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Everything posted by brock01

  1. would i have better performace all around my comp if i did upgrade the psu, like more fps in games, and faster all around speed
  2. ya i have it running hard for 2 years, holla
  3. Alright, i have some questions about my setup,and what would be best for me i have 4 hhds 3 120GB's 1 8GB i have windows xp installed on one of the 120GB's should i partiton that drive or what, on the hd with windows xp i have 103GB free space and you would not believe my system is running off a 250watt psu, factory dell psu, dvd burner, dvd drive, geforce 6600, and other stuff what would i get the best performance out of my comp and should i partition that drive for more space, which i could use
  4. he might know someone who has talked to someone else, who might know, so you never know if he has an idea or not, word gets around like crazy
  5. ya have a good time, sorry bout the stroke
  6. thats sweet man, how much money all together?
  7. i wish brighthouse would brighten up their house and increase at least the upload, both would be nice. 5/384
  8. like 33 processes
  9. stop watch works, how ever you want
  10. from a dead start, 45sec, dvd rom, dvd rw, 4hds,and stuff
  11. isnt there always a problem, hardly anything works without something to be done
  12. thats very nice man, congrats and total cost?
  13. congrats
  14. p2p stuff
  15. nice, and the shark is real funny looking to
  16. ya man, your looking real good
  17. yep very good site, i am just glad that i fixed my WRT54g ver 3, from the connection problem even after all the firmware that was supposed to fix it, i did it on my own, ownage
  18. yaya i know that, i changed somehting, and thats when it started doing that, never did it before on a normal site with ads built it even when i added them into the ad blocker
  19. yes, the unable to connect part
  20. do you see where the blue is, at the top and to the right, how do i make it so that it dosent show up, nevre happned before
  21. anyone? and btw, i just overclocked my video card, it owns now
  22. I restored Firefox back to orgianal condition with firetune, now firefox is slower, and i got those blue boxes with the thing like a site wont load up, i have ad blocker and tell it to block that, and have hosts file and it all worked before, lil help would be appreciated
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