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Everything posted by brock01

  1. nice man, thanks for the pm about trance
  2. magic iso is good from experience
  3. guess what, i just got it from the hard way and its freaking sweet imma try swimmers way now
  4. ill let you guys now how it turns out
  5. I have guide thing with software on the comp already, comes with a video and stuff, but its hard to do wish there was an easier way
  6. i see, anyone know what it is?
  7. k, whats the software as i have the equip plx?
  8. port for what? you mean forward a port?
  9. does anyone know if its possible to take a flac file and convert it to dts or dd 5.1, or ape files i know you can make your own dts stuff, just wanna know if you can do it from a flac or ape THANKS in ADVANCE
  10. ahh cool, i like it alot
  11. php what do you have there, i like it?
  12. you got any back ground programs running?
  13. earthlink homepage
  14. 1.5 is out!
  15. 0wn3d plx?
  16. brock01

    Earthlink upgrade?

    3 bucks aint much, but if it is for you then good deal
  17. yep, and i just deleted that from my favorites today too
  18. did you set unlimited ammount of connections on utorrent? or did you leave it default
  19. wow swimmer, think exactly alike
  20. did you have wrt54g? did you check to see how many open connections you can have?
  21. i think i read somewhere how one of them works for that, ya and he gets paid, hes got a contract for like 6 months if i remember that ah ha found it http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=1117 when you try to see if youre forwarded your ports in Ut, it shows no and blocks it, because of retspan, Anti-P2P
  22. GIVE ME SOME FEED BACK GUYS ANY HELP IS GOOD HELP RIGHT NOW... love the yelling, makes me wanna help alot!
  23. can you go to any site, or just not the rr home page, and gaming?
  24. nice pings looks real good where you live?
  25. what was the speed of your old modem?
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