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  1. Tired of physical labour jobs. Been doing hard labour since i was 16 so time for a change of scenery. Definetly want to get into a computer related field. Thinking of network Security as i hear it pays well and doesn't require alot of school. Lots of knowledge yes but actual courses aren't to long. Is there a internationally recognized ticket for this?? I am looking it up with google but would be interested to know if anybody here does this job, or you guys know of other computer related jobs that are cool and pay well, but don't require a ton of schooling. Don't want to code though, not really a big fan of coding for games or websites. Thanks for any opinions or info
  2. lorne

    Computer Locks Up

    Check your Ram with MEMTEST86, check your temperatures with Motherboard monitor 5. Let us know how it goes
  3. Right now i am working in a greenhouse lmao. I was building high performance engines but my boss decided to move shop to another province and i didn't want to move where he was going. Sucks it was a kick ass job.
  4. Here Frappy Frappy Frappy Fraps lets you take screenshots while gamind and auto saves them to a folder. You can also record gameplay with it. Here is one of my clans videos..recorded with Fraps and made with vegas video http://www.websitetoolbox.com/tool/post/jackenheimer/vpost?id=256519
  5. I had the same problem with fraps. The free version would work but not the registered. My drive was fragged up, i defragged re-installed and it worked. Have had the same thing happen with a couple other programs.
  6. Personally i wouldn't get Zone Alarm. I did extensive testing on every firewall i could find. Zone Alarm has so many holes in it you can use it for a strainer. 2 best were Agnitum Outpost, and Tiny Personal Firewall. Agnitum was a brick wall, no leak tests got through and that was with default setup....amazing. Tiny personal firewall only failed one with default setup, so with a little tweek here and there it would be very good also..... Get a Firewall!!!
  7. Well i haven't heard anybody getting a wrong reading from Wcpuid, what does your Bios say. This is pretty crazy if it turns out it really is running that speed. You have a very rare chip if it is true Can i have it
  8. Little program called Wcpuid, works well. Tells you lots of info including a accurate read of your bus and core speed. I think that must be a misread cause you would have to up Vcore manually to get that speed and you would have some heat issues if you have a stock heatsink and fan.
  9. Try going into outlook express>Tools>Options>Security>Uncheck "Block images and other external content in HTML e-mail. Hopefully that will work
  10. Thanks for all the info reverend. That is alot of bandwidth!! 1 thing i don't get is the site should only use bandwidth when users are looking through the forum no?? The only things in the forums would be torrent links to whatever tracker i would setup. I may be way off here but that way people wouldn't be downloading anything from the actual site??
  11. Hmmmm filesharing is legal in canada. And i just happen to live there to. Don't know the first thing about setting up a site though. How much system resources would it take up?? How much bandwidth?? This is a possibility if its not to crazy. I already host a game server on my machine but it takes up little resources.
  12. LOL doesn't really worry me just didn't want to if i could avoid it.Any ip that comes near my comp gets logged so they can try if they want but they will be in for a surprise. S1. i take that as you don't think its possible Thanks for the links Van buren
  13. I would like to setup a way to ping my game server without having to show my IP. I want to put a link on my forums so people can click on it and ping my server. Thing is my server is my home IP so i don't want to post that on the forums. You guys know how i might do this??
  14. Sweet man!! Could you change Lorne to Feldan, if its not to much work that is. Looks awesome to man
  15. You don't have to pay a monthly fee. There are a couple emulator servers for it out there. Same as my Lineage 2 server, the publics you have to pay on mine you don't
  16. Nice sinocide! that probably would have taken me hoursssss
  17. I think that Photoshop CS has a plug in you can get or maybe it comes with it. You can use it to make animated stuff. Again i am not sure about that though.
  18. Wish i had the money to pay my isp to run fiber to my house
  19. Sweet man. L2 is alot better than EQ the graphics are much better and the engine is the U2 engine so gameplay rocks.
  20. I am not bad with photoshop but i want a uber sig that has to do with my Lineage 2 server. if somebody feels like doing this it would be sweet. If ya do feel like it i can send you some screens and wall paper to work with. Thanks either way
  21. That looks cool cobra...would look cooler if i could see the other half
  22. Alexia Toolbar is a splitoff or i guess you could say offspring lol. Gain is still Gain and it is still there they haven't changed there name, just have some smaller little companies that are part of them that they use
  23. LOL First thing that popped up when i went to that site was a offer to install a "Gain advertising Proggy". Gain = Gator who sells your info to third party companies who than plaster you with shit. Gain was the spyware that is bundled with Kazaa. Maybe the DL's from that site are clean but when the first thing that pops up is that it makes me wary. Oh....excuse for what??
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