATA: serial interface Serial vs. Parallel The fundamental difference between the two formats is how the data is transferred between the device and the processors. Traditional ATA devices and controllers use a parallel data transfer mechanism. Parallel processing is a fairly common technique where multiple channels of data are sent simultaneously to try and increase the amount of data transferred in a single clock cycle. In the case of the ATA/100 standards used by today's IDE drives and controllers, they send the data across a 16-bit channel. The problem with this type of mechanism is the number of wire required to transfer that data. This is why the ATA cables are so wide. It is necessary to have the 40 or 80 wires required to transfer the data. The problem with this is the interference caused between these wires. At higher clock speeds necessary for faster speeds, the interference between the wires is too great to allow for reliable transmission. Over the last couple of years, many advances have been developed in serial transmission techniques. Specifically through the development of the Universal Serial Bus interfaces. Serial transmissions run across a single control channel compared to the multiple channels of a parallel interface. This means that at the same clock speeds, the serial line will carry less data, but because the serial method requires fewer wires, less interference is generated to cause data integrity problems. This allows for serial transmission methods to run at much higher speeds than the equivalent parallel methods. In the case of the first Serial ATA standard, the clock runs at 1500 MHz compared to a clock rate of 50 MHz of the ATA/100 standard. http://forums.cnet.com/5208-7591_102-0.html?forumID=26&threadID=96396&messageID=1094326 http://www.techspot.com/vb/all/windows/t-30653-Difference-between-IDE-and-SATA.html
  12. @ lexftw you can post a test result so others can help you. 1. do a speed test (use any test size you want) 2. go to the bottom of the result page and hit "click here" 3. copy/paste the code on your next post just wait for the guys to help you out. (i'm no good at this)
  13. wait... what you meant was: you opened it at home and now (when you wrote this) you're at school, right? coz i thought you opened your school lab's smartbro/canopy using IE.
  14. yes, i have an extra enclosure... for an aircon. JK sorry, don't have any. the cheapest i saw (although i didn't really looked hard) was Php1,700.
  15. you may want to create a screenshot of your settings first (or write it down) before you do this but it's quite simple: http://www.testmy.net/t-18616 http://www.testmy.net/t-20597
  16. that's good. i'm not even sure if they still offer the USB coz for all i know they'll profit more on enclosures rather than the cheap USB. it may even be phased out already (IDE-USB).
  17. OT well, we were. but our day jobs keep us from being on the scene. besides, it's only great when you're young but we all know it won't last. ....but we also made sure we got our share of groupies. JK and i agree w/ derek, bullying ain't cool unlike what you see in movies. I used to bully my boss (i've got a 220-pound-5'10"-frame) and now i really regret it. He was well off before he resigned but now he's just a regular employee. i'm not gonna tell you what i did but i made a 45yo man cry... but i've managed to patch things up w/ everyone i stepped on (since hi school) 'cept for him. @CB my speed slowed down. is it ok if i just use TCPOptimizer (no cablenut)?
  18. OT @ lies & kerby maybe i'll attach a link on my sig next time. i dont have a copy myself. @CB well... i wasn't expecting that one. i played w/ some of those bands. the defunct wolfgang, razorback members (manuel and miguel) got out bassist paolo and formed DRT (i'm not into their kind of music ) my band plays more hardcore-heavy stuffs . Eli (Eheads) got interested w/ us b4 and we played a few gigs at his resto. Nathan (Bamboo) jammed w/ me before w/ one of my early bands. Jet (the Dawn) handled our recording and Francis M was shortly our manager. and Mike (sandwich), Jerome (mongols) are my former bandmates even before Teeth. @derek Geeks rock too . But i'm no geek. I just happen to get my first PC since the late 80's and got captivated by the black & green screen eversince. Mac was simply called Apple and ATS Supervision (3D program) was the rage back then. At work, i was referred to as "the Bully w/ the powermac" but i eventually mellowed down when i got married.
  19. @lies bandname's Dogbone (w/c became Pill then Digitalis) and we play originals (pure heavy rock... with groove) @kerby 80's = black shirt, eyeliners, wierd hairdo Now = black shirts, eyeliners, wierd hairdo different music, same look Oh, you're upgraded to 512 already... me, still 384
  20. thanks to CB for the hint.
  21. click REPLY instead of QUICK REPLY
  22. good for you. just as long as it's consistent and at par or more than the advertised speed, it's fine. OT Nice to hear some appreciation with the classics. TOTO is up there in my list. Earth, Wind... is coming too. ...and rock concerts here tend to gather a lot of posers.
  23. OT That is soooo cool - d'old Incubus rocks (they're coming back for another gig here BTW). I know a female bassist. Maybe i could hook you up with her (she's also from cavite). She's looking for a band. Me, I'm retired. You're in Cavite right? I used to live in Pag-Asa, Molino but now I'm in BF Pque (i'm officially a designated Sunday driver for my tired "old" folks) and a little bit of everything is all it takes. On Topic my speed sucks for a few days now...
  24. I think it's the same as O2Jam's requirements. Not much.
  25. oh i see. yes please. ...and Petrucci rocks!
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