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Everything posted by xs1

  1. hmm adware found a few things on mine as well lmao i mean i knew i ahd soem spyware, but O_o...
  2. can someone shut this fucking thread now.. Their no need for all this spam.
  3. i....somehow doubt thats going to be somethign ISP related.. i mean its OOL were talkin about here... mebey you should scan your comp for viruses and spyware and all that jive.
  4. lol almost dead on the mark. Very nice indeed.
  5. ^ yesh.. their isnt realy much you can do with upload :-
  6. yea i doubt your paying as mush as i am for insurence
  7. Because unlike all the other little gamer kids, mommy didnt buy me a new PC. And with insurence, and other car maintinance problems, saving up for a computer isnt the top priority..
  8. hmm ill just post it as i am looking at it Emachines T2385: Intel Celery 2.3 ghz /w System Bus Failure ; Clock speed around 1.2 ghz 512 pc2100 (oldest ddr ever) Nvidia geForce fx 5200 PCI 128mb - best feature on the whole comp cd/rw dvd 1 / 6 usb ports working 2 NIC cards, 1 working integrated gfx - not working intrgrated sound - works when it pleases power button - also not working Logitech wireless kb/mouse CTX 17' Monitor altec XA3021 3.1 surround sound
  9. It wont read your cpu because its old.. lol i know that sounds vague, but thats all there is too it.
  10. Vanburen, remember in another thread you were saying that if you have alot of downloads your ping to your ISP goes up, then i did all thoes tests and it didnt and we couldnt figure out why?... well heres another one for you lol..... - My upload is a constant 42 kb/s When i take the Download test, here at testmy.net my speeds range from 3.0 mb/s to about 3.3 mb/s without any uploads. But i rarely get 3.3 mb/s on large files, and usualy my results on the speed tests are pretty widely spread.. Now heres the odd part. today, i have an upload going at 24 kb/s , which is half of my upload avaliability. I decided to take the speed test just for fun to see it say " ha, your connection sucks" with the upload , of course. And .....somehow my speeds are better WITH the upload........ What the fuck kind of backwards connection do i have here?? Your connection is: 3288 Kbps (about 3.3 Mbps) You downloaded at: 401 KB/s Your TRuSPEED
  11. im paying for 3.0 as well and on small files i get about 5.0 and on large files a little over 3.4
  12. it is free, just have to read it correctly. when you sign-up , they bring you to the buy page.. look closely at the bottom right and it says "continue to modification page" says it very small
  13. http://s1pwnsyou.camaroz.net/BMonitorPro.exe ^ Bandwith Monitor Pro
  14. wow.. thoes are some realy... nice speeds Go verizon i guess lol :::edit::: altho your upload should be in the 90's
  15. Thats pretty good. but from what iv seen all RR and earthlink connections test out about the same
  16. xs1


    Your intelligence is astounding. Go Einstein.
  17. xs1


    since their is only 12 months.... and were in the ...whats that?? thats right 11th month of 12, which is 90% (or whatever) of the year gone. Its called Over - estimation. If you cannot see that, then thank you for proving my point, simpleton.
  18. i have a 386 up and hosted a 16 man server pretty seemlessly.
  19. https://testmy.net/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=2992&st=st&ta=&top=&align=center&
  20. Thats the small test.... try the big 2296 ( or whatever ) and youll see closer to your true® speeds... on the small test anyone can do well :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3981 Kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 486 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 71 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.11 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=BAI8FGVMH
  21. For thoes advertised dsl speeds, your way ahead of the game. You should be very happy.
  22. all rr packages (almost) is 3/368 , and from thoes scores, thats what your on.
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